Vahrend des letzten Jahrzehnts haben sich die Kenntnisse von den raumbeengenden traumatischen Blutungen des Schadelinneren wesentlich gewandelt und verbreitert. Manche friiher klinisch kaum bekannten Formen, wie beispielsweise die akuten subduralen und intrazerebralen Hamatome, werden heute verhaltnismaBig haufig nachgewiesen und operiert. Auch das Vorkommen "atypi scher" Lokalisationen, etwa frontal, occipital oder im Bereich der hinteren Schadelgrube, hat sich als weniger selten erwiesen, als vielfach angenommen. SchlieBlich ist zu sagen, daB die Moglich keiten, Storungen von Kreislauf und...
Vahrend des letzten Jahrzehnts haben sich die Kenntnisse von den raumbeengenden traumatischen Blutungen des Schadelinneren wesentlich gewandelt und ve...
Erorterungen urn die angemessene Therapie des lumhalen Bandscheiben vorfalls fiihren nieht selten zu der Frage, db derartige Falle grundsatzlieh konservativ oder operativ behandelt werden sollen. Dies hedeutet aber zu gleieh eine unzulassige Vereinfachung, weil nieht beriicksiehtigt wird, daB es "den lum'halen Bandsehdbenvorfall" als einheitliehes Krankheitsbild nieht giibt. Ferner sind unter den Begritfen konservative und operative Therapie jeweils weitgehend versehiedenartige MaBnahmen zusammengefaBt. Der lumbale Bandseheibenvorfall kann yom fliichtigen Lumbago bis hin zum vollstandigen...
Erorterungen urn die angemessene Therapie des lumhalen Bandscheiben vorfalls fiihren nieht selten zu der Frage, db derartige Falle grundsatzlieh konse...
Language and Speech has been selected for the Fifth Convention of the Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica as a topic closely related to neurosurgery but also to philosophy, art, culture and humanity and treated by various experts of the field of this interdisciplinary subject. The volume has a certain structure: Language is evaluated as a tool of the Homo Artis in the introduction, which is followed by chapters focusing the language in history, in linguistics, as well as in music and that of the animals. In the next part speech is dealt with as a physiological process. It is followed by...
Language and Speech has been selected for the Fifth Convention of the Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica as a topic closely related to neurosurgery bu...
At the 8th European Congress of Neurosurgery, which took place in Barcelona, September 6-11, 1987, a great number of papers from all fields of neurosurgery were presented, reflecting the major advances that have been achieved in recent years. The Programme Committee of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies has selected the highlights of the congress for publication. These contributions were carefully edited and compiled in two supplement volumes of Acta Neurochirurgica.
At the 8th European Congress of Neurosurgery, which took place in Barcelona, September 6-11, 1987, a great number of papers from all fields of neurosu...
th The 8 European Congress of Neurosurgery which took place in Barcelona from September 6 to 11, 1987, was an unforgettable experience. Many factors contributed to its success: the splendid ambience of Barcelona, the generous hospitality and warm friendship of the hosts, and the marvellous organization and high scientific standard of papers, workshops and discussions. For financial reasons it would not have been possible to publish all the papers presented during the congress. In order to preserve as much as possible of the scientific results, the Programme Committee of the European...
th The 8 European Congress of Neurosurgery which took place in Barcelona from September 6 to 11, 1987, was an unforgettable experience. Many factors c...