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Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis
ISBN: 9780123363800 / Angielski / Twarda / 369 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The main purpose of this book is to address the statistical issues for integrating independent studies. There exist a number of papers and books that discuss the mechanics of collecting, coding, and preparing data for a meta-analysis, and we do not deal with these.
Because this book concerns methodology, the content necessarily is statistical, and at times mathematical. In order to make the material accessible to a wider audience, we have not provided proofs in the text. Where proofs are given, they are placed as commentary at the end of a chapter. These can be omitted at the discretion... The main purpose of this book is to address the statistical issues for integrating independent studies. There exist a number of papers and books that ...
265,87 zł |
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Evaluating Social Science Research
ISBN: 9780195079708 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. We often decide what to believe and what to question on the basis of a simple rule of thumb like believe the trustworthy source or trust the expert. Sometimes, however, reliable and well-informed sources support both sides of the controversy. Whom are we to trust? How can we make a decision on the issue at hand? The second edition of Evaluating Social Science Research provides methods for thinking critically about claims of factual knowledge and drawing appropriate conclusions.
The authors have added new sections to the book to reflect the new developments in the field since the appearance... We often decide what to believe and what to question on the basis of a simple rule of thumb like believe the trustworthy source or trust the expert. S...
863,99 zł |
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Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences
ISBN: 9780195114652 / Angielski / Twarda / 416 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A strong understanding and appreciation of statistics and quantitative research methods is vital to any graduate student of the social sciences, yet most similar texts do not adequately cover this subject. With this in mind, the author has designed a text suitable for first-year graduate survey courses that reviews general statistical theory and methods and explores the problems that quantitative social scientists face in conducting research. The topics covered in this book range from the philosophical basis of scientific research to issues of statistical inference, measurement, scaling,...
A strong understanding and appreciation of statistics and quantitative research methods is vital to any graduate student of the social sciences, yet m...
1235,68 zł |
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Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice
ISBN: 9780195157758 / Angielski / Miękka / 560 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Qualitative research encompasses a growing set of methods that eschew strictly empirical, quantitative data in favor of information gathered through ethnography, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, and visual research. While it is an important tool in the arsenal of the researcher, there is often a large gap between the theory behind qualitative research and the actual practice of its methods. Approaches to Qualitative Research couples theoretical articles with practical research examples to help students develop a holistic understanding of the process of qualitative research.
... Qualitative research encompasses a growing set of methods that eschew strictly empirical, quantitative data in favor of information gathered through e...
609,92 zł |
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Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data
ISBN: 9780195173444 / Angielski / Twarda / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Rapid technological advances in devices used for data collection have led to the emergence of a new class of longitudinal data: intensive longitudinal data (ILD). Behavioral scientific studies now frequently utilize handheld computers, beepers, web interfaces, and other technological tools for collecting many more data points over time than previously possible. Other protocols, such as those used in fMRI and monitoring of public safety, also produce ILD, hence the statistical models in this volume are applicable to a range of data. The volume features state-of-the-art statistical modeling...
Rapid technological advances in devices used for data collection have led to the emergence of a new class of longitudinal data: intensive longitudinal...
419,84 zł |
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Determining Sample Size: Balancing Power, Precision, and Practicality
ISBN: 9780195315493 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A researcher's decision about the sample to draw in a study may have an enormous impact on the results, and it rests on numerous statistical and practical considerations that can be difficult to juggle. Computer programs help, but no single software package exists that allows researchers to determine sample size across all statistical procedures. This pocket guide shows social work students, educators, and researchers how to prevent some of the mistakes that would result from a wrong sample size decision by describing and critiquing four main approaches to determining sample size. In concise,...
A researcher's decision about the sample to draw in a study may have an enormous impact on the results, and it rests on numerous statistical and pract...
186,88 zł |
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Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research
ISBN: 9780202302607 / Angielski / Miękka / 282 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Most writing on sociological method has been concerned with how accurate facts can be obtained and how theory can thereby be more rigorously tested. In The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss address the equally Important enterprise of how the discovery of theory from data--systematically obtained and analyzed in social research--can be furthered. The discovery of theory from data--grounded theory--is a major task confronting sociology, for such a theory fits empirical situations, and is understandable to sociologists and laymen alike. Most important, it... Most writing on sociological method has been concerned with how accurate facts can be obtained and how theory can thereby be more rigorously tested... |
220,72 zł |
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Measurement in the Social Sciences: Theories and Strategies
ISBN: 9780202302720 / Angielski / Miękka / 473 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Among the frustrations constantly confronting the social scientist are those associated with the general process of measurement. The importance of good measurement has long been recognized in principle, but it has often been neglected in practice in many of the social sciences. Now that the methodological tools of multivariate analysis, simultaneous-equation estimation, and causal modeling are diffused more widely into the social sciences, and now that the very serious implications of random and non-random measurement errors are being systematically investigated, it is all the more important...
Among the frustrations constantly confronting the social scientist are those associated with the general process of measurement. The importance of goo...
230,75 zł |
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Politics of Social Research
ISBN: 9780202308340 / Angielski / Miękka / 242 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Politics of Social Research addresses itself to the question of the behavior appropriate for social scientists conducting research sponsored by or otherwise involving government agencies-our own and those of other countries. The simple patriotism that suggests that social scientists, like other citizens, should not hesitate to put their skills at the service of their government is questioned here and by practitioners. This is partly because of outright disagreement with government policies and partly because of the threat to independence posed by massive government funding. As this book...
Politics of Social Research addresses itself to the question of the behavior appropriate for social scientists conducting research sponsored by or oth...
230,75 zł |
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Data Analysis: A Statistical Primer for Psychology Students
ISBN: 9780202309002 / Angielski / Miękka / 268 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book is intended for psychology majors and graduate students who are conducting experiments for the first time and are faced with the task of making sense out of their data. This much needed "how-to-do-it" text illustrates the application of statistical methods to the data from small samples. It also serves as a handbook, with twenty-two tables presented at the end of the text that will allow the student to carry out virtually every computation necessary in analyzing his data. Almost all of the examples and illustrations are drawn from actual experiments so that the student can see how...
This book is intended for psychology majors and graduate students who are conducting experiments for the first time and are faced with the task of mak...
230,75 zł |
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Experiencing Social Research : A Reader
ISBN: 9780205404483 / Angielski / Miękka / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This reader introduces students to the social research process by pairing 16 published research articles with candid interviews with the lead researcher on each study.
This reader introduces students to the social research process by pairing 16 published research articles with candid interviews with the lead research...
486,64 zł |
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Tricks of the Trade: How to Think about Your Research While You're Doing It
ISBN: 9780226041247 / Angielski / Miękka / 232 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Drawing on more than four decades of experience as a researcher and teacher, Howard Becker now brings to students and researchers the many valuable techniques he has learned. Tricks of the Trade will help students learn how to think about research projects. Assisted by Becker's sage advice, students can make better sense of their research and simultaneously generate fresh ideas on where to look next for new data. The tricks cover four broad areas of social science: the creation of the "imagery" to guide research; methods of "sampling" to generate maximum variety in the data; the...
Drawing on more than four decades of experience as a researcher and teacher, Howard Becker now brings to students and researchers the many valuable te...
69,44 zł |
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Improvising Theory: Process and Temporality in Ethnographic Fieldwork
ISBN: 9780226100319 / Angielski / Miękka / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Scholars have long recognized that ethnographic method is bound up with the construction of theory in ways that are difficult to teach. The reason, Allaine Cerwonka and Liisa H. Malkki argue, is that ethnographic theorization is essentially improvisatory in nature, conducted in real time and in necessarily unpredictable social situations. In a unique account of, and critical reflection on, the process of theoretical improvisation in ethnographic research, they demonstrate how both objects of analysis, and our ways of knowing and explaining them, are created and discovered in the give and... Scholars have long recognized that ethnographic method is bound up with the construction of theory in ways that are difficult to teach. The reason,... |
166,41 zł |
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The Total Survey Error Approach: A Guide to the New Science of Survey Research
ISBN: 9780226891286 / Angielski / Miękka / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 1939, George Gallup's American Institute of Public Opinion published a pamphlet optimistically titled "The New Science of Public Opinion Measurement." At the time, though, survey research was in its infancy, and only now, six decades later, can public opinion measurement be appropriately called a science, based in part on the development of the total survey error approach.
Herbert F. Weisberg's handbook presents a unified method for conducting good survey research centered on the various types of errors that can occur in surveys from measurement and nonresponse error to coverage and... In 1939, George Gallup's American Institute of Public Opinion published a pamphlet optimistically titled "The New Science of Public Opinion Measuremen...
257,90 zł |
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Designing Randomised Trials in Health, Education and the Social Sciences: An Introduction
ISBN: 9780230537354 / Angielski / Twarda / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book focuses on the design of rigorous trials rather than their statistical underpinnings, with chapters on: pragmatic designs; placebo designs; preference approaches; unequal allocation; economics; analytical approaches; randomization methods. It also includes a detailed description of randomization procedures and different trial designs.
The book focuses on the design of rigorous trials rather than their statistical underpinnings, with chapters on: pragmatic designs; placebo designs; p...
400,64 zł |
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Designing Randomised Trials in Health, Education and the Social Sciences: An Introduction
ISBN: 9780230537361 / Angielski / Miękka / 228 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book focuses on the design of rigorous trials rather than their statistical underpinnings, with chapters on: pragmatic designs; placebo designs; preference approaches; unequal allocation; economics; analytical approaches; randomization methods. It also includes a detailed description of randomization procedures and different trial designs.
The book focuses on the design of rigorous trials rather than their statistical underpinnings, with chapters on: pragmatic designs; placebo designs; p...
440,71 zł |
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Action Research and Organizational Development
ISBN: 9780275942656 / Angielski / Twarda / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Action Research and Organizational Development describes a process of change that encourages research and consulting skills. In this process, research data about an organization or culture is systematically collected to develop an understanding of the needs, issues and problems. The information provides the impetus for focusing the change and making discoveries. This work describes the characteristics of the action research process and the procedure for its implementation. This particular type of applied social research differs from other varieties in the immediacy of the... Action Research and Organizational Development describes a process of change that encourages research and consulting skills. In this process... |
369,71 zł |
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Research Methods and Communication in the Social Sciences
ISBN: 9780275949303 / Angielski / Twarda / 184 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An overview of research methods on the social sciences, emphasizing managing the research process and reporting reliable results, for graduate students, professors, and researchers. Outlines research basics such as identifying and stating a problem, formulating a hypothesis, conducting analysis, and
An overview of research methods on the social sciences, emphasizing managing the research process and reporting reliable results, for graduate student...
290,48 zł |
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Research Conversations and Narrative: A Critical Hermeneutic Orientation in Participatory Inquiry
ISBN: 9780275961053 / Angielski / Twarda / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book portrays how participatory inquiry in a critical hermeneutic tradition moves the research process for social scientists from an epistemological place to an ontological event. Part One offers a critique of the technical, intellectual, and advocacy research enterprises and provides the reader a segue to a philosophical and historical discussion of critical hermeneutics. The discussion, in Part Two, lays the foundation for an ontologically-based field research protocol. In Part Three, the questions of research topic, research categories, questions and conversations, selection of... This book portrays how participatory inquiry in a critical hermeneutic tradition moves the research process for social scientists from an epistemol... |
306,33 zł |
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Traveling Companions: Feminism, Teaching, and Action Research
ISBN: 9780275980276 / Angielski / Twarda / 224 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book explores the ways in which a diverse group of feminist and participatory action researchers experience, create meaning, and respond to the challenges of engaging in collaborative processes of reflection, action, and change. While headed in similar directions, rarely have feminist researchers and participatory action researchers acknowledged each other as collaborators with mutually important contributions to the journey. Through the work presented in this volume, the contributors hope to influence feminist scholarship to be more participatory and action-oriented, and... This book explores the ways in which a diverse group of feminist and participatory action researchers experience, create meaning, and respond to th... |
448,93 zł |