At the Sixth Wiggers Bernard Conference, a group of scientists from various disciplines discussed new findings relating to nitric oxide synthase inhibitor in shock, sepsis, and organ failure. Dedicated to the presentation and discussion of both positive and negative findings related to the use of NOS inhibitors, the meeting served as a forum for issues relating to specific and non-specific inhibitors, as well as the role of nitric oxide-oxygen radical interactions. Both experimental and clinical data were presented in the trauma and sepsis field.
At the Sixth Wiggers Bernard Conference, a group of scientists from various disciplines discussed new findings relating to nitric oxide synthase inhib...
Fibrin plays a prominent role in wound healing. It has a hemostatic effect, induces cellular response to wound damage,' and, by forming strands to build a matrix, assists in neovascularization and fibroblast proliferation. The concept of using clotting substances from human blood for wound manage- ment and to achieve hemostasis in bleeding parenchymatous organs can be traced to 1909, when Bergel [1] reported on the hemostatic effect of fibrin powder. In 1915, Grey [3] employed fibrin to control bleeding in neurosurgical operations of the brain. A year later, Harvey [4] used fibrin patches to...
Fibrin plays a prominent role in wound healing. It has a hemostatic effect, induces cellular response to wound damage,' and, by forming strands to bui...
Bine prophylaktische Frtihbeatmung soll in einem Schockzustand die Progredienz von Ver iinderungen in der Lunge abbremsen oder verhindern. Differenzierte Atem- und Beatmungs therapien sollen vor allem sekundare Lungenveranderungen vermindern oder verhindern. Solche Veranderungen sind vor allem Atelektasen und Dberbllihung von Alveolen. Bei jedem Schockzustand wird eine differenzierte Atemtherapie notwendig werden. In Abhangigkeit von gleichzeitig vorhandenen Triggerfaktoren wird man eine prophylaktische Frtihbeatmung einsetzen. Diese dient der Prophylaxe eines ARDS, wir sprechen von Frtih...
Bine prophylaktische Frtihbeatmung soll in einem Schockzustand die Progredienz von Ver iinderungen in der Lunge abbremsen oder verhindern. Differenzie...
The last volume in the series Fibrin Sealing in Surgical andNonsurgical Fields discusses various uses of fibrin glue in endoscopic surgery. During the last years fibrin sealant has been established in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers and esophageal fistulae.
The last volume in the series Fibrin Sealing in Surgical andNonsurgical Fields discusses various uses of fibrin glue in endoscopic surg...
These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future Trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, present the state of the art in fibrin sealing. Initially, fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, it has been increasingly applied nonsurgically and we can now say that it has become an integral component of medical treatment. The doubts which have been raised by nonusers about the efficacy of fibrin sealant are no longer valid. The correct indication and technique continue to be...
These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future Trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields"...