Since the end of the nineteenth century the dairy sectors of some industrialised European and American countries have experienced a phase of growth that took place at a different rate and in a different manner in each country, and which was made possible by the availability of raw materials and a more widespread knowledge of scientific and technological methods. The sector's expansion was favoured by a revolution in transport networks, the beginning of globalisation in world markets and, decisively, by advances in packaging and refrigeration techniques. Italy in particular, despite its low...
Since the end of the nineteenth century the dairy sectors of some industrialised European and American countries have experienced a phase of growth...
L'ambivalence de la relation a l'ivresse est au cœur de l'histoire. Depuis l'Antiquite, des hommes et des femmes s'enivrent en s'appuyant sur des arguments complaisants et en laissant de cote les arguments moralisateurs. Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de mieux comprendre cette particularite humaine qui consiste a pouvoir boire sans soif.
L'ambivalence de la relation a l'ivresse est au cœur de l'histoire. Depuis l'Antiquite, des hommes et des femmes s'enivrent en s'appuyan...