System on Chip (SOC) having both digital and analog circuits has become increasingly prevalent in integrated circuit manufacturing industry. Electronic tests are classified as digital, analog and mixed signal. Current methodologies for the testing of digital circuits are well developed. In contrast, methodologies for the testing of analog circuits remain relatively underdeveloped due to the complex nature of analog signals. Compared to digital testing, analog testing lags far behind in methodologies and tools and therefore demands substantial research and development effort.
System on Chip (SOC) having both digital and analog circuits has become increasingly prevalent in integrated circuit manufacturing industry. Electr...
Bioreactors: Animal Cell Culture Control for Bioprocess Engineering presents the design, fabrication, and control of a new type of bioreactor meant especially for animal cell line culture. The new bioreactor, called the "see-saw bioreactor," is ideal for the growth of cells with a sensitive membrane. The see-saw bioreactor derives its name from its principle of operation in which liquid columns in either limb of the reactor alternately go up and down. The working volume of the reactor is small, to within 15 L. However, it can easily be scaled up for large production in...
Bioreactors: Animal Cell Culture Control for Bioprocess Engineering presents the design, fabrication, and control of a new type of...