Synopsis Bleed for the Queen is in part the story of KOBUS CRONJE, a pathologist from South Africa in Northern Ireland and his attempt to come to terms with the philosophical and psychological consequences of the brutal murder of his sister-in-law and her five month old baby. His own guilt and retribution causes his moral compass to go haywire in the way that he sees his wife, Lucy after she stood in for him at the morgue on that fateful Sunday morning. Bleed for the Queen is also the story of the city LONDONDERRY. A 400-year old city that he felt he had to defend no matter what the cost....
Synopsis Bleed for the Queen is in part the story of KOBUS CRONJE, a pathologist from South Africa in Northern Ireland and his attempt to come to term...
Om te lees blaai om sak terug kussing jou rug lees my kniee opgetrek laat my uitspring deur jou oe tot lewe kom wysvinger gelek donkie-oor my vou my weer en weer stryk my plat sleep jou vinger oor my rug prewel my naam laat my bestaan in einde jou met glimlag uit te strek in tevredenheid sielsversadig met glimlag jou oe te knip agter jou gaap my af te stof en te herlees"
Om te lees blaai om sak terug kussing jou rug lees my kniee opgetrek laat my uitspring deur jou oe tot lewe kom wysvinger gelek donkie-oor my vou my w...
Waar is my tiekie? Tog snaaks dat ek eers aan die einde van die reis moes kom om die begin te kon sien. 'n Pad wat nooit eindig nie en waar daar net gestop is as dit reeds te laat was en ek klaar, karsiek, opgegooi het. 'n Pad gedeel met baie. Ek moes eers vyftig word voordat ek die pad vorentoe kon lees. Die pad tot op vyftig was interessant. Die pad na vyftig 'n ondervinding en ervaring. Altwee paaie was en is grondpad; ek is bly. Oud-Suidwester ken van grondpad ry. Die mense wat tot op vyftig saam met my gery het, kon nie altyd by hou nie. Almal ry nie dieselfde pad nie; daar is...
Waar is my tiekie? Tog snaaks dat ek eers aan die einde van die reis moes kom om die begin te kon sien. 'n Pad wat nooit eindig nie en waar daar net g...
Ek het my Tiekie gevind. Wees saam met my bly ek het my tiekie gekry. Plus: twee broers en 'n suster 'n seun en twee dogters meer as een vrou... Eintlik was my tiekie maar altyd daar: saam op die langpad, met die nuuskierige ondersoek van al tien gaatjies, saam by die 'naked hikers', met die geboorte van my kinders, die dood van my ouers, my broer, my seun my reis terug, altyd terug... ek is 'n kind van Namibie. Lariza van Niekerk: Wat 'n genot is dit nie om weereens saam met Johann Wentzel in "Ek het my Tiekie gevind" 'n herinneringsreis te onderneem nie Hierdie reis strek vanaf sy...
Ek het my Tiekie gevind. Wees saam met my bly ek het my tiekie gekry. Plus: twee broers en 'n suster 'n seun en twee dogters meer as een vrou... Eintl...
Where is my tickey? Isn't it strange that I had to get to the end of the road to be able to see the start? A road that never ends and where a stop is only made when it is too late and I travel sick, have already thrown up. A road shared with many. I had to turn fifty four before I could read the road ahead. The road up to fifty four was interesting. The road after fifty four an experience. Both roads were and are gravel roads; I am pleased. Ex-South-Westerners are familiar with driving on gravel roads. Not all the people who travelled with me up to fifty four could always keep up. Not...
Where is my tickey? Isn't it strange that I had to get to the end of the road to be able to see the start? A road that never ends and where a stop is ...
I have found my Tickey. Rejoice with me, I have found my tickey. Plus two brothers and a sister a son and two daughters more than one wife... Actually, my tickey has always been there: together on the long road, with the inquisitive discovery of all ten secret openings, the 'naked hikers', with the birth of my children, the death of my parents, my brother, my son my own journey back, always back... I am a child of Namibia. Lariza van Niekerk: What a pleasure it is to go on a reminiscence journey with Johann Wentzel in "I have found my Tickey" This journey stretches from his barefoot...
I have found my Tickey. Rejoice with me, I have found my tickey. Plus two brothers and a sister a son and two daughters more than one wife... Actually...
Are they the same size? Two worlds merging into one: each as confused and confusing as the other. Two books in parallel but on different timelines... most of the time. One could honestly say that she was Joe's god in a society ripe for the beast. Are they the same size is the world of Joe Soap. Joe who finally had to conclude that no woman's breasts are identical in size. "They were men and so were their fathers before them." The older man carried no expression, his voice was flat. There was no mistaking his heart breaking sincerity. "We did not mutilate the bodies as reported by your war...
Are they the same size? Two worlds merging into one: each as confused and confusing as the other. Two books in parallel but on different timelines... ...