ilość książek w kategorii: 1525
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Culture, Civilization and Humanity
ISBN: 9780714655543 / Angielski / Twarda / 392 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Part I of this volume, The Values of Progress, endeavours to prove the existence of three intellectual horizons: the horizon of cultures; above that the horizon of civilizations; and above both the horizon of humanity. This part gives solid evidence that progress is a product of the horizon of humanity. Part II comprises Tarek Heggy's writings on the Egyptian mind. Part III is an attempt to diagnose the illnesses of contemporary Egyptian political and socio-economic actuality and prescribe two solutions: a liberal political system and a modern market economy driven by an advanced cadre that...
Part I of this volume, The Values of Progress, endeavours to prove the existence of three intellectual horizons: the horizon of cultures; above that t...
736,21 zł |
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Culture, Civilization, and Humanity
ISBN: 9780714684345 / Angielski / Miękka / 400 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Part I of this volume, The Values of Progress, endeavours to prove the existence of three intellectual horizons: the horizon of cultures; above that the horizon of civilizations; and above both the horizon of humanity. This part gives solid evidence that progress is a product of the horizon of humanity. Part II comprises Tarek Heggy's writings on the Egyptian mind. Part III is an attempt to diagnose the illnesses of contemporary Egyptian political and socio-economic actuality and prescribe two solutions: a liberal political system and a modern market economy driven by an advanced cadre that...
Part I of this volume, The Values of Progress, endeavours to prove the existence of three intellectual horizons: the horizon of cultures; above that t...
289,36 zł |
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Ritual, Politics, and the City in Fatimid Cairo
ISBN: 9780791417829 / Angielski / Miękka / 248 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provides an understanding of the complexities of political legitimacy in Islamic dynasties by examining Fatimid political culture in Egypt reconstructed from court rituals. The author approaches ritual as a dynamic process through which claims to political and religious authority in Islamic societies are articulated, and in which complex negotiations of power have taken place.
This book provides an understanding of the complexities of political legitimacy in Islamic dynasties by examining Fatimid political culture in Egypt r...
136,29 zł |
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The History of Al-Tabari Vol. 17: The First Civil War: From the Battle of Siffin to the Death of 'Ali A.D. 656-661/A.H. 36-40
ISBN: 9780791423943 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Many of the events treated in this volume have become part of the historical consciousness of Muslims. The first civil war of Islam, the Fitnah, is widely seen as of decisive importance in dividing the Muslims into three major traditions, Sunnis, Shi'is, and Kharijis, which have persisted until today. Although this division may be an over-simplification of a much more complex process of community formation, the events narrated here are certainly of great importance in the early history of Islam.
The volume is focused on the struggle between the caliph 'Ali and his rival and eventual... Many of the events treated in this volume have become part of the historical consciousness of Muslims. The first civil war of Islam, the Fitnah, is wi...
136,34 zł |
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The Search for God in Ancient Egypt: An Immigrant Community in New York City
ISBN: 9780801437861 / Angielski / Twarda / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This classic work by one of the world's most distinguished Egyptologists was first published in German in 1984. The Search for God in Ancient Egypt offers a distillation of Jan Assmann's views on ancient Egyptian religion, with special emphasis on theology and piety. Deeply rooted in the texts of ancient Egypt and thoroughly informed by comparative religion, theology, anthropology, and semiotic analysis, Assmann's interpretations reveal the complexity of Egyptian thought in a new way.
Assmann takes special care to distinguish between the "implicit" theology of Egyptian polytheism and the... This classic work by one of the world's most distinguished Egyptologists was first published in German in 1984. The Search for God in Ancient Egypt of...
548,34 zł |
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The Search for God in Ancient Egypt: The Symbolic Politics of Ethnic War
ISBN: 9780801487293 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This classic work by one of the world's most distinguished Egyptologists was first published in German in 1984. The Search for God in Ancient Egypt offers a distillation of Jan Assmann's views on ancient Egyptian religion, with special emphasis on theology and piety. Deeply rooted in the texts of ancient Egypt and thoroughly informed by comparative religion, theology, anthropology, and semiotic analysis, Assmann's interpretations reveal the complexity of Egyptian thought in a new way.
Assmann takes special care to distinguish between the "implicit" theology of Egyptian polytheism and the... This classic work by one of the world's most distinguished Egyptologists was first published in German in 1984. The Search for God in Ancient Egypt of...
121,80 zł |
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Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations
ISBN: 9780801871030 / Angielski / Miękka / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Published in 1992, William L. Moran's definitive English translation, The Amarna Letters, raised as many questions as it answered. How did Pharaoh run his empire? Why did the god-king consent to deal with his fellow, mortal monarchs as equals? Indeed, why did kings engage in diplomacy at all? How did the great powers maintain international peace and order? In Amarna Diplomacy, Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook have brought together a team of specialists, both social scientists and ancient historians, to explore the world of ancient Near Eastern statecraft portrayed... Published in 1992, William L. Moran's definitive English translation, The Amarna Letters, raised as many questions as it answered. How did ... |
149,65 zł |
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The Great Social Laboratory: Subjects of Knowledge in Colonial and Postcolonial Egypt
ISBN: 9780804755672 / Angielski / Twarda / 344 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Great Social Laboratory charts the development of the human sciences--anthropology, human geography, and demography--in late nineteenth- and twentieth-century Egypt. Tracing both intellectual and institutional genealogies of knowledge production, this book examines social science through a broad range of texts and cultural artifacts, ranging from the ethnographic museum to architectural designs to that pinnacle of social scientific research--"the article." Omnia El Shakry explores the interface between European and Egyptian social scientific discourses and interrogates... The Great Social Laboratory charts the development of the human sciences--anthropology, human geography, and demography--in late nineteenth-... |
462,03 zł |
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Ancient Egyptian Medicine
ISBN: 9780806135045 / Angielski / Miękka / 242 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The skills of the ancient Egyptians in preserving bodies through mummification are well known, but less recognized is their expertise in the everyday medical practices needed to treat the living. John F. Nunn draws on his own experience as a physician and Egyptologist to reassess the evidence on ancient Egyptian medical practices. Nunn has translated and reconsidered the original Egyptian medical papyri and has re-evaluated other sources of information, including skeletons, mummies, statues, tomb paintings, and sarcophagi.
Illustrations highlight similarities in the conditions of... The skills of the ancient Egyptians in preserving bodies through mummification are well known, but less recognized is their expertise in the everyday ...
138,74 zł |
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Infertility and Patriarchy
ISBN: 9780812214246 / Angielski / Miękka / 312 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Infertility and Patriarchy explores the lives of infertile women whose personal stories depict their daily struggles to resist disempowerment and stigmatization. Marcia C. Inhorn has produced a unique study of gender, politics, and family life in contemporary Egypt. Infertility and Patriarchy explores the lives of infertile women whose personal stories depict their daily struggles to resist disempowermen... |
149,59 zł |
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Rethinking Nasserism: Revolution and Historical Memory in Modern Egypt
ISBN: 9780813027043 / Angielski / Twarda Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "An enormous amount of academic literature has been published on Nasserism since the 1950s and, to my mind, Rethinking Nasserism is without a doubt the last word on the subject. . . . An outstanding reappraisal of Nasserism as a major force in the 20th-century Middle East."--Israel Gershoni, Tel Aviv UniversityPresident Gamal 'Abd Nasser was a beloved figure of the Egyptian people and loomed large over the Arab world during his period of influence (1952-1970). Nasser dominated and defined the politics of an entire generation of Egyptians and successfully spoke to the masses of Arabs in...
"An enormous amount of academic literature has been published on Nasserism since the 1950s and, to my mind, Rethinking Nasserism is without a d...
336,44 zł |
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Islamic Roots of Capitalism: Egypt, 1760-1840
ISBN: 9780815605065 / Angielski / Miękka / 340 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Challenging the ethnocentric notion that a capitalist economy could only be transferred to the peripheral states through contact with Europe, this text argues that the capitalist transformation of the Egyptian economy was begun by Muslim merchants and Mamluk rulers in the 18th century.
Challenging the ethnocentric notion that a capitalist economy could only be transferred to the peripheral states through contact with Europe, this tex...
113,47 zł |
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Egypt from Independence to Revolution, 1919-1952
ISBN: 9780815625315 / Angielski / Miękka / 170 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This text offers an interpretation of Egypt's so-called liberal era and an understanding of contemporary Egyptian society. It analyses both mainstream and conventional political and social forces and political activism among people from widely differing backgrounds.
This text offers an interpretation of Egypt's so-called liberal era and an understanding of contemporary Egyptian society. It analyses both mainstream...
105,84 zł |
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New Mamluks: Egyptian Society and Modern Feudalism
ISBN: 9780815628453 / Angielski / Miękka / 340 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This study of modern Egypt aims to open the debate regarding new terms and methods for understanding the Middle East and Islamic societies. Sonbol shows continuity in the division of Egyptian society into two groups: the Khassa which tried to impose a hegemonic culture, and the opposing Amma.
This study of modern Egypt aims to open the debate regarding new terms and methods for understanding the Middle East and Islamic societies. Sonbol sho...
105,84 zł |
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The Lost Boys of Sudan: An American Story of the Refugee Experience
ISBN: 9780820328836 / Angielski / Miękka / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 2000 the United States began accepting 3,800 refugees from one of Africa's longest civil wars. They were just some of the thousands of young men, known as "Lost Boys," who had been orphaned or otherwise separated from their families in the chaos of a brutal conflict that has ravaged Sudan since 1983. "The Lost Boys of Sudan" focuses on four of these refugees. Theirs, however, is a typical story, one that repeated itself wherever the Lost Boys could be found across America. Jacob Magot, Peter Anyang, Daniel Khoch, and Marko Ayii were among 150 or so Lost Boys who were resettled in... In 2000 the United States began accepting 3,800 refugees from one of Africa's longest civil wars. They were just some of the thousands of young men... |
109,26 zł |
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Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times
ISBN: 9780827607651 / Angielski / Miękka / 604 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. At a time when hostilities and violence in the Middle East and Persian Gulf continually threaten the world with war, anyone seeking to understand the current situation must become familiar with the interrelationships of the Jewish and Arab cultures. This book focuses on the forces, events, and personalities that over the past 150 years have shaped the Jewish communities of the Arab world, changing the relations between Jews and Arabs more radically than anything since the rise of Islam nearly 1400 years ago. Norman A. Stillman is the Schusterman/Josey Professor of Judaic History at the...
At a time when hostilities and violence in the Middle East and Persian Gulf continually threaten the world with war, anyone seeking to understand the ...
142,12 zł |
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Nasser's New Egypt: A Critical Analysis
ISBN: 9780837182339 / Angielski / Twarda / 326 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
293,95 zł |
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The Western Bahr Al-Ghazal Under British Rule, 1898-1956
ISBN: 9780896801615 / Angielski / Miękka / 195 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Western Bahr al-Ghazal is perhaps one of the least known places in Africa. Yet this remote part of the Republic of Sudan can be regarded as a historical barometer, registering major developments in the history of the Nile valley. In the nineteenth century the region became one of the most active slave-exporting zones in Africa. The area is distinguished from the rest of southern Sudan by its veneer of Muslim influence and an Arabic pidgin. British officials regarded it as a Muslim enclave and in the twentieth century, western Bahr al-Ghazal became a laboratory in which the British colonial...
Western Bahr al-Ghazal is perhaps one of the least known places in Africa. Yet this remote part of the Republic of Sudan can be regarded as a historic...
116,73 zł |
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Creating the New Egyptian Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity, 1863-1922
ISBN: 9781403962621 / Angielski / Twarda / 237 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A "New Woman" was announced in Egypt at the turn of the nineteenth century. With a new genre of prescriptive literature, new products, a new education, and a physically changed home, she increasingly emerged in public life. This book discusses and debates the place of Egyptian women, while focusing on consumerism and education. Russell sheds much-needed light on the struggle for identity in Egypt at a time of considerable flux and tension and provides a powerful angle to explore changing concepts of social dynamics and broader debates of what it meant to be "modern" while retaining local...
A "New Woman" was announced in Egypt at the turn of the nineteenth century. With a new genre of prescriptive literature, new products, a new education...
198,88 zł |
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Society and Religion in Early Ottoman Egypt : Studies in the Writings of 'Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Sha 'Rani
ISBN: 9781412805643 / Angielski / Miękka / 262 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The sixteenth century was a watershed in Egyptian history. After being the center of powerful Islamic empires for centuries, Egypt was conquered in 1517 and made an outlying province of the Ottoman Empire. This study illuminates aspects of Egypt's social, intellectual, and religious life in the sixteenth century, as described by the Egyptian Sufi 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'ranı, one of the last original writers before cultural decadence permeated the Arab world in the late Middle Ages. A prominent social commentator, Sha'ranı reflected the intense Turkish-Egyptian struggle of...
The sixteenth century was a watershed in Egyptian history. After being the center of powerful Islamic empires for centuries, Egypt was conquered in 15...
233,50 zł |