"Die moderne Kunst hat seit der Romantik - so Ecos These - Unabgeschlossenheit, das Fragment, das offene Kunstwerk zum Programm erhoben. Gewisse Tendenzen in der Kunst der Gegenwart wie die Versuche, das Publikum als Gestalter in die Kunstszene mit einzubeziehen oder den Interpreten zu schöpferischer Produktion anzuregen, indem ihm vom Komponisten Partiturteile in der Art eines Zusammensetzspiels in die Hand gegeben werden, die er nach eigenem Belieben kombinieren kann, verwirklichen auf besonders radikale Weise die Ästhetik oder Poetik des offenen Kunstwerks." (Gert Ueding) Im zweiten Teil...
"Die moderne Kunst hat seit der Romantik - so Ecos These - Unabgeschlossenheit, das Fragment, das offene Kunstwerk zum Programm erhoben. Gewisse Tende...
Das Schne daran, es ist live! ruft die begeisterte Zuschauerin des Palio in Siena. Im Hintergrund schreibt Umberto Eco mit - der Zeichentheoretiker entziffert die Zeichen seines Landes.
Das Schne daran, es ist live! ruft die begeisterte Zuschauerin des Palio in Siena. Im Hintergrund schreibt Umberto Eco mit - der Zeichentheoretiker en...
Ich habe Ihnen zu verknden, da Manzonis Roman alles berflgelt, was wir in dieser Art kennen ...(Goethe)Vor dem Hintergrund einer politisch bewegten Zeit erzhlt Alessandro Manzoni die dramatische Geschichte des Liebespaares Renzo und Lucia, deren Heirat durch Intrigen, Kriege, Aufstnde und Pest ber Jahre verhindert wird.Die Verlobten ist der bedeutendste Roman der italienischen Literatur. Erschienen 1827 machte er in ganz Europa Furore und begrndete den bis heute whrenden Ruhm Manzonis.Ein spannender, ja faszinierender Roman, dabei immer wieder durchzogen von einem feinen Humor.Umberto Eco
Ich habe Ihnen zu verknden, da Manzonis Roman alles berflgelt, was wir in dieser Art kennen ...(Goethe)Vor dem Hintergrund einer politisch bewegten Ze...
The original essays gathered in this book make a beginning at exploring the cultural significance of The Name of the Rose in terms of its backgrounds and literary contexts. Eco's novel is examined in the light of several of the traditions from which it draws: theories of detective fiction, comedy, postmodernism, the apocalypse, semiotics, and literary criticism. The authors from a variety of language disciplines frequently draw on Eco's own scholarly commentaries to elucidate the novel.
The Name of the Rose was published in English in the United States in 1983 and...
The original essays gathered in this book make a beginning at exploring the cultural significance of The Name of the Rose in terms of its ba...
The #1 international bestseller, from Umberto Eco, author of The Name of the Rose "Vintage Eco . . . the book is a triumph." - New York Review of Books Nineteenth-century Europe--from Turin to Prague to Paris--abounds with the ghastly and the mysterious. Jesuits plot against Freemasons. Italian republicans strangle priests with their own intestines. French criminals plan bombings by day and celebrate Black Masses at night. Every nation has its own secret service, perpetrating forgeries, plots, and massacres. Conspiracies rule history. From the unification of Italy...
The #1 international bestseller, from Umberto Eco, author of The Name of the Rose "Vintage Eco . . . the book is a triumph." - Ne...
"Underscores the writer's profound erudition, lively wit, and passion for ideas of all shapes and sizes . . . Eco's pleasure in such explorations is obvious and contagious." -- Booklist Inventing the Enemy covers a wide range of topics on which Eco has written and lectured over the past ten years: from a disquisition on the theme that runs through his recent novel The Prague Cemetery -- every country needs an enemy, and if it doesn't have one, must invent it -- to a discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels (and in the process he takes us on an...
"Underscores the writer's profound erudition, lively wit, and passion for ideas of all shapes and sizes . . . Eco's pleasure in such explorations is o...
Best-selling author Umberto Eco's latest work unlocks the riddles of history in an exploration of the "linguistics of the lunatic," stories told by scholars, scientists, poets, fanatics, and ordinary people in order to make sense of the world. Exploring the "Force of the False," Eco uncovers layers of mistakes that have shaped human history, such as Columbus's assumption that the world was much smaller than it is, leading him to seek out a quick route to the East via the West and thus fortuitously "discovering" America. The fictions that grew up around the cults of the Rosicrucians and...
Best-selling author Umberto Eco's latest work unlocks the riddles of history in an exploration of the "linguistics of the lunatic," stories told by sc...