Nervous system is in the most cases a likely target for the untoward effects of chemicals. The harmful consequences affect primarily the individual but may also considerably strain the whole society. The consumption of ethanol is a glaring example (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1978). As ethanol, many organic liquids have similar immediate effects on the nervous system. The rapidity of the response suggests the involvement of the neuronal communication. The nervous system is also vulnerable to the depletion of oxygen, another common cause for the rapid deterioration of...
Nervous system is in the most cases a likely target for the untoward effects of chemicals. The harmful consequences affect primarily the individual bu...
The Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de Chimie fondis par E. Solvay and the Institute of Nonequilibrium systems of Beijing Normal University jointly sponsored a conference on "The Complexity and Self-organization in Socio economic Systems" on October 17-20, 1994 at Beijing, China. The purpose of the conference was to explore the complexity and evolutionary laws of socio economic systems through nonlinear dynamic systems and self-organization theory. The conference was chaired by Professor M. Sanglier and Professor Fang Fukang and was introduced by the Nobel prize winner, Professor I....
The Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de Chimie fondis par E. Solvay and the Institute of Nonequilibrium systems of Beijing Normal University jo...
This volume contains the main papers presented at the 1997 EUROTOX Congress, Arhus, Denmark, 24-28 June 1997. Diversification in toxicology is seen as the application of basic science to such diverse areas as man and his environment. The pressing issues which have been dealt with not only include reproductive effects of environmental chemicals ("xenoestrogens"), but also receptor-mediated toxic responses, new frontiers in human and ecological toxicology, chemoprevention of cancer and molecular approaches in toxicological research. The practical and ethical facets of toxicology, e.g....
This volume contains the main papers presented at the 1997 EUROTOX Congress, Arhus, Denmark, 24-28 June 1997. Diversification in toxicology is seen as...
The book contains reviews and posters of the 31st Congress of the EUROTOX (Maastricht 1991). - Forensic Toxicology - Drug Toxicology - Environmental Toxicology
The book contains reviews and posters of the 31st Congress of the EUROTOX (Maastricht 1991). - Forensic Toxicology - Drug Toxicology - Environmental T...
The book contains the invited papers held at the EUROTOX 1993 congress in Uppsala, Sweden. It provides up-to-date information on recent developments in toxicology. Special emphasis is put on the area of risk assessment where more mechanistic input from basic toxicology is needed. The book also includes a series of papers on the recent status of pollution of the Baltic Sea. Research on Baltic Sea ecotoxicology is an internationalt commitment ofthe countries of this area. Due to the political development of the pastfew years, combined efforts and programs in this field will be possible.
The book contains the invited papers held at the EUROTOX 1993 congress in Uppsala, Sweden. It provides up-to-date information on recent developments i...
The volume contains the main papers presented at the 1994 EUROTOX Congress, Basel, Switzerland, August 21-24, 1994. Toxicology has become a less descriptive science because more importance has been placed on the mechanisms underlying toxic effects. This is reflected in symposia and workshops devoted to species differences in organ toxicity, receptor-mediated toxicity and stereochemical effects of xenobiotics. Recent progress in the fields of immunotoxicology, ecotoxicology, and neurotoxicology is highlighted and documented together with the present discussion on harmonized regulatory...
The volume contains the main papers presented at the 1994 EUROTOX Congress, Basel, Switzerland, August 21-24, 1994. Toxicology has become a less descr...
This volume contains the main papers presented at the 1995 EUROTOX Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, August 27 - 30, 1995. Cellular and subcellular models are used to improve our knowledge about mechanistic aspects of toxicological effects, and ultimately this deepened knowledge may serve to further improve our ability to cope with toxicological processes in man. This is reflected in symposia and workshops on intercellular communication, functional teratogenicity, risk assessment of heterocyclic amines in food, clinical toxicology of peptides and proteins, human immunotoxicity and individual...
This volume contains the main papers presented at the 1995 EUROTOX Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, August 27 - 30, 1995. Cellular and subcellular mo...
Ultraviolet radiation, a component of sunlight, has been recognized by photobiologists, dermatologists, and oculists as a potential hazard for human health because of its genotoxic, carcinogenic and immunotoxic properties. Its effects on human health include the induction of skin cancers, ocular damage and impairment of immunity to certain infections. A few decennia ago it was demonstrated that UV photons can affect the activity of the immune system through interactions with the skin. This means that UV not only changes normal cells into cancer cells but also permits the outgrowth of the UV...
Ultraviolet radiation, a component of sunlight, has been recognized by photobiologists, dermatologists, and oculists as a potential hazard for human h...