Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Embedded System vs General Computing System - Classification of Embedded System, Purpose of Embedded system, Quality Attributes of Embedded System - Typical Embedded System - Core of Embedded System, Memory, Sensors and Actuators, Communication Interface - Onboard communication interface, External communication interface. Embedded Firmware Design Approaches - Embedded Firmware Development Languages - Embedded System Development Environment - IDE, Compiler, Linker - Types of File Generated on Cross Compilation-Simulator, Emulator and Debugging - Fundamental issues in Hardware Software...
Embedded System vs General Computing System - Classification of Embedded System, Purpose of Embedded system, Quality Attributes of Embedded System - T...
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
C Language Fundamentals, Arrays and Strings Character set, Identifiers, Keywords, Data Types, Constant and Variables, Statements, Expressions, Operators, Precedence of operators, Input - output Assignments, Control structures, Decision-making and Branching, Decision-making and looping. Declarations. Monolithic vs Modular programs, User defined vs standard functions, formal vs Actual arguments, Functions category, function prototypes, parameter passing, Recursion, Storage Classes: Auto, Extern, Global, Static. Character handling in C. String handling functions. Pointers, Structures, Union and...
C Language Fundamentals, Arrays and Strings Character set, Identifiers, Keywords, Data Types, Constant and Variables, Statements, Expressions, Operato...
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Electronic Commerce: Overview, Definitions, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce, Threats of E-Commerce, Cyber Laws. Technologies: Relationship between E-Commerce and Networking, Different Types of Networking for E-Commerce, internet, intranet, EDI Systems. Wireless Application Protocol: Definition, Hand Held Devices, Mobility and Commerce. Mobile Computing, Wireless Web, Web Security, Infrastructure Requirement for E-Commerce. Business Models of E-Commerce; Model Based on Transaction Type, Model Based on Transaction Party - B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, E-Governance. Convergence: Technological...
Electronic Commerce: Overview, Definitions, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce, Threats of E-Commerce, Cyber Laws. Technologies: Relationship ...
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Nomenclature, Operators, Kinematics, Introduction, Position, Representation of Positions, Cartesian coordinates, Cylindrical coordinates, Spherical coordinates, Linear Velocity, Representation of Linear Velocities, Rotation, Rotation Matrices, Active vs. Passive Rotation, Active Rotation, Elementary Rotations, Composition of Rotations, Representation of Rotations, Euler Angles, Angle and Axis.
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Elektronischer Handel: Überblick, Definitionen, Vorteile und Nachteile des elektronischen Handels, Bedrohungen des elektronischen Handels, Cyber-Gesetze. Technologien: Beziehung zwischen E-Commerce und Networking, verschiedene Arten von Networking für E-Commerce, Internet, Intranet, EDI-Systeme. Drahtloses Anwendungsprotokoll: Definition, Handheld-Geräte, Mobilität und Handel. Mobile Computing, Wireless Web, Web-Sicherheit, Infrastrukturanforderungen für E-Commerce. Geschäftsmodelle des E-Commerce; Modell basierend auf der Transaktionsart, Modell basierend auf der Transaktionspartei -...
Elektronischer Handel: Überblick, Definitionen, Vorteile und Nachteile des elektronischen Handels, Bedrohungen des elektronischen Handels, Cyber-Gese...
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Commerce électronique : Aperçu, définitions, avantages et inconvénients du commerce électronique, menaces du commerce électronique, lois sur le cyberespace. Technologies : Relation entre le commerce électronique et les réseaux, différents types de réseaux pour le commerce électronique, internet, intranet, systèmes EDI. Protocole d'application sans fil : Définition, appareils portatifs, mobilité et commerce. Informatique mobile, Web sans fil, sécurité du Web, besoins en infrastructure pour le commerce électronique. Modèles commerciaux du commerce électronique ; modèle basé...
Commerce électronique : Aperçu, définitions, avantages et inconvénients du commerce électronique, menaces du commerce électronique, lois sur le ...
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Introduction to Database Systems and its Applications, Database System, Architecture, Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Data Models - Network, Hierarchical and Relational, Data Models - Relational and Object-Oriented Data Models, Entity Relationship (ER), Model Mapping ER, Relational Model, Data Definitions, Languages, Data Manipulation, Integrity Constraints and Data Manipulation Operations. Relation Query Language, Fundamental Relation, Algebra Operations, Extended Relation, Algebra Operations Tuple and Domain Relational Calculus SQL QBE, Domain and Data Dependency Armstrong's Axioms,...
Introduction to Database Systems and its Applications, Database System, Architecture, Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Data Models - Network, Hier...
Barbudhe, Vishwajit K., Zanjat, Shraddha N., Karmore, Bhavana S.
Diode circuit: load line concept, clipping circuits, comparators, sampling gate, rectifiers, capacitive filters, additional diode circuit. Transistor: the junction transistor, transistor as an amplifier, transistor construction, the CE configuration, the CB configuration, the CE cut-off and saturation region, common emitter current gain, the common collector configuration, analytical expression for transistor characteristics, the photo-transistor. Transistor at low frequency: graphical analysis of the CE model, two-port model and hybrid model, transistor hybrid model, the h-parameter,...