Kritischer Beitrag zur aktuellen Diskussion um die Anderung des internationalen Haftungs- und Entschadigungssystems bei Tankerunfallen auf See. Das seit 1969 bestehende und 1992 nur gering uberarbeitete System geriet nach den Unfallen der "Erika" (1999) und "Prestige" (2002) zunehmend in die Kritik. Der Autor analysiert das internationale Haftungs- und Entschadigungssystem, die aktuelle Rechtsprechung und setzt sich hiermit auseinander.
Kritischer Beitrag zur aktuellen Diskussion um die Anderung des internationalen Haftungs- und Entschadigungssystems bei Tankerunfallen auf See. Das...
In jungerer Vergangenheit wurde in Seenot geratenen Schiffen haufig der Zugang zu Hafen verwehrt. Umweltkatastrophen oder Fluchtlingstragodien waren oftmals die Folge. Dies belegen die Falle der Erika, Tampa und Prestige. Ausgehend von dem historischen Nothafenrecht und allgemeinen Notstandsrechten untersucht die vorliegende Dissertation das Recht des Zugangs zu Notliegeplatzen fur Schiffe in Seenot. Sie analysiert dessen Fortentwicklung im modernen Seevolker- und Europarecht sowie im nationalen Recht auch mit Blick auf das Umweltvolkerrecht und Fluchtlingsrecht. Indem diese...
In jungerer Vergangenheit wurde in Seenot geratenen Schiffen haufig der Zugang zu Hafen verwehrt. Umweltkatastrophen oder Fluchtlingstragodien waren o...
In dieser Arbeit werden alle relevanten Bereiche und Rechtsgebiete des Seeprivatrechts daraufhin untersucht, wie sich Streitigkeiten in das System des vereinheitlichten europaischen Prozessrechts einfugen. Dabei wird analysiert, welche Gerichtsstande der EuGVVO fur die jeweiligen Streitigkeiten eroffnet sind und welche seeprozessrechtlichen Probleme sich ergeben. Schwerpunkte sind das Seetransport- und das Seearbeitsrecht. Auslandische Literatur und Rechtsprechung werden zu den wichtigsten Fragen der internationalen Zustandigkeit berucksichtigt."
In dieser Arbeit werden alle relevanten Bereiche und Rechtsgebiete des Seeprivatrechts daraufhin untersucht, wie sich Streitigkeiten in das System des...
The main rationale of the conventions on international transport law is to limit the liability of the carrier. However, an aspect common to these conventions is that in cases of "wilful misconduct" the carrier is liable without any financial limitation. "Wilful misconduct" denoting a high degree of fault is an established term in English law. The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air (Warsaw Convention) of 1929 was the first international convention on transport law where the term was employed. A definition of "wilful misconduct," which can...
The main rationale of the conventions on international transport law is to limit the liability of the carrier. However, an aspect common to these conv...
This book examines the concept of port state jurisdiction in the context of international maritime law, with a focus on situations where port states have used their jurisdiction over visiting foreign-flagged vessels to apply unilateral domestic law.
This book examines the concept of port state jurisdiction in the context of international maritime law, with a focus on situations where port states h...
The Arctic is particularly affected by climate change; over the past few decades, temperatures in this area have risen twice as fast as the mean global rate. The most prominent effect of global climate change in the region is the melting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, which enables a multitude of ocean uses to be initiated and extended, such as shipping, fishing and oil and gas extraction. Unlike in the Antarctic, there is currently no single comprehensive legal regime for governance of the Arctic. Instead, the region is regulated by a patchwork of international treaties, above all the United...
The Arctic is particularly affected by climate change; over the past few decades, temperatures in this area have risen twice as fast as the mean globa...
Renewable energy resources now play an essential role in the energy supply debate, and especially a new interest in wind energy has resulted in the intensified construction of wind farms. Thanks to the growing demand for renewable energy, offshore wind farms (OWFs) are increasingly gaining in popularity, since yields over sea are greater and more reliable than over land. Against this background it is becoming particularly urgent to determine whether and if so to what extent such OWF expansion affects our oceans and local climates. OWFs produce a downstream wind speed reduction, the so-called...
Renewable energy resources now play an essential role in the energy supply debate, and especially a new interest in wind energy has resulted in the in...
This book presents a study on civil liability for accidents at sea, with a focus on the interests of parties that are not contractually participating in the maritime enterprise. Shipping and the maritime offshore industry are among the most international businesses in the world, and the operation of ships and facilities at sea can involve very different interests in a wide variety of relationships.
Although there is an international legal framework that covers the most frequent types of cases, questions remain regarding the interplay of international and national legislation....
This book presents a study on civil liability for accidents at sea, with a focus on the interests of parties that are not contractually participat...
This book focuses on maritime employment from a private international law perspective. The first chapter analyzes the background against which international jurisdiction and conflict of laws rules are drawn up and examines uniform law in this context, in particular the 2006 Maritime Labour Convention and the 2007 ILO Convention No. 188 on Work in Fishing. The second chapter addresses international jurisdiction issues as regards individual employment contracts, while also exploring other issues (e.g. insolvency-related and social security matters) that are subsequently revisited in the third...
This book focuses on maritime employment from a private international law perspective. The first chapter analyzes the background against which interna...