Friedrich Nietzsche, Raymond Geuss (University of Cambridge), Ronald Speirs (University of Birmingham)
The Birth of Tragedy is one of the seminal philosophical works of the modern period. The theories developed in this relatively short text have had a profound influence on the philosophy, literature, music and politics of the twentieth century. This edition presents a new translation by Ronald Speirs and an introduction by Raymond Geuss that sets the work in its historical and philosophical context. The volume also includes two essays on related topics that Nietzsche wrote during the same period.
The Birth of Tragedy is one of the seminal philosophical works of the modern period. The theories developed in this relatively short text have had a p...
Friedrich Nietzsche, Bernard Williams (University of Oxford), Josefine Nauckhoff (Wake Forest University, North Carolina
Nietzsche wrote The Gay Science, which he later described as "perhaps my most personal book," when he was at the height of his intellectual powers, and the reader will find it an extensive and sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views most central to Nietzsche's own thought and most influential on later thinkers. This volume presents the work in a new translation by Josefine Nauckhoff, with an introduction by Bernard Williams that elucidates the work's main themes and discusses their continuing importance.
Nietzsche wrote The Gay Science, which he later described as "perhaps my most personal book," when he was at the height of his intellectual powers, an...
Friedrich Nietzsche, Rolf-Peter Horstmann (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Judith Norman (Trinity University, Texas)
This is a major work by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, whose writings have been deeply influential on subsequent generations of philosophers. It is offered here in a new translation by Judith Norman, with an introduction by Rolf Peter Horstmann that places the work in its historical and philosophical context.
This is a major work by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, whose writings have been deeply influential on subsequent generations of philosophers. It...
Friedrich Nietzsche, a German psychologist and philosopher is one of the most controversial minds of the 19th century. Beyond "Good and Evil" is one of his most important works and in this book he segments his views on religion, morality, virtue, nationalism and gender relationships - it is power packed! Nietzsche seeks to deliver his philolosphy to the masses. A Collector's Edition.
Friedrich Nietzsche, a German psychologist and philosopher is one of the most controversial minds of the 19th century. Beyond "Good and Evil" is one o...
In reading these essays we are apt to be deceived, by their virulent and forcible tone, into believing that the whole matter is a mere cover for hidden fire, -a mere blind of aesthetic discussion concealing a deep and implacable personal feud which demands and will have vengeance. In spite of all that has been said to the contrary, many people still hold this view of the two little works before us; and, as the actual facts are not accessible to everyone, and rumours are more easily believed than verified, the error of supposing that these pamphlets were dictated by personal animosity, and...
In reading these essays we are apt to be deceived, by their virulent and forcible tone, into believing that the whole matter is a mere cover for hidde...
This is a classic work by the German philologist, poet, composer, author and philosopher, Nietzsche (1844-1900). He critiqued religion, morality, contemporary culture and philosophy, basing his thoughts on whether the idea is life-affirming or life-denying. He was plagued by ill health, a workaholic and phenomenal thinker, and hence his life was both short and very productive, ending in mental collapse. At the age of 24 he remains the youngest ever Chair of Classical Philosophy at the University of Basel. But he rarely gained the respect he deserved within his lifetime. That has since been...
This is a classic work by the German philologist, poet, composer, author and philosopher, Nietzsche (1844-1900). He critiqued religion, morality, cont...
Friedrich Nietzsche: Ecce Homo. Wie man wird, was man ist Entstanden 1888-89. Erstdruck: Leipzig (Insel), 1908. Vollstandige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2016. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Friedrich Nietzsche: Werke in drei Banden. Herausgegeben von Karl Schlechta. Munchen: Hanser, 1954. Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als Marginalie zeilengenau mitgefuhrt. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Lovis Corinth, Ecce Homo, 1925. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 11 pt."
Friedrich Nietzsche: Ecce Homo. Wie man wird, was man ist Entstanden 1888-89. Erstdruck: Leipzig (Insel), 1908. Vollstandige Neuausgabe mit einer Biog...
Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra. A Book for All and None Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch fur Alle und Keinen. Composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885 and published between 1883 and 1891. Translated by Thomas Common, T.N. Foulis, Edinbugh and London, 1909. Vollstandige Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2015. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Wassilij Dimitriewitsch Polenow, Meditation auf dem Berg, 1900. Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 11 pt."
Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra. A Book for All and None Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch fur Alle und Keinen. Composed in four parts bet...
Beyond Good and Evil is a collection of essays and aphorisms in which Friedrich Nietzsche expresses his desire for a "transvaluation of all values." He contends that no human values are absolute; that all value distinctions (such as that between 'good' and 'evil') are artificial, the result of mere traditional prejudices; and that humanity should discard its old, outmoded values (such as 'good' and 'evil').
Beyond Good and Evil is a collection of essays and aphorisms in which Friedrich Nietzsche expresses his desire for a "transvaluation of all values." H...