At present primarily governed by market forces with little regulatory interference, international financial relations have become increasingly important for global as well as national economies. Contributors to this volume consider whether this absence of regulation is wise, in the light of recent financial crises. This book accordingly presents a framework for an analysis of the options in regulating international financial markets from the perspective of public international law. The volume will be of interest to scholars and practitioners involved with comparative public law,...
At present primarily governed by market forces with little regulatory interference, international financial relations have become increasingly importa...
There is an increasing focus on the need for national implementation of treaties. International law has traditionally left enforcement to the individual parties, but more and more treaties contain arrangements to induce States to comply with their commitments. Experts in this 2007 book examine three forms of such mechanisms: dispute settlement procedures in the form of international courts, non-compliance procedures of an administrative character, and enforcement of obligation by coercive means. Three fields are examined, namely human rights, international environmental law, and arms control...
There is an increasing focus on the need for national implementation of treaties. International law has traditionally left enforcement to the individu...
The protection of religious freedom has resurfaced as an issue of fundamental importance throughout much of the world during the last decade. The re-emergence of religion, including religious extremism, as a potent social and political force in increasingly multi-religious societies has started to undermine many of the established assumptions on the proper relationship between the state, the church and religious minority groups. The present volume analyses in a comparative and international perspective the question if and to what extent these principles and rules have to be reformulated in...
The protection of religious freedom has resurfaced as an issue of fundamental importance throughout much of the world during the last decade. The re-e...
A framework for analysing options for the regulation of international financial markets from a public international law and comparative law perspective.
A framework for analysing options for the regulation of international financial markets from a public international law and comparative law perspectiv...
Jochen A. Frowein Thilo Marauhn Jochen Abr Frowein
Der Band zieht eine Zwischenbilanz des verfassungsrechtlichen Transformationsprozesses in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Es wird eine Analyse der mittel- und osteurop ischen Verfassungsrechtsprechung vorgenommen. Dabei wird auch die Frage er rtert, in welchem Ma e die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts die Praxis der osteurop ischen Verfassungsauslegung beeinflu t hat. Die vergleichenden Sachberichte, hervorgegangen aus einer Projektgruppe des MPI f r ausl ndisches ffentliches Recht und V lkerrecht, behandeln Fragen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, der Grundrechte, der Rolle des V lkerrechts und...
Der Band zieht eine Zwischenbilanz des verfassungsrechtlichen Transformationsprozesses in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Es wird eine Analyse der mittel- und ...
There is an increasing focus on the need for national implementation of treaties. International law has traditionally left enforcement to the individual parties, but more and more treaties contain arrangements to induce States to comply with their commitments. Experts in this 2007 book examine three forms of such mechanisms: dispute settlement procedures in the form of international courts, non-compliance procedures of an administrative character, and enforcement of obligation by coercive means. Three fields are examined, namely human rights, international environmental law, and arms control...
There is an increasing focus on the need for national implementation of treaties. International law has traditionally left enforcement to the individu...
Art. 3 Abs. 1 des "Zwei-plus-Vier"-Vertrages schreibt den Verzicht des vereinten Deutschlands auf Herstellung und Besitz von sowie auf Verfugungsgewalt uber atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen unter Bezugnahme auf vorhandene Rechtsinstrumente fest. Ausgehend von dieser Norm beschaftigt sich die vorliegende Untersuchung mit der Entwicklung der Rechtsgrundlagen des deutschen Chemiewaffen-Verzichts unter besonderer Berucksichtigung ihres historisch-politischen Umfelds. Die volkerrechtlich relevante Praxis der beiden deutschen Staaten bis 1990 und des vereinten Deutschlands seit 1990 wird...
Art. 3 Abs. 1 des "Zwei-plus-Vier"-Vertrages schreibt den Verzicht des vereinten Deutschlands auf Herstellung und Besitz von sowie auf Verfugungsgewal...
Transboundary Governance of Biodiversity compiles critical analysis of the regulatory frameworks applicable to the transboundary governance of biodiversity by specialists from Europe and Africa. Drawing on their vast experience as lawyers, political scientists and natural resource management experts, they provide a critique and contemporary perspectives on what has become one of the most challenging aspects of global environmental governance in the Anthropocene: effective biodiversity conservation in times of unprecedented environmetal crises. With a unique North-South focus and a...
Transboundary Governance of Biodiversity compiles critical analysis of the regulatory frameworks applicable to the transboundary governance of ...
Der vorliegende Band faih die Ergebnisse eines wissenschaftlichen Kollo quiums zusammen, das yom Institut im April 1997 aus AnlaB der Verab schiedung von Professor Helmut Steinberger als Mitdirektor des Instituts veranstaltet wurde. Steinberger ist der Thematik nicht nur durch seine friihere Tiitigkeit als Bundesverfassungsrichter verbunden, sondern er hat sich urn die Verfassungsrechtsentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa in den letztenJahren besonders im Rahmen der Arbeiten der Venedig-Kom mission des Europarats verdient gemacht. An dem KoUoquium nahmen fuhrende Verfassungsrechtler aus...
Der vorliegende Band faih die Ergebnisse eines wissenschaftlichen Kollo quiums zusammen, das yom Institut im April 1997 aus AnlaB der Verab schiedung ...