What Makes this Book Unique? No crystal ball is required to safely predict, that in the future even more than in the past mastered innovativeness will be a primary criterion distinguishing s- cessful from unsuccessful companies. At the latest since Michael Porter s study on the competitiveness of nations, the same criterion holds even for the evaluation of entire countries and national economies. Despite the innumerable number of p- lications and recommendations on innovation, competitive innovativeness is still a rare competency. The latest publication of UNICE the European Industry -...
What Makes this Book Unique? No crystal ball is required to safely predict, that in the future even more than in the past mastered innovativeness will...
Against the late nineteenthcentury European trend of theoretical elaborations of negative homosexual stereotypes and the legal persecution of homosexuals, German sexologist, Magnus Hirschfeld (18681935) introduced a scientific and humanistic approach to homosexual emancipation. Radical from the outset, his pioneering theorizations of gender overturned the dual sex system and revealed the artificiality of gender. Beyond destabilizing traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity and substantiating the naturalness of such phenomena as homosexual, intersexed, and transgendered identities,...
Against the late nineteenthcentury European trend of theoretical elaborations of negative homosexual stereotypes and the legal persecution of homosexu...
Cornelius Herstatt Christoph Stockstrom Hugo Tschirky
What Makes this Book Unique? No crystal ball is required to safely predict, that in the future even more than in the past mastered innovativeness will be a primary criterion distinguishing s- cessful from unsuccessful companies. At the latest since Michael Porter s study on the competitiveness of nations, the same criterion holds even for the evaluation of entire countries and national economies. Despite the innumerable number of p- lications and recommendations on innovation, competitive innovativeness is still a rare competency. The latest publication of UNICE the European Industry -...
What Makes this Book Unique? No crystal ball is required to safely predict, that in the future even more than in the past mastered innovativeness will...
Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen umfassenden praxisorientierten Einblick in die fruhen Phasen von Innovationsprozessen, deren Vorgaben funktionale Eigenschaften von Produkten und Kosten bereits zu einem Grossteil festlegen. Die 2. Auflage ist komplett uberarbeitet und um weitere Beitrage erganzt, die den rasanten Erkenntnisfortschritt der letzten vier Jahre widerspiegeln. "
Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen umfassenden praxisorientierten Einblick in die fruhen Phasen von Innovationsprozessen, deren Vorgaben funktionale Eige...
This book focuses on the small car segment of India's automotive industryto explain the emergence of lead markets. Theauthorscontend thatthe current understanding of lead markets does not sufficiently explain the business practices that are born out of the intensified globalization of innovation. Lead markets are considered crucial for the global diffusion of new products and this book investigates whether sustainable lead markets can also emerge in developing economies, and if so, under which conditions. The authors question the conventional wisdom and propose updates and extensions to the...
This book focuses on the small car segment of India's automotive industryto explain the emergence of lead markets. Theauthorscontend thatthe current u...
The impressive and sustained growth of India's automobile industry in recent years has catapulted it into the league of the world's top-seven producers of four-wheelers. This study identifies the main thrusts of policy regimes for the automobile sector since 1947, which began in an overregulation mode in the early period of independence.
The impressive and sustained growth of India's automobile industry in recent years has catapulted it into the league of the world's top-seven producer...
Die Zahl von Online-Gemeinschaften steigt, und damit stellt sich fur Unternehmen die Frage, wie man dieses Potenzial fur Innovationsvorhaben optimal nutzbar machen kann. Dieser Sammelband gibt einen umfassenden und praxisorientierten Einblick in die Nutzung des Internets, speziell von virtuellen Communities, um Kundenwunsche zu erfahren und Kunden in den Produktentwicklungsprozess aktiv einzubinden."
Die Zahl von Online-Gemeinschaften steigt, und damit stellt sich fur Unternehmen die Frage, wie man dieses Potenzial fur Innovationsvorhaben optimal n...
Die Fahigkeit, hoch innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen schnell und mit uberschaubaren Risiken zu entwickeln, bietet Unternehmen einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil. Solche Innovationen basieren zu einem grossen Teil auf bereits existierendem Wissen, welches geschickt neu kombiniert wird. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz, gezielt bestehendes Wissen aus anderen Bereichen fur eigene Innovationen zu nutzen, ist die Verwendung innovativer Analogien. Dabei wird eine Problemstellung abstrahiert, um einen Wissenstransfer aus einem anderen Sachgebiet, einer anderen Branche oder aus der Natur zu...
Die Fahigkeit, hoch innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen schnell und mit uberschaubaren Risiken zu entwickeln, bietet Unternehmen einen entscheide...
The current shift in demographics aging and shrinking populations in many countries around the world presents a major challenge to companies and societies alike. One particularly essential implication is the emergence and constant growth of the so-called graying market or silver market, the market segment more or less broadly defined as those people aged 50 and older. Increasing in number and share of the total population while at the same time being relatively well-off, this market segment can be seen as very attractive and promising, although still very underdeveloped in terms of product...
The current shift in demographics aging and shrinking populations in many countries around the world presents a major challenge to companies and socie...
Open Source Innovation (OSI) has gained considerable momentum within the last years. Academic and management practice interest grows as more and more end-users consider and even participate in Open Source product development like Linux, Android, or Wikipedia.
Open Source Innovation: Phenomenon, Participant Behaviour, Impact brings together rigorous academic research and business importance in scrutinizing OCI from three perspectives: The Phenomenon, Participants' Behavior, and Business Implications. The first section introduces OCI artefacts, including who is...
Open Source Innovation (OSI) has gained considerable momentum within the last years. Academic and management practice interest grows as more and mo...