The rural-urban linkages in the Hyderabad region are one of the research areas of Work Package 6 "Participation and Communication Strategies" of the project which is dealt with by the nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research. Nexus examines the quality of rural-urban linkages with the aim to identify the exchange between city and village and establish or strengthen spatial partnerships that can promote energy e cient lifestyles and have a positive e ect on social networks. Within this research eld the present paper tries to analyse rural-urban migration in...
The rural-urban linkages in the Hyderabad region are one of the research areas of Work Package 6 "Participation and Communication Strategies" of the p...
The background analysis focuses mainly on chances for civil society participation, its democratic legitimacy and the existing forms and experiences of civil society participation, as well as constraints to participation and access to information. Furthermore, relevant stakeholders are identi ed with a focus on civil society organisations in Hyderabad, which are active in the eld of climate protection, energy, sustainability, and environment, and their goals, activities, strengths and weaknesses, networks and speci c needs described. On the basis of the stakeholder analysis, multiplicators...
The background analysis focuses mainly on chances for civil society participation, its democratic legitimacy and the existing forms and experiences of...
The background study represents the rst part of the deliverables of the Work Package 3.2. A for milestone one. It re ects the status of the power sector of Andhra Pradesh with speci c consideration of Greater Hyderabad. Beside transport, electricity is the main application of energy sources in the areas of generation, transmission, generation and consumption. The study places particular attention, rst, to the regulatory framework of the Andhra Pradesh power sector and the linkages to Hyderabad and, second, to the state of the sub-sectors. Based on this we identify sources for ine cient energy...
The background study represents the rst part of the deliverables of the Work Package 3.2. A for milestone one. It re ects the status of the power sect...
The underlying purpose of this paper is to analyse determining factors of responsible environmental behaviour, which serves as a formative evaluation prior to implementation This comprises the objectives of discussing the project strategy and aims, as well as analysing the target audience's individual behaviour and conditioning factors deriving from the external situation that require consideration in the design of the project's implementation strategy. A further implication is to clarify how present theories help to understand factors inhibiting or enabling responsible environmental...
The underlying purpose of this paper is to analyse determining factors of responsible environmental behaviour, which serves as a formative evaluation ...
This paper shows how risks and threats are perceived and valuated by the socio-economic group of Hyderabad's lower class women. For this purpose, a basic introduction is given on current scienti c approaches in risk theory, followed by a description of the women's socio-economic environment, as well as an overview of food and nourishment related discourses in the print media. Ensuing on this, the women speak about risks and threats from their perspective. Throughout the report, it becomes clear that perceptions and valuations are embedded in cultural and social contexts, which is why this...
This paper shows how risks and threats are perceived and valuated by the socio-economic group of Hyderabad's lower class women. For this purpose, a ba...
The lifestyles and food consumption patterns of India's new urban middle classes are changing rapidly. Emerging trends such as the growing popularity of fast food and convenience food and the increasing consumption of animal products, sugar and fat are causing adverse environmental, health and social e ects. In order to counter these trends, e ective strategies for promoting sustainable food consumption patterns are urgently needed. This empirical case study combines a revised update of the study "The Market for Organic Food: Consumer Attitudes and Marketing Opportunities" (Osswald and...
The lifestyles and food consumption patterns of India's new urban middle classes are changing rapidly. Emerging trends such as the growing popularity ...
The paper presents the results of a survey (2009-2011) which aimed at the analysis of the awareness level of junior college students regarding climate change (CC) and its consequences. Based on interviews conducted in the emerging megacity Hyderabad, India and on an institutional analysis of the education sector, teaching modules for junior colleges were be developed to augment knowledge on climate change in future generations. The topic is linked with the research work of the megacity project "Sustainable Hyderabad" ( where climate change impacts are being...
The paper presents the results of a survey (2009-2011) which aimed at the analysis of the awareness level of junior college students regarding climate...
Due to a constantly high population growth of India's sixth largest metropolis Hyderabad, a strongly growing middle-class and the subsequent rise of tra c and motorised vehicles in particular, sustainable solutions are needed to secure daily routines. For up to 50 % of the - predominantly poor - population, walking is crucial for everyday life. There is a tendency towards suburbanisation, still, for many people living in the city's central areas even low fares for busses or rickshaws are often not a ordable. Additionally, the high level of air pollution poses a risk for people's health. This...
Due to a constantly high population growth of India's sixth largest metropolis Hyderabad, a strongly growing middle-class and the subsequent rise of t...
In this report we underline the importance of studying the social representation of climate change for climate policy, especially in a democracy such as India. Social representations are, from a social science point of view, no epiphenomena of 'real' issues, but the very fabric of individual reality and, building on that, collective decision making. If climate change is not socially represented, it is not there in a society. We brie y characterise the Indian climate discourse, which we perceive as being more complex (heterogeneous) than the European or American one. After a brief look at...
In this report we underline the importance of studying the social representation of climate change for climate policy, especially in a democracy such ...