To date, science has not developed a unified concept of use and protection of lands of historical and cultural designation, which has significant specifics. Until now there is no definition of lands of such type and their types shared by the majority of authors, the essence of this category of lands is understood in different ways, there is no unity of opinions about the varieties of legal relations in the sphere of use and protection of lands of historical and cultural purpose. The algorithms of realization and protection of the rights of the state and society in the investigated sphere are...
To date, science has not developed a unified concept of use and protection of lands of historical and cultural designation, which has significant spec...
Under the existing conditions, control over cash flows and movement of financial instruments becomes especially important. In this connection the necessity of participation of authorized bodies in realization of such control increases. This function has traditionally been performed by customs authorities. Even before the establishment of the Customs Union by member states, customs authorities were vested with the powers of currency control agents within the EurAsEC.Creation of a single customs territory required the development of legal regulation of currency control at the supranational...
Under the existing conditions, control over cash flows and movement of financial instruments becomes especially important. In this connection the nece...
This type of supervisory activities of a prosecutor can not be called relatively new; the practice of prosecutorial supervision in this area can already be considered as mature. However, so far in the doctrine of prosecutorial supervision there is no unambiguous definition of the subject of supervision over the implementation of laws on international relations and combating extremism, there is no uniform understanding of the necessary areas of supervision, there is very little analysis of the most typical violations of rights and legally protected interests in the mentioned areaThe resolution...
This type of supervisory activities of a prosecutor can not be called relatively new; the practice of prosecutorial supervision in this area can alrea...
The sphere of reimbursable provision of medical services can claim to be a specific segment of prosecutorial activity in the framework of supervision over compliance with the rights of citizens in the sphere of health care, because today, in fact, there is no conceptual correlation of medical care as a social function with contractual reimbursable form of its implementation, there is a lack of transparency in pricing in the medical services markets, there are problems of applying quality standards, etc. We can also talk in general about the absence of normatively defined and ensuring the...
The sphere of reimbursable provision of medical services can claim to be a specific segment of prosecutorial activity in the framework of supervision ...
At the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century, Russian-German relations moved to the format of strategic partnership established by G. Schroeder and V. V. Putin, the states were united by close and productive cooperation. But already in the second decade of the 21st century, the development of structural crises had a significant impact on the relations of all major actors in the international system, including Russian-German relations. The problems that arose as a direct result of, and were deepened by, the Ukrainian crisis have jeopardized the close partnership between Russia and...
At the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century, Russian-German relations moved to the format of strategic partnership established by G. Schr...
To date, science has not developed a unified concept of business reputation of legal entities, which has significant specifics. To date, there is no shared by most authors definition of business reputation, the essence of this intangible good is understood in different ways, there is no unity of opinion on the varieties of legal relations in the field of business reputation. The algorithms of implementation and protection of civil rights in the field of business reputation are not defined.In addition, all of the above leads to an inefficient and haphazard application of norms governing...
To date, science has not developed a unified concept of business reputation of legal entities, which has significant specifics. To date, there is no s...
In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (article 1064) there is an article, which establishes that in the case of harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, damage to the property of a legal entity, the person who has caused the harm must fully compensate it. The basic signs of civil liability admit: presence of harm, wrongfulness of actions of the person who has caused harm, guilt of the person who has inflicted harm and causal connection between actions (inaction) of the person who has inflicted harm and consequences of his actions. Besides, the person who has caused harm can...
In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (article 1064) there is an article, which establishes that in the case of harm caused to the person or pro...
The need for participation of a prosecutor in the consideration of administrative-law disputes in arbitration courts is due to the need to protect the public interest of legal persons, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, private persons participants of arbitration proceedings.Participating in administrative-law disputes in arbitration courts, the prosecutor performs the role of a procedural plaintiff, and his interest lies in the legitimate and fair determination of justice. At that, the legal position of a prosecutor in administrative-law disputes is not binding...
The need for participation of a prosecutor in the consideration of administrative-law disputes in arbitration courts is due to the need to protect the...
The condition for a citizen to be recognized as a consumer is the purchase of goods solely for personal (domestic) needs, not related to entrepreneurial activity. The latter is equivalent to those cases, when a citizen, not registered as an entrepreneur, carries out on a professional basis any income-generating activity: engaged in professional photography (for example, wedding ceremonies, etc.), provision of paid legal assistance, tutoring in a foreign language, etc. Practice shows that the main contract in the field of consumer legal relations is still a contract of sale, but more and more...
The condition for a citizen to be recognized as a consumer is the purchase of goods solely for personal (domestic) needs, not related to entrepreneuri...
Migration legislation began to undergo changes under the influence of the current situation and simultaneously with its unfolding. It was necessary to separate refugees from ordinary labour migrants, to simplify the mechanism of legal stay on the territory of Russia, to avoid overloading the border regions. According to our research, most refugees legalized their legal status on the territory of Russia. Thus, 61.3% have obtained or are in the process of obtaining temporary asylum status, and 15.6% have obtained or are in the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit or a residence...
Migration legislation began to undergo changes under the influence of the current situation and simultaneously with its unfolding. It was necessary to...