In recent years, growing attention has been focussed on real estate education. The objective of Real Estate Education Throughout TheWorld: Past, Present and Future is to document the current status and perspectives of real estate education and the underlying research throughout the world. The intent is to inform students, academics and practitioners about the situation in the widest possible range of countries and to provide a foundation for the future of the real estate discipline. The structure of this monograph follows the organisation of the world-wide network of...
In recent years, growing attention has been focussed on real estate education. The objective of Real Estate Education Throughout TheWorl...
Karl-Werner Schulte Josef Windsperger Gtrard Cliquet
Franchising networks are experiencing great success in international business organization. Few books try to explain the characteristics of these networks. Contrary to the existing literature this book tackles more theoretical problems related to governance, organization, knowledge management, contract design, incentive and regulation issues both from the economic and management view point. It delivers new theoretical and empirical results regarding plural forms, contract design, and knowledge and strategic management issues. Its purpose is to offer researchers and practitioners new...
Franchising networks are experiencing great success in international business organization. Few books try to explain the characteristics of these n...
Im Mittelpunkt des vierten Bands der Reihe steht die Verknupfung der beiden Disziplinen Volkswirtschaftslehre und Immobilienokonomie. Bis heute sind viele Fragestellungen an dieser Schnittstelle nur unzureichend beleuchtet worden. Diese Lucke wird nun durch das Werk, Immobilienokonomie Band IV - Volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen, geschlossen, an dessen Entstehung eine Vielzahl namhafter Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis beteiligt waren.
Im Mittelpunkt des vierten Bands der Reihe steht die Verknupfung der beiden Disziplinen Volkswirtschaftslehre und Immobilienokonomie. Bis heute sind v...
In recent years, growing attention has been focussed on real estate education. The objective of Real Estate Education Throughout TheWorld: Past, Present and Future is to document the current status and perspectives of real estate education and the underlying research throughout the world. The intent is to inform students, academics and practitioners about the situation in the widest possible range of countries and to provide a foundation for the future of the real estate discipline. The structure of this monograph follows the organisation of the world-wide network of...
In recent years, growing attention has been focussed on real estate education. The objective of Real Estate Education Throughout TheWorl...