Der Verfasser dieser Arbeit, Professor Lampariello, ist im Kreise der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forschung kein Unbekannter, nachdem er am 2. Juni 1954 in Dusseldorf einen Vortrag uber das Leben und Werk von Heinrich Hertz gehalten hat. Herr Lampariello selbst bearbeitet zwei Gebiete: Geschichte der Physik und Relativitatstheorie. Kein Wunder also, daB ihn der 50. Jahrestag von Einsteins folgenschweren Untersuchungen im Jahre 1905 zu einer kritisch- historischen Betrachtung uber die physikalischen Ideen anregte, welche schlieBlich zur Relativitatstheorie fuhrten. Ich mochte aber erklaren, warum...
Der Verfasser dieser Arbeit, Professor Lampariello, ist im Kreise der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forschung kein Unbekannter, nachdem er am 2. Juni 1954 i...
Anyone who wishes to discover how the old Russian chroniclers pictured the Latin world of the West will immediately meet with serious difficulties. These are in part due to uncertainties in the transmission of their texts: there are centuries between the events which are described and the manu scripts that have been preserved concerning the Kiev empire. These difficulties are also to some extent due to the religious schisms that existed between the Eastern and Western church: Orthodox clerics who wrote the chronicles in Russia during the Middle Ages deliberately ignored any contact with the...
Anyone who wishes to discover how the old Russian chroniclers pictured the Latin world of the West will immediately meet with serious difficulties. Th...
Theoretical considerations and experimental references are introduced to show that the science of supersonics is not so much a matter of the inaudible sounds themselves as essentially of their practical applications in the new "mechanical high-frequency techniques" these lie predomin antly in liquids and solids. Apart from underwater communications, one of the oldest fields of application for ultrasonics is the testing of materials for flaws. This technique has been considerably developed in recent years. Fully automatic testing devices for coarse and fine pressed steel, metal strip, tubes,...
Theoretical considerations and experimental references are introduced to show that the science of supersonics is not so much a matter of the inaudible...
Umstande, fur die allein der Verfasser die Verantwortung tragt, haben die Veroffentlichung dieses Vortrages lange verzogert. Diese zeitliche Verschie bung notigt zu einigen redaktionellen Vorkehrungen. Grundlinie und Aufriss des Vortrages sind erhalten geblieben, doch wurde im Hinblick auf die seither erwachsene umfangreiche Erorterung der Probleme der Text so gestaltet, dass er die weitere Entwicklung einschliesst. Wesentliche Erganzungen sind als Exkurse sichtbar gemacht. Fur die Anmerkungen ware es indes untunlich erschienen, neueres Material jeweils gesondert auszuweisen. Bonn, den 1....
Umstande, fur die allein der Verfasser die Verantwortung tragt, haben die Veroffentlichung dieses Vortrages lange verzogert. Diese zeitliche Verschie ...
Der Vortrag gibt meinen Beitrag zu dem anlasslich der grossen Karls ausstellung in Aachen 1965 von Wolfgang Braunfels herausgegebenen Werk "Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben" (Bd. 4), Verlag L. Schwann, Dusseldorf, wieder. Ich danke Herausgeber und Verlag fur die freundliche Druckerlaubnis an dieser Stelle. Der Text ist um eine Schluss betrachtung uber Rethels letztes Werk erweitert worden: die Zeichnung nach Guido Renis Fresko "Aurora" im Palazzo Rospigliosi-Pallavicini in Rom, ein ergreifen des Zeugnis schopferischer Tatigkeit des bereits Umnachteten. Bonn, im Marz 1968 H erbert von...
Der Vortrag gibt meinen Beitrag zu dem anlasslich der grossen Karls ausstellung in Aachen 1965 von Wolfgang Braunfels herausgegebenen Werk "Karl der G...
1. The concepts "purum," "religiosum," "sacrum" and "sanctum," for mulated by Roman sacrallaw, are by nature possessory titles. They identify objects, properties and persons laid claim to by one or the other deity, or the possessory tide whlch was transferred to such deity by persons. In the one case, the theophanies and prodigia, ascribed to supernatural powers, had possession changing effects; in the other, the vota, burials, sanctions, dedi cations and consecrations were performed by people. 2. If one compares the Constantine charters of foundation inserted by the Liber Pontificalis in the...
1. The concepts "purum," "religiosum," "sacrum" and "sanctum," for mulated by Roman sacrallaw, are by nature possessory titles. They identify objects,...
In heavy-current engineering as well, the transltlon from rotation to translatory motion is probable in some sectors-e. g. the MHD-generator. The transition to no-motion electronics is inexorable. New thinking about design and production techniques will be required in this microcosmic, miniaturized technique. The shift away from the empirical to the predictable for almost all products and processes requires radical thought, so that the at present still rather confusing multitude of possibilities offered by electronic-magnetic computing can be taken full advantage of, step by step, including...
In heavy-current engineering as well, the transltlon from rotation to translatory motion is probable in some sectors-e. g. the MHD-generator. The tran...