The two-volume edition provides the first comprehensive scholarly commentary on seven central orations from the corpus of Cicero's Philippics. These orations against Mark Antony are an important testimony to the critical final phase of the Roman Republic. The notes on each speech explain linguistic, literary and historical issues (vol. 2). They are based on a revised Latin text with facing English translation as well as a detailed introduction dealing with problems relevant to the whole corpus (vol. 1).
The two-volume edition provides the first comprehensive scholarly commentary on seven central orations from the corpus of Cicero's Philippics. These o...
Roman drama is a genre of Latin literature that was influential both in the cultural life of the ancient Romans and in the European theatre tradition. Plays of Plautus, Terence and Seneca are still very well known today; yet there were numerous works by other poets besides, though they survive only in fragmentary form. On the basis of a selection of paradigmatic sample texts by a number of Roman dramatists, this anthology provides a stimulating overview of the entire literary genre, including its various subtypes (tragedy, praetexta, comedy, togata, mime) and its historical development. To...
Roman drama is a genre of Latin literature that was influential both in the cultural life of the ancient Romans and in the European theatre traditi...
Theatre flourished in the Roman Republic, from the tragedies of Ennius and Pacuvius to the comedies of Plautus and Terence and the mimes of Laberius. Yet apart from the surviving plays of Plautus and Terence the sources are fragmentary and difficult to interpret and contextualise. This book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive history of all aspects of the topic, incorporating recent findings and modern approaches. It discusses the origins of Roman drama and the historical, social and institutional backgrounds of all the dramatic genres to be found during the Republic (tragedy, praetexta,...
Theatre flourished in the Roman Republic, from the tragedies of Ennius and Pacuvius to the comedies of Plautus and Terence and the mimes of Laberius. ...
In De optimo genere oratorum bezeichnet Cicero M. Pacuvius als 'summus tragicus poeta' und auch nach anderen Zeugnissen scheint er ein bekannter und beliebter Dramatiker gewesen zu sein. Aufgrund dieses Befundes wird in der vorliegenden Studie der bisher noch nicht untersuchten Fragen nach den Grunden fur eine solche Wertschatzung nachgegangen. Mit einem dem fragmentarischen Erhaltungszustand von Pacuvius' dramatischen Werken angepassten Ansatz wird versucht, prazisere Vorstellungen und Charakteristika der Tragodien zu gewinnen. Eine systematisierende Analyse von haufigeren Motiven und...
In De optimo genere oratorum bezeichnet Cicero M. Pacuvius als 'summus tragicus poeta' und auch nach anderen Zeugnissen scheint er ein bekannter un...
This volume on the three Flavian epic poets (Valerius Flaccus, Statius and Silius Italicus) for the first time critically engages with a unique set-up in Roman literary history: the survival of four epic poems from the same period (Argonautica; Thebaid, Achilleid; Punica). The interactions of these poems with each other and their contemporary context are explored by over 20 experts and emerging scholars. Topics studied include the political dimension of the epics, their use of epic themes and techniques and their intertextual relationship among each other and to predecessors. The recent...
This volume on the three Flavian epic poets (Valerius Flaccus, Statius and Silius Italicus) for the first time critically engages with a unique set...
This book considers the story of Nero and Octavia, as told in the pseudo-Senecan Octavia and the works of ancient historiographers, and its reception in (early) modern opera and some related examples of other performative genres. In total the study assembles more than 30 performative texts (including 22 librettos), ranging chronologically from L'incoronazione di Poppea in 1642/43 until the early 20th century, and provides detailed information on all of them. In a close examination of the libretto (and dramatic) texts, the study shows the impact and development of this...
This book considers the story of Nero and Octavia, as told in the pseudo-Senecan Octavia and the works of ancient historiographers, and it...
Brill's Companion to Valerius Flaccus is the first English-language survey on all key aspects of this Flavian poet and his epic Argonautica (1st century CE). A team of international specialists offers both an account of the state of the art and new insights. Topics covered include textual transmission, language, poetic techniques, main themes, characters, relationship to intertexts and reception. This will be a standard point of departure for anyone interested in Valerius Flaccus or Flavian epic more generally. Contributors are: Antony Augoustakis, Michael Barich, Neil...
Brill's Companion to Valerius Flaccus is the first English-language survey on all key aspects of this Flavian poet and his epic Argonautica<...
Theatre flourished in the Roman Republic, from the tragedies of Ennius and Pacuvius to the comedies of Plautus and Terence and the mimes of Laberius. Yet apart from the surviving plays of Plautus and Terence the sources are fragmentary and difficult to interpret and contextualise. This book provides a comprehensive history of all aspects of the topic, incorporating recent findings and modern approaches. It discusses the origins of Roman drama and the historical, social and institutional backgrounds of all the dramatic genres to be found during the Republic (tragedy, praetexta, comedy, togata,...
Theatre flourished in the Roman Republic, from the tragedies of Ennius and Pacuvius to the comedies of Plautus and Terence and the mimes of Laberius. ...
The Agrarian Speeches (Orationes de lege agraria) were delivered in January 63 BCE, just after Cicero had entered office as consul; they are his inaugural orations and therefore the first element of his consular activity. They not only provide valuable testimony for approaches to agrarian legislation in the late Republic, but also show how the new consul presented himself before the Senate and the People at the beginning of his consular year, a significant political event for which very few extensive sources remain.
These speeches are also significant in demonstrating...
The Agrarian Speeches (Orationes de lege agraria) were delivered in January 63 BCE, just after Cicero had entered office as consul; ...