Die neurochirurgische Diagnostik basierte zunachst auf den klassischen neurologischen Untersuchungsmethoden. Sie baute sich ihre technischen diagnostischen Methoden auf, weil Lokalisation und Artdiagnose eine mog1ichst groBe Sicherheit fiir den opera tiven Eingriff verlangten, die eine konservative Therapie weit weniger benotigte. 1m Besitze diesel' Sicherheit kannen nun riick schauend anatomische und physio1ogische Daten flir die k1assische neuro1ogische Diagnostik am Menschen kontrolliert werden und man beobachtet allentha1ben solche Bemiihungen. Die von meinem Mitarbeiter HANS ROHR...
Die neurochirurgische Diagnostik basierte zunachst auf den klassischen neurologischen Untersuchungsmethoden. Sie baute sich ihre technischen diagnosti...
Blutzirkulation und Liquordruck haben als wichtige Faktoren des normalen wie des gesteigerten oder erniedrigten Hirndrucks das besondere Interesse der Neurochirurgen gefunden. Wenn auch die Grundlagen seit. langem bekannt sind, hat die eingehende Forschung am neuro chirurgischen Krankengut vor allern durch die modernen Moglichkeiten exakter und langdauernder Registrierung eine wesentlich vertiefte Kenntnis der Zusammenhange gebracht und dem therapeutischen Handeln neue Wege erOffnet. Die vorliegende Arbeit meines Mitarbeiters ist das Resultat lang jahrigen Bemuhens urn die Probleme, wobei...
Blutzirkulation und Liquordruck haben als wichtige Faktoren des normalen wie des gesteigerten oder erniedrigten Hirndrucks das besondere Interesse der...
Hypothermia was first applied to the human in 1940 by Smith and Fay in an attempt to affect the growth of malignant tumours, and found its most important application firstly in open cardiac surgery and latterly in neurosurgery. The first results regarding the use of hypothermia in neurosurgery were reported at the First Inter national Congress of Neurological Sciences held in Brussels in 1957. The same subject was again considered at the annual meeting of the Societe de Neurochirurgie de Langue Franl}aise held in Montpellier in'1962. When I was charged with the task of organizing the...
Hypothermia was first applied to the human in 1940 by Smith and Fay in an attempt to affect the growth of malignant tumours, and found its most import...
This monograph on the "Ultrastructure of Human Sella Tumors" is in fact a study of the correlations of clinical findings and morphology. It is a timely and eagerly awaited publication because of the increasing interest of the endocrinologist in pituitary disorders and of the neuro surgeon in the newest aspects of surgery on pituitary tumors, and also because of the unsatisfactory but still widely accepted classification into eosinophil, basophil and chromophobe pituitary adenomas. This old classification has been mainly based on granule color as seen after hematoxylin-eosin staining, but it...
This monograph on the "Ultrastructure of Human Sella Tumors" is in fact a study of the correlations of clinical findings and morphology. It is a timel...
The Committee of Neurotraumatology of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies decided to elaborate a Glossary of Neuro traumatology, and for this purpose appointed a subgroup of members of this Committee, headed by Dr. E. S. Gurdjian, whose report follows this preface. The main reason for the Committee's decision was the hope that the diffusion of the Glossary through "Acta Neurochirurgica" may bring about a better understanding of neurotraumatological terminology on a worldwide scale. The Glossary should facilitate the classification and the comparison of traumatic lesions of the...
The Committee of Neurotraumatology of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies decided to elaborate a Glossary of Neuro traumatology, and for t...
The Second World War gave rise to a previously inconceivable number of peripheral nerve injuries. Only later on did these injuries occasion renewed intensive research in this field of neurosurgery. Among the factors which have promoted this development is the operating microscope with more refined surgical techniques. Of course, surgery of peripheral nerve injuries in peacetime is not to be compared with that in wartime. Only rapid wound healing enables a secondary suture to be performed at a favorable time, after about four weeks. Besides in most cases the defect of substance is not as great...
The Second World War gave rise to a previously inconceivable number of peripheral nerve injuries. Only later on did these injuries occasion renewed in...
This monograph aims to provide a survey of recent research on the pathogenesis of hypertensive encephalopathy. Or, in other words, to relate experimental results directly to a clinical problem. I am convinced that a very important task of experimental medical research is to find applications to the relevant clinical problem as soon as possible, and to avoid distraction by an increasingly over whelming accumulation of new information from all fields of scientific work. This is undoubtedly easier for a clinician than for a scientist who is only concerned with fundamental research; success ful...
This monograph aims to provide a survey of recent research on the pathogenesis of hypertensive encephalopathy. Or, in other words, to relate experimen...
The main aim of this study is to define the clinical criteria which must be considered in order to come to an adequate decision whether a patient with intracranial arteriovenous malformation (AVM) should be operated upon or treated conservatively. A special method was used to reduce the effects of selection. This method made it possible to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of conservative treatment versus surgery. The method implies that patients with equal combinations of variables (risk profiles) were compared in the two treatment lines. The variables building up the risk-profile pattern...
The main aim of this study is to define the clinical criteria which must be considered in order to come to an adequate decision whether a patient with...