Este nuevo relato de la prolifica serie comienza con la descripcion que hace el doctor Watson de su amigo Isa Whitney, adicto al opio. Una noche de junio de 1889, Watson tiene que ir a buscar a Whitney a un sordido fumadero de los barrios bajos londinenses, a instancias de su desgraciada esposa. Para su sorpresa, alli se encuentra a Holmes, y lo que parecia que iba a ser una historia sobre el mundo del opio y sus lacras da un giro total. Watson se une de buen grado a la investigacion que esta realizando Holmes, limitandose a enviar una nota a su esposa. Curiosamente, al principio del relato...
Este nuevo relato de la prolifica serie comienza con la descripcion que hace el doctor Watson de su amigo Isa Whitney, adicto al opio. Una noche de ju...
Un joven caballero es invitado al viejo caseron de un amigo de la infancia, Roderick Usher, artista enfermizo y excentrico que vive completamente recluido en compania de su hermana, Lady Madeline, tambien delicada de salud. Usher vive presa de una enfermedad indefinible, lo que hace a todos temer por su vida. La que acaba muriendo es su hermana. Sus restos mortales son depositados en una cripta, pero no tardan en producirse terribles acontecimientos que desembocaran en un tragico final. The story begins with the unnamed narrator arriving at the house of his friend, Roderick Usher, having...
Un joven caballero es invitado al viejo caseron de un amigo de la infancia, Roderick Usher, artista enfermizo y excentrico que vive completamente recl...
The story begins with the unnamed narrator arriving at the house of his friend, Roderick Usher, having received a letter from him in a distant part of the country complaining of an illness and asking for his help. Although Poe wrote this short story before the invention of modern psychological science, Roderick's condition can be described according to its terminology. It includes a form of sensory overload known as hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity to textures, light, sounds, smells, and tastes), hypochondria (an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness), and acute...
The story begins with the unnamed narrator arriving at the house of his friend, Roderick Usher, having received a letter from him in a distant part of...
The story surrounds the baffling double murder of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter in the Rue Morgue, a fictional street in Paris. Newspaper accounts of the murder reveal that the mother's throat is so badly cut that her head is barely attached and the daughter, after being strangled, has been stuffed into the chimney. The murder occurs in an inaccessible room on the fourth floor locked from the inside. Neighbors who hear the murder give contradictory accounts, each claiming that he heard the murderer speaking a different language. The speech was unclear, the witnesses say and they admit to...
The story surrounds the baffling double murder of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter in the Rue Morgue, a fictional street in Paris. Newspaper account...
The story is set in 1790 in the countryside around the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town (historical Tarrytown, New York), in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. Sleepy Hollow is renowned for its ghosts and the haunting atmosphere that pervades the imaginations of its inhabitants and visitors. The most infamous spectre in the Hollow is the Headless Horseman, said to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head."
The story is set in 1790 in the countryside around the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town (historical Tarrytown, New York), in a secluded glen called Slee...
El narrador, llamado P..., describe el interes creciente en el mesmerismo, una pseudociencia consistente en imbuir al paciente en un estado hipnotico mediante la influencia del magnetismo (el mesmerismo evolucionaria mas adelante en la hipnosis). Senala que, hasta donde el sabe, nadie ha mesmerizado a un voluntario en el umbral de su muerte, y tiene curiosidad por conocer sus efectos en un moribundo. Su amigo Valdemar, enfermo terminal de tuberculosis, consiente en realizar el experimento. Mientras Valdemar cae en trance, afirma primero que esta muriendo, luego que esta muerto. P... le deja...
El narrador, llamado P..., describe el interes creciente en el mesmerismo, una pseudociencia consistente en imbuir al paciente en un estado hipnotico ...
The narrator presents the facts of the extraordinary case of Valdemar which have incited public discussion. He is interested in Mesmerism, a pseudoscience involving bringing a patient into a hypnagogic state by the influence of magnetism, a process which later developed into hypnotism. He points out that, as far as he knows, no one has ever been mesmerized at the point of death, and he is curious to see what effects mesmerism would have on a dying person. He considers experimenting on his friend Ernest Valdemar, an author whom he had previously mesmerized, and who has recently been diagnosed...
The narrator presents the facts of the extraordinary case of Valdemar which have incited public discussion. He is interested in Mesmerism, a pseudosci...
Este libro narra la inquietante noche que en la vispera de esta festividad pasa Ebenezer Scrooge, un anciano miserable y tacano que es una de las mas acabadas representaciones del avaro en la historia de la literatura y otro de los inolvidables personajes de la amplia galeria de Dickens. La visita del espectro de su antiguo socio, Jacob Marley, hace desfilar ante Scrooge la vision de los espiritus de las Navidades pasadas, presentes y futuras intentando conmover su corazon. Algo va a cambiar. Con este tierno relato, el autor se propuso remover las conciencias de sus lectores y convencerlos de...
Este libro narra la inquietante noche que en la vispera de esta festividad pasa Ebenezer Scrooge, un anciano miserable y tacano que es una de las mas ...
The tale begins on a "cold, bleak, biting" Christmas Eve exactly seven years after the death of Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley. Scrooge, an old miser, is established within the first stave as "a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner " He hates Christmas, calling it "humbug"; he refuses his nephew Fred's Christmas dinner invitation, and rudely turns away two gentlemen who seek a donation from him to provide a Christmas dinner for the poor. His only "Christmas gift" is allowing his overworked, underpaid clerk Bob Cratchit Christmas Day off with pay -...
The tale begins on a "cold, bleak, biting" Christmas Eve exactly seven years after the death of Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley. Scrooge, an o...