Since the publication of "Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics" 1988, spectral methods have become firmly established as a mainstream tool for scientific and engineering computation. The authors of that book have incorporated into this new edition the many improvements in the algorithms and the theory of spectral methods that have been made since then. This latest book retains the tight integration between the theoretical and practical aspects of spectral methods, and the chapters are enhanced with material on the Galerkin with numerical integration version of spectral methods. The...
Since the publication of "Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics" 1988, spectral methods have become firmly established as a mainstream tool for scient...
Este livro e uma introducao ao Calculo Cientifico. O seu objectivo consiste em apresentar varios metodos numericos para resolver no computador certos problemas matematicos que nao podem ser tratados de maneira mais simples. Sao abordadas questoes classicas como o calculo de zeros ou de integrais de funcoes continuas, a resolucao de sistemas lineares, a aproximacao de funcoes por polinomios e a construcao de aproximacoes precisas de solucoes de equacoes diferenciais. Todos os algoritmos sao apresentados nas linguagens de programacao MATLAB e Octave, cujos comandos e instrucoes principais se...
Este livro e uma introducao ao Calculo Cientifico. O seu objectivo consiste em apresentar varios metodos numericos para resolver no computador cert...
Numerische Mathematik ist ein zentrales Gebiet der Mathematik, das fur vielfaltige Anwendungen die Grundlage bildet und das alle Studierenden der Mathematik, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Physik kennenlernen. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch ist eine didaktisch exzellente, besonders sorgfaltig ausgearbeitete Einfuhrung fur Anfanger. Eines der Ziele dieses Buches ist es, die mathematischen Grundlagen der numerischen Methoden zu liefern, ihre grundlegenden theoretischen Eigenschaften (Stabilitat, Genauigkeit, Komplexitat)zu analysieren, und ihre Leistungsfahigkeit an Beispielen und...
Numerische Mathematik ist ein zentrales Gebiet der Mathematik, das fur vielfaltige Anwendungen die Grundlage bildet und das alle Studierenden der Math...
Mathematicalmodelingofhumanphysiopathologyisatremendouslyambitioustask. It encompasses the modeling of most diverse compartments such as the cardiovas- lar, respiratory, skeletalandnervoussystems, aswellasthemechanicalandbioch- ical interaction between blood ?ow and arterial walls, and electrocardiac processes and electric conduction in biological tissues. Mathematical models can be set up to simulate both vasculogenesis (the aggregation and organization of endothelial cells dispersed in a given environment) and angiogenesis (the formation of new vessels sprouting from an existing vessel)...
Mathematicalmodelingofhumanphysiopathologyisatremendouslyambitioustask. It encompasses the modeling of most diverse compartments such as the cardiovas...