Michael Lepper presents a detailed room temperature scanning tunneling microscopy study of Nickel-tetraphenyltetrabenzoporphyrin on Cu(111), a prototype system for the fabrication of functional molecular architectures. The peculiar adsorption behavior, in particular the observation of three different coexisting supramolecular arrangements and the identification of two different intramolecular conformations within one arrangement, yield valuable insights into the specific molecular interactions and the self-assembly process in general.
Michael Lepper presents a detailed room temperature scanning tunneling microscopy study of Nickel-tetraphenyltetrabenzoporphyrin on Cu(111), a prototy...
In der Arbeit von Daniel Luckehe wird ein neues hybrides Verfahren zur Dimensionsreduktion methodisch erarbeitet, analysiert und durch experimentelle Tests mit vorhandenen Methoden verglichen. Hochdimensionale Daten, haufig zusammengefasst unter dem Begriff "Big Data," liegen heutzutage in vielen Bereichen vor. Darunter fallen beispielsweise visuell erfasste Informationen, in denen Muster erkannt werden sollen, Anwendungen im medizinischen Bereich sowie Daten aus dem Gebiet der Astronomie. Eine Dimensionsreduktion kann dabei helfen, Informationen aus groen, hochkomplexen Datensatzen zu...
In der Arbeit von Daniel Luckehe wird ein neues hybrides Verfahren zur Dimensionsreduktion methodisch erarbeitet, analysiert und durch experimentelle ...
Gabriel Stangle untersucht, wie die Schuler einer Realschule die Prozesse sozialen Lernens wahrnehmen und wie sich das am haufigsten in Deutschland verwendete Life-Skills-Programm "Erwachsen werden" auf die sozialen Kompetenzen auswirkt. Mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory arbeitet der Autor funf Typen von Jugendlichen heraus, die hinsichtlich Wissen und der Anwendung sozialer Kompetenzen unterschieden werden konnen: die Machtbewussten, die Autonomen, die Ambivalenten, die Selbstbewussten und die Kompetenten. Gabriel Stangle zeigt auf, wie die Schuler die erworbenen Kompetenzen mit ihren Werte- und...
Gabriel Stangle untersucht, wie die Schuler einer Realschule die Prozesse sozialen Lernens wahrnehmen und wie sich das am haufigsten in Deutschland ve...
The master thesis of Johanna Maria Ticar reveals high-resolution insights into the myocardial microstructure and illustrates that cardiac muscle fibers are straight, running in parallel with one preferred fiber direction, however, deposits such as fat seem to compromise the regular and compact structure. Second harmonic generation imaging combined with optical tissue clearing is an accurate method for determining the three-dimensional muscle fiber and sheet orientations and hence, allows the calculation of fiber rotation throughout the ventricle wall.
The master thesis of Johanna Maria Ticar reveals high-resolution insights into the myocardial microstructure and illustrates that cardiac muscle fi...
In this book Simona Roccioletti reviews several valuable studies about risk measures and their properties; in particular she studies the new (and heavily discussed) property of "Elicitability" of a risk measure. More important, she investigates the issue related to the backtesting of Expected Shortfall. The main contribution of the work is the application of "Test 1" and "Test 2" developed by Acerbi and Szekely (2014) on different models and for five global market indexes.
In this book Simona Roccioletti reviews several valuable studies about risk measures and their properties; in particular she studies the new (and heav...
The master thesis of Susanne Gobel generates the deep understanding of the Mobile Ambient (MA) calculus that is necessary to use it as a modeling language. Instead of calculus terms a much more convenient representation via MA trees naturally maps to the application area of networks where processes pass hierarchical protection domains like firewalls. The work analyses MA's function principles and derives a translation into Safe Petri nets. It extends to arbitrary MA processes but finiteness of the net and therefore decidability of reachability is only guaranteed for bounded processes. The...
The master thesis of Susanne Gobel generates the deep understanding of the Mobile Ambient (MA) calculus that is necessary to use it as a modeling l...
This work exploits the natural experiment provided by the unexpected disintegration of socialist East Germany to study the impact of the mass immigration of East Germans on housing rents in West German metropolitan areas. Using a spatial correlation approach, annual district-level migration data for 1991 and 1992 and unique rental price indicators from Germany's major regional property market information system, Kathleen Kurschner finds strong evidence for a positive and sizeable effect of immigration on rental prices of residential housing. Additional explorations that employ an IV approach...
This work exploits the natural experiment provided by the unexpected disintegration of socialist East Germany to study the impact of the mass immigrat...
By drawing up a model of the internal communication system of Bangladeshi ready-made garment factories, Helene Blumer identifies the existence and intensity of its communication flows. She furthermore discloses a connection from this communication system to labor unrest. The absence of a functioning formal channel within the factory, the lack of effective labor representation and the rare physical presence of the factory owners confirm the existence of a communication barrier. As symptom of a flawed communication system, this barrier confirms a connection to labor unrest and the management's...
By drawing up a model of the internal communication system of Bangladeshi ready-made garment factories, Helene Blumer identifies the existence and int...
In this thesis, Orlando Zaddach applies a discounting scheme derived by Krysiak (2010) in the latest DICE model and presents its implications for optimal climate policy. Furthermore, he carries out a one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) sensitivity analysis to check the discounting scheme for robustness. It turns out that the proposed discounting scheme fails in incorporating consumer sovereignty and intergenerational equity sufficiently.
In this thesis, Orlando Zaddach applies a discounting scheme derived by Krysiak (2010) in the latest DICE model and presents its implications for opti...
Thomas Harlander identifiziert in dieser Arbeit die Barrieren fur eine effektive und schnelle Einfuhrung von IT-Systemen und verknupft diese mit bestehenden Modellen der Psychologie zu einem eigenen Modell. Daraus entwickelt er ein Change Management Screening Instrument zur Risikoanalyse und Implementierungsunterstutzung fur komplexe IT-Systeme. Dieses Instrument ermoglicht es, den Ausgestaltungsbedarf bezuglich des bevorstehenden Veranderungsprozesses zu erkennen und somit erfolgreich zu gestalten.
Thomas Harlander identifiziert in dieser Arbeit die Barrieren fur eine effektive und schnelle Einfuhrung von IT-Systemen und verknupft diese mit beste...