La législation sur la migration a commencé à changer sous l'influence de la situation actuelle et simultanément à son déroulement. Il est nécessaire de séparer les réfugiés des travailleurs migrants ordinaires, de simplifier le mécanisme de séjour légal sur le territoire russe et d'éviter la congestion des régions frontalières. D'après nos recherches, la plupart des réfugiés ont légalisé leur statut juridique sur le territoire russe. Ainsi, 61,3% ont obtenu ou sont en train d'obtenir le statut d'asile temporaire, et 15,6% ont obtenu ou sont en train d'obtenir un permis de...
La législation sur la migration a commencé à changer sous l'influence de la situation actuelle et simultanément à son déroulement. Il est néces...
L'histoire du droit jette les bases de la conception et du développement de nombreux concepts, institutions et principes modernes et d'autres constructions juridiques modernes. L'une d'entre elles est la catégorie de la bonne foi, qui est dérivée du terme latin "bona fides" (bonne conscience). Bien que de nombreuses études nationales et étrangères aient été consacrées à ce sujet, le débat sur la compréhension, le contenu, la signification et le rôle de la bonne foi dans la réalité juridique est toujours en cours. Malgré le long développement théorique de ce concept, sa...
L'histoire du droit jette les bases de la conception et du développement de nombreux concepts, institutions et principes modernes et d'autres constru...
Dans le contexte actuel d'instabilité politique et économique, il est particulièrement important pour le développement efficace de la société que les citoyens prennent conscience de leurs capacités entrepreneuriales. La législation actuelle dans la sphère entrepreneuriale ne constitue pas un système de normes complet et exhaustif, mais peut plutôt être caractérisée comme un ensemble de dispositions de base qui n'englobent pas la diversité et la multiplicité des questions entrepreneuriales. En outre, ce système réglementaire se caractérise par des incohérences internes,...
Dans le contexte actuel d'instabilité politique et économique, il est particulièrement important pour le développement efficace de la société qu...
Les problèmes de formation et de manifestation de l'opinion publique n'ont pas perdu leur pertinence aujourd'hui. L'opinion publique présente un certain nombre de particularités en ce qu'elle affecte plus d'un domaine du droit. Outre le droit civil et le droit pénal, l'opinion publique touche des domaines tels que : le droit international, le droit constitutionnel et, du point de vue du budget de l'État, le droit financier. La principale préoccupation de ce document est que la législation (à savoir le processus d'élaboration des lois) et l'application des lois donnent aux individus...
Les problèmes de formation et de manifestation de l'opinion publique n'ont pas perdu leur pertinence aujourd'hui. L'opinion publique présente un cer...
Among the most important elements of the political status of the individual traditionally belongs the right of citizens to elect and be elected to bodies of power. In modern democracies elections are a fundamental condition for the legitimacy of such bodies exercising people's sovereignty during the period established by law. The issues related to ensuring the implementation of the electoral rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation continue to be relevant at the present time in the light of the next reform of the state electoral system.Provision of citizens' electoral rights with...
Among the most important elements of the political status of the individual traditionally belongs the right of citizens to elect and be elected to bod...
According to public opinion polls, one of the main criteria of happiness and satisfaction of Russians is a favorable environment. According to the same data, one of the main demands of our compatriots, addressed to the state and the law, is the requirement to ensure normal human life, including the right to natural resources. The problems of the legal status of silvicultural organizations, their rights and responsibilities with regard to forest plantations (forests) are nowadays actual and significant. These problems require a thorough scientific analysis.
According to public opinion polls, one of the main criteria of happiness and satisfaction of Russians is a favorable environment. According to the sam...
The functions entrusted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the collection of insurance contributions, distribution and timely payment of state pensions, given their enormous social, political and economic importance, necessitate effective financial controls in this area. As noted in the Statement of the Control Manual, the organization of control is an integral element of the management of public financial resources, since such management is accountable to society.Control is not an end in itself, but an integral part of the regulatory system whose purpose is to detect deviations...
The functions entrusted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the collection of insurance contributions, distribution and timely payment of...
The problems of formation and manifestation of public opinion of citizens have not lost their relevance today. Public opinion has a number of distinctive differences, expressed in the fact that they affect more than one area of law. In addition to civil law and criminal law, public opinion affects such areas as: international law, constitutional law, and in terms of the state budget - financial law. The main problematic of the work is that legislation (namely the law-making process) and law enforcement make individuals in society feel both oppressed and protected at the same time. In some...
The problems of formation and manifestation of public opinion of citizens have not lost their relevance today. Public opinion has a number of distinct...
To date, science has not developed a unified concept of copyright, which has significant specificity. So far there is no shared by the majority of authors definition of copyright objects, their differentiation into types according to the main classifications, the essence of copyright is understood in different ways, there is no unity of opinion on the varieties of legal relations in the field of implementation by authors of their rights. The algorithms of implementation and protection of civil rights in the field of authorship are not defined.All of the above leads to inefficient and...
To date, science has not developed a unified concept of copyright, which has significant specificity. So far there is no shared by the majority of aut...
The legal technology of expert studies of water transport accidents leaves much to be desired. Until now there is no logically correct definitions of water transport accidents in the legislation, its types and components are not investigated in the literature. Appointment of technical expertise of water transport accidents is performed without a unified system of concepts and general methodological basis. The requirements for expertise are excessively dependent on external factors and vary significantly depending on the type of legal process in which expert studies are conducted. The...
The legal technology of expert studies of water transport accidents leaves much to be desired. Until now there is no logically correct definitions of ...