Die Fragestellungen aus dem Gebiet der geometrischen Ordnungen (franzosisch: "geometrie finie") sind erwachsen aus solchen der alge braischen Geometrie und der Differentialgeometrie, und zwar aus dem Bestreben, dengeometrischen Gehalteinschlii. giger SatzeherauszuschaJen; man gelangt dabei vielfach zu topologischen Problemen. Aus den in vielen Zeitschriften verstreuten Arbeiten uber geometrische Ordnungen solI hier erstmals eine Auswahl gegeben werden, wobei wir auch einige neue Satze sowie noch unveroffentlichte Beweise fur altere Satze bringen. Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung alIer...
Die Fragestellungen aus dem Gebiet der geometrischen Ordnungen (franzosisch: "geometrie finie") sind erwachsen aus solchen der alge braischen Geometri...
The Theory of Inequalities began its development from the time when C. F. GACSS, A. L. CATCHY and P. L. CEBYSEY, to mention only the most important, laid the theoretical foundation for approximative meth ods. Around the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, numerous inequalities were proyed, some of which became classic, while most remained as isolated and unconnected results. It is almost generally acknowledged that the classic work "Inequali ties" by G. H. HARDY, J. E. LITTLEWOOD and G. POLYA, which appeared in 1934, transformed the field of inequalities from a collection...
The Theory of Inequalities began its development from the time when C. F. GACSS, A. L. CATCHY and P. L. CEBYSEY, to mention only the most important, l...
In this work, I have attempted to give a coherent exposition of the theory of differential forms on a manifold and harmonic forms on a Riemannian space. The concept of a current, a notion so general that it includes as special cases both differential forms and chains, is the key to understanding how the homology properties of a manifold are immediately evident in the study of differential forms and of chains. The notion of distribution, introduced by L. Schwartz, motivated the precise definition adopted here. In our terminology, distributions are currents of degree zero, and a current can be...
In this work, I have attempted to give a coherent exposition of the theory of differential forms on a manifold and harmonic forms on a Riemannian spac...
The question of existence of c10sed geodesics on a Riemannian manifold and the properties of the corresponding periodic orbits in the geodesic flow has been the object of intensive investigations since the beginning of global differential geo- metry during the last century. The simplest case occurs for c10sed surfaces of negative curvature. Here, the fundamental group is very large and, as shown by Hadamard [Had] in 1898, every non-null homotopic c10sed curve can be deformed into a c10sed curve having minimallength in its free homotopy c1ass. This minimal curve is, up to the parameterization,...
The question of existence of c10sed geodesics on a Riemannian manifold and the properties of the corresponding periodic orbits in the geodesic flow ha...
In the last 30 years, Approximation Theory has undergone wonderful develop ment, with many new theories appearing in this short interval. This book has its origin in the wish to adequately describe this development, in particular, to rewrite the short 1966 book of G. G. Lorentz, "Approximation of Functions." Soon after 1980, R. A. DeVore and Lorentz joined forces for this purpose. The outcome has been their "Constructive Approximation" (1993), volume 303 of this series. References to this book are given as, for example rCA, p.201]. Later, M. v. Golitschek and Y. Makovoz joined Lorentz to...
In the last 30 years, Approximation Theory has undergone wonderful develop ment, with many new theories appearing in this short interval. This book ha...
The modern theory of Kleinian groups starts with the work of Lars Ahlfors and Lipman Bers; specifically with Ahlfors' finiteness theorem, and Bers' observation that their joint work on the Beltrami equation has deep implications for the theory of Kleinian groups and their deformations. From the point of view of uniformizations of Riemann surfaces, Bers' observation has the consequence that the question of understanding the different uniformizations of a finite Riemann surface poses a purely topological problem; it is independent of the conformal structure on the surface. The last two chapters...
The modern theory of Kleinian groups starts with the work of Lars Ahlfors and Lipman Bers; specifically with Ahlfors' finiteness theorem, and Bers' ob...
This work grew out of Errett Bishop's fundamental treatise 'Founda tions of Constructive Analysis' (FCA), which appeared in 1967 and which contained the bountiful harvest of a remarkably short period of research by its author. Truly, FCA was an exceptional book, not only because of the quantity of original material it contained, but also as a demonstration of the practicability of a program which most ma thematicians believed impossible to carry out. Errett's book went out of print shortly after its publication, and no second edition was produced by its publishers. Some years later, 'by a set...
This work grew out of Errett Bishop's fundamental treatise 'Founda tions of Constructive Analysis' (FCA), which appeared in 1967 and which contained t...
Regularity of Minimal Surfaces begins with a survey of minimal surfaces with free boundaries. Following this, the basic results concerning the boundary behaviour of minimal surfaces and H-surfaces with fixed or free boundaries are studied. In particular, the asymptotic expansions at interior and boundary branch points are derived, leading to general Gauss-Bonnet formulas. Furthermore, gradient estimates and asymptotic expansions for minimal surfaces with only piecewise smooth boundaries are obtained. One of the main features of free boundary value problems for minimal surfaces is that, for...
Regularity of Minimal Surfaces begins with a survey of minimal surfaces with free boundaries. Following this, the basic results concerning the boundar...
Minimal Surfaces is the first volume of a three volume treatise on minimal surfaces (Grundlehren Nr. 339-341). Each volume can be read and studied independently of the others. The central theme is boundary value problems for minimal surfaces. The treatise is a substantially revised and extended version of the monograph Minimal Surfaces I, II (Grundlehren Nr. 295 & 296). The first volume begins with an exposition of basic ideas of the theory of surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space, followed by an introduction of minimal surfaces as stationary points of area, or equivalently, as...
Minimal Surfaces is the first volume of a three volume treatise on minimal surfaces (Grundlehren Nr. 339-341). Each volume can be read and studied ind...
Many properties of minimal surfaces are of a global nature, and this is already true for the results treated in the first two volumes of the treatise. Part I of the present book can be viewed as an extension of these results. For instance, the first two chapters deal with existence, regularity and uniqueness theorems for minimal surfaces with partially free boundaries. Here one of the main features is the possibility of "edge-crawling" along free parts of the boundary. The third chapter deals with a priori estimates for minimal surfaces in higher dimensions and for minimizers of singular...
Many properties of minimal surfaces are of a global nature, and this is already true for the results treated in the first two volumes of the treatise....