X 1 O S R Cher lecteur, J'entre bien tard dans la sphere etroite des ecrivains au double alphabet, moi qui, il y a plus de quarante ans deja, avais accueilli sur mes terres un general epris de mathematiques. JI m'avait parle de ses projets grandioses en promettant d'ailleurs de m'envoyer ses ouvrages de geometrie. Je suis entiche de geometrie et c'est d'elle dontje voudrais vous parler, oh certes pas de toute la geometrie, mais de celle que fait l'artisan qui taille, burine, amene, gauchit, peaufine les formes. Mon interet pour le probleme dont je veux vous entretenir ici, je le dois a un...
X 1 O S R Cher lecteur, J'entre bien tard dans la sphere etroite des ecrivains au double alphabet, moi qui, il y a plus de quarante ans deja, avais ac...
This standard reference on applications of invariant theory to the construction of moduli spaces is a systematic exposition of the geometric aspects of classical theory of polynomial invariants. This new, revised edition is completely updated and enlarged with an additional chapter on the moment map by Professor Frances Kirwan. It includes a fully updated bibliography of work in this area.
This standard reference on applications of invariant theory to the construction of moduli spaces is a systematic exposition of the geometric aspect...
Analysis on Symmetric spaces, or more generally, on homogeneous spaces of semisimple Lie groups, is a subject that has undergone a vigorous development in recent years, and has become a central part of contemporary mathematics. This is only to be expected, since homogeneous spaces and group representations arise naturally in diverse contexts ranging from Number theory and Geometry to Particle Physics and Polymer Chemistry. Its explosive growth sometimes makes it difficult to realize that it is actually relatively young as mathematical theories go. The early ideas in the subject (as is the...
Analysis on Symmetric spaces, or more generally, on homogeneous spaces of semisimple Lie groups, is a subject that has undergone a vigorous developmen...
There are two aspects to the theory of Boolean algebras; the algebraic and the set-theoretical. A Boolean algebra can be considered as a special kind of algebraic ring, or as a generalization of the set-theoretical notion of a field of sets. Fundamental theorems in both of these directions are due to M. H. STONE, whose papers have opened a new era in the develop ment of this theory. This work treats the set-theoretical aspect, with little mention being made of the algebraic one. The book is composed of two chapters and an appendix. Chapter I is devoted to the study of Boolean algebras from...
There are two aspects to the theory of Boolean algebras; the algebraic and the set-theoretical. A Boolean algebra can be considered as a special kind ...
In Part I of this report the pointwise derivation of scalar set functions is investigated, first along the lines of R. DE POSSEL (abstract derivation basis) and A. P. MORSE (blankets); later certain concrete situations (e. g. , the interval basis) are studied. The principal tool is a Vitali property, whose precise form depends on the derivation property studied. The "halo" (defined at the beginning of Part I, Ch. IV) properties can serve to establish a Vitali property, or sometimes produce directly a derivation property. The main results established are the theorem of...
In Part I of this report the pointwise derivation of scalar set functions is investigated, first along the lines of R. DE POSSEL (abstract derivation ...
Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya's famous monograph on inequalities 17J has served as an introduction to hard analysis for many mathema ticians. Some of its most interesting results center around Hilbert's inequality and generalizations. This family of inequalities determines the best bound of a family of operators on /p. When such inequalities are restricted only to finitely many variables, we can then ask for the rate at which the bounds of the restrictions approach the uniform bound. In the context of Toeplitz forms, such research was initiated over fifty years ago by Szego 37J, and the chain...
Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya's famous monograph on inequalities 17J has served as an introduction to hard analysis for many mathema ticians. Some of i...
VI closely related to finite dimensional locally convex spaces than are normed spaces. In order to present a clear narrative I have omitted exact references to the literature for individual propositions. However, each chapter begins with a short introduction which also contains historical remarks. Deutsche Akademie der vVissenschaften zu Berlin Institut fur Reine Mathematik Albrecht Pietsch Foreword to the Second Edition Since the appearance of the first edition, some important advances have taken place in the theory of nuclear locally convex spaces. Firsts there is the Universality Theorem...
VI closely related to finite dimensional locally convex spaces than are normed spaces. In order to present a clear narrative I have omitted exact refe...
The problem as to whether or not there exists a lifting of the M't/. 1 space ) corresponding to the real line and Lebesgue measure on it was first raised by A. Haar. It was solved in a paper published in 1931 102] by 1. von Neumann, who established the existence of a lifting in this case. In subsequent papers J. von Neumann and M. H. Stone 105], and later on 1. Dieudonne 22], discussed various algebraic aspects and generalizations of the problem. Attemps to solve the problem as to whether or not there exists a lifting for an arbitrary M't/. space were unsuccessful for a long time, although...
The problem as to whether or not there exists a lifting of the M't/. 1 space ) corresponding to the real line and Lebesgue measure on it was first rai...