Maria Rodrigues Feitosa, Isaira, Núñez Novo, Benigno
Nos repas doivent répondre aux besoins de notre corps, contenant donc tous les nutriments nécessaires, tels que les vitamines, les protéines, les lipides et les glucides. L'idéal est de manger toutes les trois heures, c'est-à-dire de prendre les repas quotidiens suivants : petit-déjeuner, collation du matin, déjeuner, collation de l'après-midi, dîner et souper. Évitez les aliments frits et très gras. Les aliments cuits au four, bouillis et grillés sont plus sains. Incluez trois portions de lait et de produits laitiers dans votre alimentation. Buvez au moins deux litres d'eau par...
Nos repas doivent répondre aux besoins de notre corps, contenant donc tous les nutriments nécessaires, tels que les vitamines, les protéines, les l...
Maria Rodrigues Feitosa, Isaira, Núñez Novo, Benigno
The use of medicinal plants has been practiced since the beginning of time, and today it has become a great ally for modern medicine. Therefore, the cultivation and use of medicinal plants, in natura, in the form of teas, was initiated as an alternative to provide access to natural medicines to groups deprived of freedom, due to the lack of synthetic drugs available in the conventional market. The work was developed aiming not only at improving the physical health of the inmates, but also their mental health, since the labor work focused on agricultural cultivation has notably contributed to...
The use of medicinal plants has been practiced since the beginning of time, and today it has become a great ally for modern medicine. Therefore, the c...
Maria Rodrigues Feitosa, Isaira, Núñez Novo, Benigno
Our meals should meet our body's needs, containing, therefore, all the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. The ideal is to eat every three hours, so we should have the following daily meals: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper. Avoid fried and very fatty foods. Baked, boiled and grilled foods are healthier. Include three servings of milk and dairy products in your diet. Drink at least two liters of water per day. Consume foods rich in fiber to reduce cholesterol and improve bowel function. Avoid consuming candies and...
Our meals should meet our body's needs, containing, therefore, all the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. The ...
Maria Rodrigues Feitosa, Isaira, Núñez Novo, Benigno
Unsere Mahlzeiten sollten den Bedürfnissen unseres Körpers entsprechen, also alle notwendigen Nährstoffe, wie Vitamine, Proteine, Fette und Kohlenhydrate enthalten. Ideal ist es, alle drei Stunden zu essen, d. h. wir sollten täglich folgende Mahlzeiten einnehmen: Frühstück, Vormittagssnack, Mittagessen, Nachmittagssnack, Abendessen und Abendbrot. Vermeiden Sie frittierte und sehr fetthaltige Speisen. Gebackene, gekochte und gegrillte Speisen sind gesünder. Nehmen Sie drei Portionen Milch und Milchprodukte in Ihre Ernährung auf. Trinken Sie mindestens zwei Liter Wasser pro Tag....
Unsere Mahlzeiten sollten den Bedürfnissen unseres Körpers entsprechen, also alle notwendigen Nährstoffe, wie Vitamine, Proteine, Fette und Kohlenh...