Seit langem ist bekannt, daB man durch Anwendung der Modulfunktionen ei ner komplexen Variablen Slitze iiber die Darstellungsanzahlen natiirlicher Zah len durch positiv-definite ganzzahlige quadratische Formen beweisen kann. Die erzeugende Fourier-Reihe der Darstellungsanzahien ist eine Thetareihe und damit eine ganze Modulform. Uber diese gilt ein Reduktionstheorem, das besagt, daB sieh jede solche durch ein geeignetes lineares Aggregat Eisenstein scher Reihen auf eine ganze Spitzenform der gleichen Formenklasse additiv re duzieren lliBt. 1m wesentlichen nach diesem besonders von E. Hecke...
Seit langem ist bekannt, daB man durch Anwendung der Modulfunktionen ei ner komplexen Variablen Slitze iiber die Darstellungsanzahlen natiirlicher Zah...
What could be regarded as the beginning of a theory of commutators AB - BA of operators A and B on a Hilbert space, considered as a dis cipline in itself, goes back at least to the two papers of Weyl 3] and von Neumann 2] on quantum mechanics and the commuta tion relations occurring there. Here A and B were unbounded self-adjoint operators satisfying the relation AB - BA = iI, in some appropriate sense, and the problem was that of establishing the essential uniqueness of the pair A and B. The study of commutators of bounded operators on a Hilbert space has a more recent...
What could be regarded as the beginning of a theory of commutators AB - BA of operators A and B on a Hilbert space, considered as a dis cipline in its...
This book originated from a course of lectures given at Yale University during 1968-69 and a more elaborate one, the next year, at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Its aim is to present a detailed ac- count of some of the recent work on the geometric aspects of the theory of discrete subgroups of Lie groups. Our interest, by and large, is in a special class of discrete subgroups of Lie groups, viz., lattices (by a lattice in a locally compact group G, we mean a discrete subgroup H such that the homogeneous space GJ H carries a finite G-invariant measure). It is assumed that the...
This book originated from a course of lectures given at Yale University during 1968-69 and a more elaborate one, the next year, at the Tata Institute ...
Stochastic differential equations whose solutions are diffusion (or other random) processes have been the subject of lively mathematical research since the pioneering work of Gihman, Ito and others in the early fifties. As it gradually became clear that a great number of real phenomena in control theory, physics, biology, economics and other areas could be modelled by differential equations with stochastic perturbation terms, this research became somewhat feverish, with the results that a) the number of theroretical papers alone now numbers several hundred and b) workers interested in the...
Stochastic differential equations whose solutions are diffusion (or other random) processes have been the subject of lively mathematical research sinc...
The theory cf quadratic forms and the intimately related theory of sym- metrie bilinear forms have a lang and rich his tory, highlighted by the work of Legendre, Gauss, Minkowski, and Hasse. (Compare [Dickson] and [Bourbaki, 24, p. 185].) Our exposition will concentrate on the rela- tively recent developments which begin with and are inspired by Witt's 1937 paper "Theorie der quadratischen Formen in beliebigen Korpern." We will be particularly interested in the work of A. Pfister and M. Knebusch. However, some older material will be described, particularly in Chapter II. The presentation is...
The theory cf quadratic forms and the intimately related theory of sym- metrie bilinear forms have a lang and rich his tory, highlighted by the work o...
The m-adic topologies and, in particular the notions of m-complete ring and m-completion A of a commutative ring A, occur frequently in commutative algebra and are also a useful tool in algebraic geometry. The aim of this work is to collect together some criteria concerning the ascent (from A to A) and the descent (from A to A) of several properties of commutative rings such as, for example: integrity, regularity, factoriality, normality, etc. More precisely, we want to show that many of the above criteria, although not trivial at all, are elementary consequences of some fundamental notions...
The m-adic topologies and, in particular the notions of m-complete ring and m-completion A of a commutative ring A, occur frequently in commutative al...
When we began to consider the scope of this book, we envisaged a catalogue supplying at least one abstract definition for any finitely- generated group that the reader might propose. But we soon realized that more or less arbitrary restrictions are necessary, because interesting groups are so numerous. For permutation groups of degree 8 or less (i.e.' .subgroups of es), the reader cannot do better than consult the tables of JosEPHINE BuRNS (1915), while keeping an eye open for misprints. Our own tables (on pages 134-142) deal with groups of low order, finite and infinite groups of congruent...
When we began to consider the scope of this book, we envisaged a catalogue supplying at least one abstract definition for any finitely- generated grou...