Economists and political scientists have recently begun to study formally how conftict and the possibility of conftict affects resource allocation and economic performance. For example, an extensive empiricalliterature suggests that conftict and political instability adversely affects economic development and that higher 2 inequality causes poor economic performance by inducing increased conftict. In this paper I argue that a serious ftaw in this research has taken too individu 3 alistic a view of conftict. While the approach of methodological individualism is attractive, in reality...
Economists and political scientists have recently begun to study formally how conftict and the possibility of conftict affects resource allocation and...
The last survey of the rent-seeking literature took place more than a decade ago. Since that time a great deal of new research has been published in a wide variety of journals, covering a wide variety of topics. The breadth of that research is such that very few researchers will be familiar with more than a small part of contemporary research, and very few libraries will be able to provide access to the full breadth of that research. This two-volume collection provides an extensive overview of 40 years of rent-seeking research.
The volumes include the foundational papers,...
The last survey of the rent-seeking literature took place more than a decade ago. Since that time a great deal of new research has been published i...
This book describes the theory structure underlying contests, in which players expend effort and/or spend money in trying to get ahead of one another. Uniquely, this effort is sunk and cannot be recovered, regardless of whether a player wins or loses in the competition. Such interactions include diverse phenomena such as marketing and advertising by firms, litigation, relative reward schemes in firms, political competition, patent races, sports, military combat, war and civil war. These have been studied in the field of contest theory both within these specific contexts and at a higher level...
This book describes the theory structure underlying contests, in which players expend effort and/or spend money in trying to get ahead of one another....
This book describes the theory structure underlying contests, in which players expend effort and/or spend money in trying to get ahead of one another. Uniquely, this effort is sunk and cannot be recovered, regardless of whether a player wins or loses in the competition. Such interactions include diverse phenomena such as marketing and advertising by firms, litigation, relative reward schemes in firms, political competition, patent races, sports, military combat, war and civil war. These have been studied in the field of contest theory both within these specific contexts and at a higher level...
This book describes the theory structure underlying contests, in which players expend effort and/or spend money in trying to get ahead of one another....
Economists and political scientists have recently begun to study formally how conftict and the possibility of conftict affects resource allocation and economic performance. For example, an extensive empiricalliterature suggests that conftict and political instability adversely affects economic development and that higher 2 inequality causes poor economic performance by inducing increased conftict. In this paper I argue that a serious ftaw in this research has taken too individu 3 alistic a view of conftict. While the approach of methodological individualism is attractive, in reality...
Economists and political scientists have recently begun to study formally how conftict and the possibility of conftict affects resource allocation and...
Können Staaten Pleite gehen? Wollen wir wetten? Kai A. Konrad, einer der renommiertesten Ökonomen Deutschlands, und der Wirtschaftsjournalist Holger Zschäpitz zeigen, wie es zur aktuellen Lage kommen konnte, warum wir alle betroffen sind und wie man sein Geld retten kann. Unsere Zukunft in Europa hängt, wie alles, am Geld. Jetzt, wenn Griechenland und womöglich weitere Länder der Euro-Zone in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten und die Hilfe der Staatengemeinschaft beanspruchen, werden die Weichen für die Zukunft des Euros und der Europäischen Union gestellt. Auf Basis neuester...
Können Staaten Pleite gehen? Wollen wir wetten? Kai A. Konrad, einer der renommiertesten Ökonomen Deutschlands, und der Wirtschaftsjournalist Holger...
The last survey of the rent-seeking literature took place more than a decade ago. Since that time a great deal of new research has been published in a wide variety of journals, covering a wide variety of topics. The scope of that research is such that very few researchers will be familiar with more than a small part of contemporary research, and very few libraries will be able to provide access to the full breadth of that research. This two-volume collection provides an extensive overview of 40 years of rent-seeking research. The volumes include the foundational papers, many of which have not...
The last survey of the rent-seeking literature took place more than a decade ago. Since that time a great deal of new research has been published in a...
Risiko wird von -konomischen Entscheidungstr{gern nicht um jeden Preis vermieden, sondern unterliegt als "Ungut" dem gleichen -konomischen Arbitragekalk}l wie andere G}ter. Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit stehen die Fragen danach, inwiefern dieser Zusammenhang Risiko bzw. dessen ]bernahme zu einem Produktionsfaktor macht, welche Eigenschaften Risiko als Produktionsfaktor unter verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen hat, wie sich die Grenzproduktivit{t von Risiko bei unterschiedlich vollst{ndigen Systemenvon Risikom{rkten bestimmt, auf welchem Weg eine wie hohe Risikoentlohnung erfolgt. Besonders...
Risiko wird von -konomischen Entscheidungstr{gern nicht um jeden Preis vermieden, sondern unterliegt als "Ungut" dem gleichen -konomischen Arbitrageka...
The taxation of multinational corporate groups has become a major concern in the academic and political debate on the future of international taxation. In particular the arm's length standard for the determination of transfer prices is under increasing pressure. Many countries and international bodies are now taking a closer look at the use of transfer prices for profit shifting and are exploring alternative mechanisms such as formulary apportionment for the allocation of taxing rights. With regard to this topic, this volume is the first to offer a concise analysis of transfer...
The taxation of multinational corporate groups has become a major concern in the academic and political debate on the future of international taxat...
Im Marz 2007 haben Bundestag und Bundesrat die Kommission zur Modernisierung der Bund-Lander-Finanzbeziehungen (Foderalismuskommission II) ins Leben gerufen, um die Finanzbeziehungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland neu zu ordnen. Die Vorschlage zu einer Reform offentlicher Verschuldungsregeln reichen von einem vollstandigen Verschuldungsverbot fur Bund und Lander, uber ausgefeilte Fruhwarnsysteme und (konjunkturabhangige) Schuldenbremsen bis hin zur Auflosung der Solidargemeinschaft von Bund und Landern und der Insolvenzfahigkeit von Landern. Fast ebenso umfangreich sind die...
Im Marz 2007 haben Bundestag und Bundesrat die Kommission zur Modernisierung der Bund-Lander-Finanzbeziehungen (Foderalismuskommission II) ins Leben g...