In this report we underline the importance of studying the social representation of climate change for climate policy, especially in a democracy such as India. Social representations are, from a social science point of view, no epiphenomena of 'real' issues, but the very fabric of individual reality and, building on that, collective decision making. If climate change is not socially represented, it is not there in a society. We brie y characterise the Indian climate discourse, which we perceive as being more complex (heterogeneous) than the European or American one. After a brief look at...
In this report we underline the importance of studying the social representation of climate change for climate policy, especially in a democracy such ...
This paper analyses the structure of local, regional and national stakeholders that might be relevant for a transition of Hyderabad into a low-carbon megacity. The main angle of the stakeholder selection in this report is de ned by the leading question of our research: How do (local) lifestyle dynamics contribute to climate change, and how can lifestyle changes help to reduce local emissions and the vulnerability to global climate change? Our analysis reveals that climate change actually is a medium to low attention issue for the majority of stakeholders in Hyderabad (as in India in general)....
This paper analyses the structure of local, regional and national stakeholders that might be relevant for a transition of Hyderabad into a low-carbon ...
This study transcends the homogenizing (inter-)national level of argumentation (`rich' versus `poor' countries), and instead looks at a sub-national level in two respects: (1) geographically it focuses on the rapidly growing megacity of Hyderabad;
This study transcends the homogenizing (inter-)national level of argumentation (`rich' versus `poor' countries), and instead looks at a sub-national l...