What is arterial dissection? What is Moyamoya angiopathy? What is the state-of-the-art of AVM treatment? Readers will find answers to these questions in this book. They will also be informed about the state-of-the-art treatment in the daily stroke therapy.
What is arterial dissection? What is Moyamoya angiopathy? What is the state-of-the-art of AVM treatment? Readers will find answers to these questio...
More than 90 papers give a summary of clinical and basic studies on cerebral vasospasm, including reviews by leading researchers in this field. Several new frontiers are proposed for future research directions that will not only promote research from neurosurgery and neurology but also from other interconnecting fields of emergency medicine, electrophysiology, molecular biology, and vascular biology.
More than 90 papers give a summary of clinical and basic studies on cerebral vasospasm, including reviews by leading researchers in this field. Severa...
All over the world research is going on to improve the outcome of the treatment of peripheral nerve lesions. Questions over questions arise. Is the autologeous nerve grafting still the golden standard in bridging defects? Have alternative techniques to overcome defects reached a level to replace autografting? To which length are they effective? What is the role of allografting? Are there still indications for vascularized nerve grafts? What can be expected from end to side coaptation? Does it exist at all? Under what conditions useful recoveries can be achieved? Are there new developments...
All over the world research is going on to improve the outcome of the treatment of peripheral nerve lesions. Questions over questions arise. Is the...
Neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary biomedical and biotechnological field. The two volumes present the state-of-the-art in established and emerging applications for pain, spasticity, movement disorders, bladder and bowel dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, psychiatric illness, impairment of hearing and vision, and computational neuromodulation. Experts describe the neural networks involved and the appropriate surgical approaches, provide clinical guidelines, technical descriptions of implanted devices, proposals for refinements and personal views on future...
Neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary biomedical and biotechnological field. The two volumes present the state-of-the-art in esta...
The XIII International Symposium on Brain Edema intracerebral hemorrhage, including the primary event and Tissue Injury was held June 1 3, 2005, in Ann Ar- and the secondary injury that follows, prompted a o- bor, Michigan, USA. This volume includes papers pre- day satellite conference on the subject. The conference sented at the symposium as well as papers that were was held immediately after the Brain Edema Sym- presented at a satellite Intracerebral Hemorrhage Con- sium. Most participants in the Brain Edema Sym- ference on June 4, 2005. In keeping with the outstand- sium stayed an extra...
The XIII International Symposium on Brain Edema intracerebral hemorrhage, including the primary event and Tissue Injury was held June 1 3, 2005, in An...
In July 2004 specialists in neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurology and neurointensive care discussed recent trends at the 2nd Swiss Japanese Joint Conference on Cerebral Stroke Surgery, held in Zurich, Switzerland. New concepts were worked out during the conference and are published in this volume. The book starts with the topic intracranial aneurysms, discussing microsurgical and endovascular treatment modalities, as well as new surgical approaches. Further chapters deal with the management of unruptured aneurysms and with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Practical guidelines for vasospasm...
In July 2004 specialists in neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurology and neurointensive care discussed recent trends at the 2nd Swiss Japanese Joint Co...
Die Gehimarteriographie hat in den letzten J Das arteriographische Blld der Hirnmetastasen .... 45 46 Das arteriographisehe Bild der Oligodendrogliome . .
Die Gehimarteriographie hat in den letzten J Das arteriographische Blld der Hirnmetastasen .... 45 46 Das arteriographisehe Bild der Oligodendrogliome...
Zwei grofie Stromungen befruchten neben anderen seit einigen Jahr zehnten das stiirmische Wachstuin der noch sehr jungen und noch nicht iiberall als miindig erkliirten Kinderpsychiatrie. Eine Forschungs- und Arbeitsrichtung entspringt aus der Psychologie und namentlich aus der Tiefenpsychologie. Sie hat in einem erstaunlichen Mafie das Verstiind nis fUr die psycho-reaktiven Storungen des Kindes gefordert und zu gleich fruchtbare therapeutische Moglichkeiten vermittelt, sei es in Form der heute weit verbreiteten Spieltherapie, sei es in der Gestalt der auf ihren Erkenntnissen beruhenden...
Zwei grofie Stromungen befruchten neben anderen seit einigen Jahr zehnten das stiirmische Wachstuin der noch sehr jungen und noch nicht iiberall als m...
Vahrend des letzten Jahrzehnts haben sich die Kenntnisse von den raumbeengenden traumatischen Blutungen des Schadelinneren wesentlich gewandelt und verbreitert. Manche friiher klinisch kaum bekannten Formen, wie beispielsweise die akuten subduralen und intrazerebralen Hamatome, werden heute verhaltnismaBig haufig nachgewiesen und operiert. Auch das Vorkommen "atypi scher" Lokalisationen, etwa frontal, occipital oder im Bereich der hinteren Schadelgrube, hat sich als weniger selten erwiesen, als vielfach angenommen. SchlieBlich ist zu sagen, daB die Moglich keiten, Storungen von Kreislauf und...
Vahrend des letzten Jahrzehnts haben sich die Kenntnisse von den raumbeengenden traumatischen Blutungen des Schadelinneren wesentlich gewandelt und ve...