The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. As it has always been, retail executives are part of the target group and the knowledge transfer between retail research and retail management remains a part of the publication's concept.
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retai...
The discussion about Multi-Channel-Systems in retail business might not be new - but it has gained momentum against the background of consolidations and mergers, the devel- ment of information and communication technologies (ICT) and experiences of disillusi- ment with pure e-commerce players (Dohmann et al. 2002; Barth et al. 2007). This is additionally evidenced by the increasing number of academic publications and the gain in importance of multi-channel distribution in retail-practice - where many pure e-players have augmented their structure of distribution with alternative channels...
The discussion about Multi-Channel-Systems in retail business might not be new - but it has gained momentum against the background of consolidations a...
Die internationale Unternehmenstatigkeit hat insbesondere in den beiden letzten Dekaden des 20. Jahrhunderts eine enorme Bedeutung erlangt. Zunehmend wird daher zum Teil auch mit Skepsis von der Globalisierung der Unternehmen oder gar der Wirtschaft gesprochen. E- dent und daher in der Literatur auch unstrittig ist, dass die Fuhrung eines international tatigen Unternehmens ungleich komplexer ist als die Fuhrung eines nur national agierenden Unt- nehmens. Die Ursachen hierfur liegen u.a. in der Vielgestaltigkeit der Umfeldentwicklungen und in einem meist gegebenen Spannungsfeld zwischen einer...
Die internationale Unternehmenstatigkeit hat insbesondere in den beiden letzten Dekaden des 20. Jahrhunderts eine enorme Bedeutung erlangt. Zunehmend ...
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. As it has always been, retail executives are part of the target group and the knowledge transfer between retail research and retail management remains a part of the publication's concept.
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retai...
Die Arbeit von Dirk Morschett ist der Erforschung des Markenphanomens bei Einzel handelsuntemehmen gewidmet. Diese Problemstellung ist in mehrfacher Hinsicht von erheblicher Relevanz. So liegen zwar zahlreiche (wissenschaftliche) Untersuchungen vor, die sich mit der Thematik "Marke" und "Markenwert" beschaftigen, jedoch sind diese Studien im Wesentlichen auf Produktmarken ausgerichtet. Nur in geringem MaBe werden Dienstleistungsmarken und Handlermarken explizit betrachtet. Andererseits liegt zwar eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungen zum Store Image vor, jedoch werden in diesen Untersuchungen...
Die Arbeit von Dirk Morschett ist der Erforschung des Markenphanomens bei Einzel handelsuntemehmen gewidmet. Diese Problemstellung ist in mehrfacher H...
Fifteen years after its commercial launching, the Internet has become the second most imp- tant distribution channel (after high street retailing) and a major source of customer infor- tion and empowerment (Urban 2003, 2005; Constantinides/Fountain 2008). A number of - cent developments in this field threaten to further weaken the role of traditional retailing in a number of sectors where retailers and intermediaries have always played an important role. Music, entertainment, press, printing/publishing and traditional travel agents are some of the branches that have already felt the negative...
Fifteen years after its commercial launching, the Internet has become the second most imp- tant distribution channel (after high street retailing) and...
In 50 Beitragen widmen sich kompetente Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis unterschiedlichen Facetten des Global Trade. Dabei werden nicht nur die Erscheinungsformen und Rahmenbedingungen des Auenhandels betrachtet, sondern es erfolgt daruber hinaus eine umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit Strategien und Vorgehensweisen der Selektion und Bearbeitung auslandischer Absatz- und Beschaffungsmarkte sowie der Gestaltung und Fuhrung auenhandelsorientierter Unternehmen. "Eine gelungene Auswahl von Beitragen zu wirklich relevanten Themen Fallstudien stutzen die Theorie und illustrieren die Praxis."...
In 50 Beitragen widmen sich kompetente Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis unterschiedlichen Facetten des Global Trade. Dabei werden nicht nur die Ers...
The internationalization of the human society and mainly of the economy will continue. It will create threats but also big opportunities to most companies. This is where the book makes its contribution, putting forward suggestions for medium-sized companies to become a winner of internationalization. After a comprehensive introduction to internationalization and to strategic planning, concrete recommendations are made: The book first looks at going international for new markets. Then it shows how to develop an internationalization strategy for production and sourcing. Finally strategic...
The internationalization of the human society and mainly of the economy will continue. It will create threats but also big opportunities to most compa...
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. As it has always been, retail executives are part of the target group and the knowledge transfer between retail research and retail management remains a part of the publication's concept. EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH welcomes manuscripts on original theoretical or conceptual contributions as well as empirical research - based either on large-scale empirical data or on the case-study method....
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retai...
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. As it has always been, retail executives are part of the target group and the knowledge transfer between retail research and retail management remains a part of the publication's concept. EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH welcomes manuscripts on original theoretical or conceptual contributions as well as empirical research - based either on large-scale empirical data or on the case-study method....
The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail researchers, retai...