ilość książek w kategorii: 2859
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Wieloletnie rośliny energetyczne
ISBN: 9788377630518 / Polski / Twarda / 156 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Przewiduje się, że XXI wiek stanie się wiekiem biologii. Zwiększające się zapotrzebowanie na energię odnawialną, produkty biodegradowalne oraz konieczność rewitalizacji gospodarki wiejskiej sprawiły, że opracowanie produkcji biomasy jako wsadu do wytworzenia bioenergii i bioproduktów stało się priorytetem w Unii Europejskiej i Stanach Zjednioczonych. Biomasa stopniowo będzie zastępować więc ropę naftową oraz inne paliwa kopalne.
Nowa seria książek „Technologie energii odnawialnej” ma uświadomić Czytelnikom, jak istotne są te źródła energii. W książce... Przewiduje się, że XXI wiek stanie się wiekiem biologii. Zwiększające się zapotrzebowanie na energię odnawialną, produkty biodegradowalne oraz...
79,00 zł |
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Energy Efficiency: Lessons Learned from Success Stories
ISBN: 9780821398036 / Angielski / Miękka / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Energy efficiency is an important factor in an economy, since it helps meet energy needs, decrease costs, and lower environmental impacts. A review of the evolution of energy intensity in European and Former Soviet Union countries indicates a positive trend: high-energy-intensity countries have now reached the level of medium-energy-intensity economies 15 years earlier, and in the same period, medium-energy-intensity ones had similarly evolved to levels of low-energy-intensity. At the same time, the fast transitioning economies of Central Europe converged towards similar levels of energy...
Energy efficiency is an important factor in an economy, since it helps meet energy needs, decrease costs, and lower environmental impacts. A review of...
137,28 zł |
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The Energy and Security Nexus: A Strategic Dilemma
ISBN: 9781782662617 / Angielski / Miękka / 318 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The relationship between energy and security has been receiving increasing attention over the last few years. Energy literally drives the global economy. Societies rely on it for everything from advanced medical equipment to heating, cooling, and irrigation. Whether it derives from advanced nuclear reactors in developed nations or simple woodstoves in the developing world, energy is recognized as vital to human welfare. It influences our economic, political, and social policies. Possessing or not possessing sufficient energy determines a state's political and economic power. Competition for...
The relationship between energy and security has been receiving increasing attention over the last few years. Energy literally drives the global econo...
129,80 zł |
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Handbook of Or/MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transportation
ISBN: 9781461467939 / Angielski / Twarda / 296 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This handbook provides sophisticated models for the study and analysis of activities involving the transportation of hazardous materials: risk assessment, shipment and route planning, decisions on location and emergency planning for terrorist attacks.
This handbook provides sophisticated models for the study and analysis of activities involving the transportation of hazardous materials: risk assessm...
375,70 zł |
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Energiemanagement Bei Öffentlich-Privaten Partnerschaften: Ein Referenzmodell Für Energieeffiziente Hochbauprojekte
ISBN: 9783658014940 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 326 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz reduziert die Lebenszykluskosten von Immobilien und ist wesentlicher Baustein zur Erreichung der weltweiten Klimaziele. Beim Bau und Betrieb offentlicher Hochbauten muss der Staat eine Vorbildfunktion einnehmen. Aufgrund der anhaltenden defizitaren Haushaltslage der offentlichen Hand gewinnt die alternative Beschaffungsvariante Offentlich-Private Partnerschaften zunehmend an Bedeutung. Robin Heidel zeigt auf, wie OPP-Hochbauprojekte gestaltet werden mussen, damit ein energieeffizienter Betrieb sichergestellt wird. Er entwickelt dazu ein Referenz-modell... Die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz reduziert die Lebenszykluskosten von Immobilien und ist wesentlicher Baustein zur Erreichung der weltweiten Kli... |
280,91 zł |
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Management Engineering Innovat
ISBN: 9781848215542 / Angielski / Twarda / 260 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book discusses management and engineering innovation with a particular emphasis on human resource management (HRM) and production engineering. This book discusses management and engineering innovation with a particular emphasis on human resource management (HRM) and production engineering.... |
847,54 zł |
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Smart Grid Standards: Specifications, Requirements, and Technologies
ISBN: 9781118653692 / Angielski / Twarda / 425 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A fully comprehensive introduction to smart grid standards and their applications for developers, consumers and service providers The critical role of standards for smart grid has already been realized by world-wide governments and industrial organizations. There are hundreds of standards for Smart Grid which have been developed in parallel by different organizations. It is therefore necessary to arrange those standards in such a way that it is easier for readers to easily understand and select a particular standard according to their requirements without going into... A fully comprehensive introduction to smart grid standards and their applications for developers, consumers and service providers ... |
557,60 zł |
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Smart Grid
ISBN: 9781119975809 / Angielski / Twarda / 576 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book bridges the divide between the fields of power systems engineering and computer communication through the new field of power system information theory.
Written by an expert with vast experience in the field, this book explores the smart grid from generation to consumption, both as it is planned today and how it will evolve tomorrow. The book focuses upon what differentiates the smart grid from the -traditional- power grid as it has been known for the last century. Furthermore, the author provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of both power systems and... This book bridges the divide between the fields of power systems engineering and computer communication through the new field of power system infor...
523,67 zł |
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Kompendium Planung Von Elektroanlagen: Theorie, Vorschriften, Praxis, Softwareanwendung
ISBN: 9783642630439 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 375 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
456,49 zł |
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Kombinierte Gas- Und Dampfkraftwerke
ISBN: 9783642631788 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 197 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dieses technische Fachbuch beschaftigt sich ausschliesslich mit der GuD-Technologie, die mittlerweile vor wenigen Jahrzehnten kaum vorstellbare Wirkungsgrade bis zu 60% ermoglichen. Der Aufbau und das Betriebsverhalten von GuD-Kraftwerken wird detailliert erlautert. Lediglich fundamentale Mathematik findet Verwendung, nach Moglichkeit werden die Sachverhalte in Diagrammen dargestellt. Das Werk wendet sich an Betriebsingenieure, Konstrukteure sowie Studenten der Energietechnik."
Dieses technische Fachbuch beschaftigt sich ausschliesslich mit der GuD-Technologie, die mittlerweile vor wenigen Jahrzehnten kaum vorstellbare Wirkun...
526,71 zł |
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Ausgleichsvorgänge in Elektroenergiesystemen: Mathematische Einführung, Elektromagnetische Und Elektromechanische Vorgänge
ISBN: 9783642635427 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 520 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Ingenieure der elektrischen Energietechnik sowie an Wissenschaftler und Studierende dieser Fachrichtung. Relevanz zeigt es dabei insbesondere im Bereich der Erzeugung, Ubertragung und Verteilung elektrischer Energie. Nach einer Einfuhrung in die erforderlichen mathematischen Grundlagen folgt eine umfassende Behandlung elektromechanischer Ausgleichsvorgange in Elektroenergiesystemen. Die prazise Modellbildung der betrachteten Betriebsmittel wird vorgestellt. Untersuchungen in unterschiedlichen Frequenzbereichen und spezielle Berechnungsverfahren wie beispielsweise...
Dieses Buch wendet sich an Ingenieure der elektrischen Energietechnik sowie an Wissenschaftler und Studierende dieser Fachrichtung. Relevanz zeigt es ...
245,77 zł |
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Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in Electricity Markets
ISBN: 9781118694312 / Angielski / Other digital carrier / 350 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book presents a detailed and in-depth introduction to the economic and technical foundations of modern electricity markets operating with locational marginal price (LMP), the key to understanding today's market operation.
This book presents a detailed and in-depth introduction to the economic and technical foundations of modern electricity markets operating with locatio...
369,25 zł |
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Electricity from Wave and Tide
ISBN: 9781118340912 / Angielski / Twarda / 278 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A concise yet technically authoritative overview of modern marine energy devices with the goal of sustainable electricity generation With 165 full-colour illustrations and photographs of devices at an advanced stage, the book provides inspiring case studies of today's most promising marine energy devices and developments, including full-scale grid-connected prototypes tested in sea conditions. It also covers the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney, Scotland, where many of the devices are assessed. Topics discussed:
A concise yet technically authoritative overview of modern marine energy devices with the goal of sustainable electricity generation ... |
404,60 zł |
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Lithium Batteries and Other Electrochemical Storage Systems
ISBN: 9781848214965 / Angielski / Twarda / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Lithium batteries were introduced relatively recently in comparison to lead- or nickel-based batteries, which have been around for over 100 years. Nevertheless, in the space of 20 years, they have acquired a considerable market share - particularly for the supply of mobile devices. We are still a long way from exhausting the possibilities that they offer. Numerous projects will undoubtedly further improve their performances in the years to come. For large-scale storage systems, other types of batteries are also worthy of consideration: hot batteries and redox flow systems, for example. Lithium batteries were introduced relatively recently in comparison to lead- or nickel-based batteries, which have been around for over 100 years. ... |
847,54 zł |
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Control of Switching Systems by Invariance Analysis: Applcation to Power Electronics
ISBN: 9781848216068 / Angielski / Twarda / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book presents correct-by-design control techniques for switching systems, using different methods of stability analysis. Switching systems are increasingly used in the electronics and mechanical industries; in power electronics and the automotive industry, for example. This is due to their flexibility and simplicity in accurately controlling industrial mechanisms. By adopting appropriate control rules, we can steer a switching system to a region centered at a desired equilibrium point, while avoiding -unsafe- regions of parameter saturation. This book presents correct-by-design control techniques for switching systems, using different methods of stability analysis. Switching systems are... |
738,24 zł |
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Design Rotating Electrical Mac
ISBN: 9781118581575 / Angielski / Twarda / 612 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In one complete volume, this essential reference presents an in-depth overview of the theoretical principles and techniques of electrical machine design. This timely new edition offers up-to-date theory and guidelines for the design of electrical machines, taking into account recent advances in permanent magnet machines as well as synchronous reluctance machines. New coverage includes:
In one complete volume, this essential reference presents an in-depth overview of the theoretical principles and techniques of electrical machine d... |
562,92 zł |
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Microgrids: Architectures and Control
ISBN: 9781118720684 / Angielski / Twarda / 344 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Microgrids are the most innovative area in the electric power industry today. Future microgrids could exist as energy-balanced cells within existing power distribution grids or stand-alone power networks within small communities.
A definitive presentation on all aspects of microgrids, this text examines the operation of microgrids - their control concepts and advanced architectures including multi-microgrids. It takes a logical approach to overview the purpose and the technical aspects of microgrids, discussing the social, economic and environmental benefits to power system operation. The... Microgrids are the most innovative area in the electric power industry today. Future microgrids could exist as energy-balanced cells within existing p...
430,09 zł |
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Reuse of Materials and Byproducts in Construction: Waste Minimization and Recycling
ISBN: 9781447153757 / Angielski / Twarda / 149 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The construction industry is the largest single waste producing industry in the UK. Ensuring a supply chain of recycled materials affords many potential gains, achieved through: reducing the material volume transported to already over-burdened landfill sites, possible cost reductions to the contractor/client when considering the landfill tax saved and the potential for lower cost material replacements, a reduction in the environmental impact of quarrying and the saving of depleting natural material resources. Reuse of Materials and Byproducts in... The construction industry is the largest single waste producing industry in the UK. Ensuring a supply chain of recycled materials affords many pote... |
375,70 zł |
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The Principles of Electronic and Electromechanic Power Conversion: A Systems Approach
ISBN: 9781118656099 / Angielski / Twarda / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A top-down approach that enables readers to master and apply core principles Using an innovative top-down approach, this text makes it possible for readers to master and apply the principles of contemporary power electronics and electromechanic power conversion, exploring both systems and individual components. First, the text introduces the role and system context of power conversion functions. Then the authors examine the building blocks of power conversion systems, describing how the components exchange power. Lastly, readers learn the principles of static and electromechanic power... A top-down approach that enables readers to master and apply core principles Using an innovative top-down approach, this text makes it possible f... |
456,66 zł |
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Coal-Fueled Electricity Generation: Fleet Outlook, Potential Changes & Impact of EPA Regulations
ISBN: 9781626182738 / Angielski / Twarda / 153 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
852,95 zł |