Kosmische Objekte, in denen offensichtlich nichtthermische Strahlungs prozesse eine wesentliche Rolle spielen, stehen seit einigen Jahren im Vor dergrund des astronomischen Interesses. Es handelt sich dabei um Uber reste von Supernova-Explosionen, um Radiogalaxien und um quasistellare Radioquellen (Quasare). Wegen ihrer besonderen Aktualitat soll dieser Bericht uberwiegend den Quasaren gewidmet sein. Dennoch erscheint es sinnvoll, zunachst die wichtigsten Beobachtungstatsachen fur Supernova Uberreste und Radiogalaxien zu nennen, da sie in vieler Hinsicht mit den Quasarbeobachtungen...
Kosmische Objekte, in denen offensichtlich nichtthermische Strahlungs prozesse eine wesentliche Rolle spielen, stehen seit einigen Jahren im Vor dergr...
1. Historical ethnology, prehistoric archaeology, constitutional history, settlement history and settlement geography have unanimously arrived at the conclusion that an autonomous village community with communal ownership within determined limits (the 'Markgenossenschaft') can no longer be regarded as the archetype of the "Gemeinde" or rural community and source of its rights of property. Tbus we are inevitably faced with the question of the origin and essence of the Gemeinde. 2. Tbe political "Landgemeinde" (village community) with local self government under state supervision is a result of...
1. Historical ethnology, prehistoric archaeology, constitutional history, settlement history and settlement geography have unanimously arrived at the ...
Today man is more than ever exposed to the danger of cancer; especially the increase of the cancer of the lungs is terrifying. By demonstrating the causes of cancer, this lecture is noving the thesis, that in most cases cancer is acquired by means of exogen causes. Cancer increases progressivily, because the causes increase, on which it depends. The factor "owing to old age" is interpreted in the way, that old age by itself does not cause cancer, but that it gives many carcinogenic substances the possibility to augment and cumulate in continued dayly doses, till at last the endsum of carcino...
Today man is more than ever exposed to the danger of cancer; especially the increase of the cancer of the lungs is terrifying. By demonstrating the ca...
Regarding the topic of the lecture at first adefinition of the terms "Bio logy" and "Technics" is given. The recognitions of biology with regard to the provisions of organisms and living creatures for securing their existence and preserving the species may be compared with the tasks and aims of technology which adds substantial means to the "equipment" of man provid ed by nature. For further development technology mostly requires long periods of time too. In a direct or transferred sense it takes possession of solutions for certain tasks that nature has al ready solved. To a large extent...
Regarding the topic of the lecture at first adefinition of the terms "Bio logy" and "Technics" is given. The recognitions of biology with regard to th...
This lecture is confined to the evangelical-social movement since Wiehern, and chiefly consists of: - 1. An indication of some of the theological and ecclesiastical factors that made the Christian-social movement possible. 2. An examination of the fundamental elements of the "Christian-social" idea, in particular in the work of J. H. Wiehern. 3. The synthetic "Christian-social" concept is questioned on a critical theological basis (e. g. in relation to Friedrich Naumann). 4. An enquiry into the original inheritance and the intentions of the move ment, in relation to its importance for...
This lecture is confined to the evangelical-social movement since Wiehern, and chiefly consists of: - 1. An indication of some of the theological and ...
1. Vgl. E. Meyer, Die Sklaverei im Altertum. In: Kleine Schriften. Halle 1910. W. L. Westermann, Sklaverei. In: Pauly-Wissowa R. E. Suppl. VI, S. 898 ff. F. Hei chelheim, Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Altertums. Leiden 1938, S. 401 ff. u. passim. Rich. v. Poehlmann, Geschichte der sozialen Frage und des Sozialismus in der antiken Welt III, 1925, mit krit. Nachwort von Fr. Oertel S. 542ff. 2. O. Erb, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Denken der hellenischen Antike. Berlin 1939, S. 18 ff. Fr. Hauck, Arbeit. In: Reallex. f. Antike u. Christentum. G. Glotz, Le travail dans la Grece ancienne. Paris 1920....
1. Vgl. E. Meyer, Die Sklaverei im Altertum. In: Kleine Schriften. Halle 1910. W. L. Westermann, Sklaverei. In: Pauly-Wissowa R. E. Suppl. VI, S. 898 ...