Seit geraumer Zeit wird eine intensive Debatte uber Effektivitat und Effizienz beruflicher Bildung gefuhrt. Im Zentrum stehen Fragen der Optimierung von beruflichen Bildungs- und Qualifizierungsprozessen sowie der Qualitatsentwicklung und -sicherung in den Berufsbildungsinstitutionen. Die Formulierung auf dem Prufstand verweist darauf, dass es in den meisten Beitragen um die Darstellung empirischer Befunde zu ausgewahlten Aspekten der Struktur des Berufsbildungssystems, der Ebene der einzelnen Berufsbildungsinstitutionen und der Ebene der Lehr-Lern-Prozesse geht. Untereinander...
Seit geraumer Zeit wird eine intensive Debatte uber Effektivitat und Effizienz beruflicher Bildung gefuhrt. Im Zentrum stehen Fragen der Optimierung v...
Diese Arbeit ist im Kontext des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geforderten Projekts -Wirksamkeit bildungspolitischer Reformstrategien- entstanden. Die Arbeit betrachtet kritisch das neue outputorientierte Steuerungsmodell, das sich frappierend in beinahe allen gesellschaftlichen (Teil-)Systemen als das politisch favorisierte Modell durchsetzt. Auf der Basis einer umfassenden interdisziplinaren Analyse werden die konzeptionellen Grenzen der Steuerbarkeit des Bildungssystems und der Steuerungsfahigkeit des politisch-administrativen Systems ausgearbeitet. Im Rahmen der...
Diese Arbeit ist im Kontext des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geforderten Projekts -Wirksamkeit bildungspolitischer Reformstrategien- entst...
Accelerated substantial progress regarding many fields of production and services imposes pressure upon the labor market. Employers are desperately looking for skilled workers in nearly all technological fields. All over the world this pressure reaches the national systems of vocational education and training. Along with the output orientation turn new standards are imposed, forcing firms and schools to make every endeavor to improve and remodel their programs as well as their practices to reach more and more ambitious goals. To be successful they need the results of scientific research from...
Accelerated substantial progress regarding many fields of production and services imposes pressure upon the labor market. Employers are desperately lo...
Accelerated substantial progress regarding many fields of production and services imposes pressure upon the labor market. Employers are desperately looking for skilled workers in nearly all technological fields. All over the world this pressure reaches the national systems of vocational education and training. Along with the output orientation turn new standards are imposed, forcing firms and schools to make every endeavor to improve and remodel their programs as well as their practices to reach more and more ambitious goals. To be successful they need the results of scientific research from...
Accelerated substantial progress regarding many fields of production and services imposes pressure upon the labor market. Employers are desperately lo...
Sigrid Blomeke Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Christiane Kuhn
Measuring competencies acquired over the course of higher education is an area of research that largely has been neglected. This deficit can be attributed to the complexity of academic competencies since the variety of institutions, programs, occupational fields and job requirements render it difficult to define and even harder to measure outcomes. Thus, assessing the preconditions for and effects of competency development is a challenge methodologically. In this book, a comprehensive review of the international state of research on modeling and measuring competencies in higher education...
Measuring competencies acquired over the course of higher education is an area of research that largely has been neglected. This deficit can be attrib...
Sigrid Blomeke Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Christiane Kuhn
Measuring competencies acquired over the course of higher education is an area of research that largely has been neglected. This deficit can be attributed to the complexity of academic competencies since the variety of institutions, programs, occupational fields and job requirements render it difficult to define and even harder to measure outcomes. Thus, assessing the preconditions for and effects of competency development is a challenge methodologically. In this book, a comprehensive review of the international state of research on modeling and measuring competencies in higher education...
Measuring competencies acquired over the course of higher education is an area of research that largely has been neglected. This deficit can be attrib...
Dieses systematische Review gibt einen Uberblick uber nationale und internationale Assessmentpraxis und bietet eine umfassende und exklusive Informationsgrundlage. Im Auftrag des BMBF haben die AutorInnen eine Synopse zum aktuellen Stand der nationalen und internationalen Forschung zur Erfassung von Kompetenzen bzw. Lernergebnissen (learning outcomes) von Studierenden und Hochschulabsolventen in Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen KooperationspartnerInnen erstellt. Der Band gibt einen umfassenden Uberblick uber weltweit einschlagige Arbeiten aus der letzten Dekade sowie uber aktuelle...
Dieses systematische Review gibt einen Uberblick uber nationale und internationale Assessmentpraxis und bietet eine umfassende und exklusive Inform...
This publication focuses on competency orientation in higher education, illustrating international assessment practices for measuring student learning outcomes. For Germany, the Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education (KoKoHs) research program contributes exemplary approaches, and solutions to current challenges in higher education. KoKoHs models and tests can be used for entrance examination, formative and summative assessment of domain-specific and generic competencies and as a basis for developing new teaching-and-learning tools and formats promoting these...
This publication focuses on competency orientation in higher education, illustrating international assessment practices for measuring student learn...
This book offers a comprehensive overview of current, innovative approaches to assessing generic and domain-specific learning outcomes in higher education at both national and international levels.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of current, innovative approaches to assessing generic and domain-specific learning outcomes in higher educa...