Quintus Ennius (239 169), widely regarded as the father of Roman literature, was instrumental in creating a new Roman literary identity, domesticating the Greek forms of epic and drama, and pursuing a range of other literary and intellectual pursuits. He inspired major developments in Roman religion, social organization, and popular culture.
Quintus Ennius (239 169), widely regarded as the father of Roman literature, was instrumental in creating a new Roman literary identity, domesticating...
Quintus Ennius (239 169), widely regarded as the father of Roman literature, was instrumental in creating a new Roman literary identity, domesticating the Greek forms of epic and drama, and pursuing a range of other literary and intellectual pursuits. He inspired major developments in Roman religion, social organization, and popular culture.
Quintus Ennius (239 169), widely regarded as the father of Roman literature, was instrumental in creating a new Roman literary identity, domesticating...