All over the world the ageing population increases on a regular basis. The elderly accounts for the populations in the age group from sixty years and above. In most countries, these age groups are either referred to as dependants, those within the retirement age or they are commonly referred to as the aged. Hence, mental health care for the elderly is a topic that needs to be taken seriously because we have often witnessed the emotional problems associated with the well being of these adults and it is very important that they be taken into high consideration at this time of their lives.
All over the world the ageing population increases on a regular basis. The elderly accounts for the populations in the age group from sixty years and ...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to add Mental Resilience in your life. Building mental resilience is important if you want to get tougher and build a shield against all the stress and bad things in the world. It is so easy to give up under high pressure and let go of your dreams and hopes for the future. However, do not despair. There are ways to practice your mental resilience and become a stronger person. Your mind is just like any part of your body. For example, if you want to build muscle, you have to work out a lot of hours. This is almost the same thing. Instead of...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to add Mental Resilience in your life. Building mental resilience is important if you want to ge...
To be addicted means to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively. It could be gambling, taking a substance, pornography or anything that makes a person become so obsessive and finding it very difficult to leave or becoming indispensable. Addiction is the state or quality of being addicted; a compulsive need for and use of a habit forming substance such as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol characterized by tolerance and by well defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal and it is the persistent compulsive use of such substance known by the user to be very harmful. In...
To be addicted means to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively. It could be gambling, taking a substance, pornography or...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to recognize the signs of depression in teens and what treatment will help them to combat their symptoms. Depression can cause a person to function at a low level, especially when the person is being affected by psychological depression which can lead to being sad, inactive, having difficulty in thinking and not being able to concentrate; they show a significant increase or decrease in appetite and spend a lot of time sleeping, feeling of hopelessness and sometimes suicidal tendencies are all associated with depression. We are going to...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to recognize the signs of depression in teens and what treatment will help them to combat their ...
This book contains information on what causes Mental illness and other factors about how to maintain a healthier mental health. Millions of Americans live with various types of mental illness and mental health problems. Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions-disorders that affect your mood; thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and...
This book contains information on what causes Mental illness and other factors about how to maintain a healthier mental health. Millions of Americans ...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to improve your short-term memory. Mental Health Matters (MHM) is a very important issue in human history. To make the subject clearer, we must start from the very beginning and origin of why and how mental health matters and is associated to the brain that we inhale. Having mental stability or mental derailment is something that can determine whether an individual can really fit into the society. From the basic unit of life where a child is born, it is expected that children should develop under proper parental care, guidance, supervision...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to improve your short-term memory. Mental Health Matters (MHM) is a very important issue in huma...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to recognize suicidal behavior in your friends and family. Suicidal acts and attempts are phenomena that have been committed from one generation to another all around the world. Why do some people attempt suicide? There are various reasons that may warrant such thing. Perhaps the most populous and famous suicide committed in the history of mankind was the one carried out by JUDAS ISCARIOT. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to the Christian Bible, and the motive behind it was because of his greed for money. He...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to recognize suicidal behavior in your friends and family. Suicidal acts and attempts are phenom...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to overcome the fear of failing. When a person becomes unsuccessful and makes efforts at achieving something but that thing eludes him, then that circumstance can cause a "let down." Anything that is not successful can only be regarded as a failure. When a person makes a futile attempt at something he desires or is assigned a task and he fails to deliver, that is failure on the person's part. It can happen to anyone, it can also happen even to a bigger organization. But we cannot talk about failure without mentioning the fear that goes...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to overcome the fear of failing. When a person becomes unsuccessful and makes efforts at achievi...
Pet Therapy is a guided interaction between an individual and a trained animal. It also involves the animal's handler. The purpose of pet therapy is to help a patient recover from or cope with a health problem or a mental disorder. Pet therapy also is called animal-assisted therapy. Dogs and cats are the animals most commonly used in pet therapy. However, fish, guinea pigs, horses, and other animals that meet screening criteria can be used. The type of animal chosen depends on the therapeutic goals of a patient's treatment plan. Pet therapy, is sometimes confused with animal-assisted...
Pet Therapy is a guided interaction between an individual and a trained animal. It also involves the animal's handler. The purpose of pet therapy is t...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to recognize the signs of depression in teens and what treatment will help them to combat their symptoms. Depression can cause a person to function at a low level, especially when the person is being affected by psychological depression which can lead to being sad, inactive, having difficulty in thinking and not being able to concentrate; they show a significant increase or decrease in appetite and spend a lot of time sleeping, feeling of hopelessness and sometimes suicidal tendencies are all associated with depression. We are going to...
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to recognize the signs of depression in teens and what treatment will help them to combat their ...