Continuing medical education and specialty training procedures represent highly dynamical processes, with a continuously evolving content. The specific teaching methods available (micro-teaching, team teaching, mastery learning, simulation, and e-learning) are essential elements of this process to promote professional updating and teaching at the bedside, aimed at providing an excellent clinical practice. The didactic laboratory is the core of this process: teachers, students and the School must be able to integrate in order to encourage this trend, and following this trend, the Trieste...
Continuing medical education and specialty training procedures represent highly dynamical processes, with a continuously evolving content. The spec...
by S. GUASCHINO Dean, Trieste University School of Medicine The society we live in is in continual development and has a number of priori ties for improving the standards of communication. The scientific sector in par ticular thrives on the exchange of information, which is the foundation of progress itself. The channels through which this interaction takes place are many and are aimed at optimising teaching methodology. Researchers and scholars, research centres and the places of higher learning themselves are increasingly aware of the growing importance of universities, which, thanks to...
by S. GUASCHINO Dean, Trieste University School of Medicine The society we live in is in continual development and has a number of priori ties for imp...
Quest'opera vuole offrire ai cultori dell'anestesia un testo essenziale per approfondire l'importante tematica dell'anestesia e malattie concomitanti, privilegiando la trattazione degli aspetti legati alle patologie d'organo e sistemiche di piu frequente riscontro nella pratica clinica; l'attuale orientamento ha solide basi e mira a rafforzare la convergenza di vari specialisti in funzione del paziente. Lo scopo e di valutare attentamente il rischio chirurgico e anestesiologico, ottimizzare gli standard di sicurezza e l'approccio clinico interdisciplinare.
Quest'opera vuole offrire ai cultori dell'anestesia un testo essenziale per approfondire l'importante tematica dell'anestesia e malattie concomitanti,...
This volume presents the most recent results of research in the study of sepsis and the new treatments that have become available, mortality rate however still being high.
This volume presents the most recent results of research in the study of sepsis and the new treatments that have become available, mortality rate howe...
Trauma has assumed a prominent role in contemporary medicine as an event that can significantly influence clinical variables such as morbidity, functional deficits and consequential disability, and mortality. This text provides an examination of trauma operative procedures.
Trauma has assumed a prominent role in contemporary medicine as an event that can significantly influence clinical variables such as morbidity, functi...
Progression of the sepsis-MODS syndrome is tied to: the severity and location of the lesion; the patient's age; the remaining functional reserve; and the presence of mediatory which may be stimulatory, inhibitory or both. This overview is aimed at anaesthesiologists and doctors.
Progression of the sepsis-MODS syndrome is tied to: the severity and location of the lesion; the patient's age; the remaining functional reserve; and ...
Sepsis evolution and organ dysfunction are still an enigmatic topic. Severe infection causes an important aggression of the whole body, and the so-called inflammation mediators play an important role in this evolution. It is however certain that the immune system is a key factor in sepsis progression. The volume focuses on some primary aspects such as the research of the rationale of the immune system activation during sepsis, on the molecular strategies available for ARDS treatment and on techniques of emofiltration and absorption of endotoxins through apheresis in the septic patient.
Sepsis evolution and organ dysfunction are still an enigmatic topic. Severe infection causes an important aggression of the whole body, and the so-cal...
Sepsis is a syndrome or sometimes it is a clinical condition evoked by uncontrolled endotoxin-reactions. These pathophysiological alterations can disturb the organism's homeostasis leading ultimately to a condition of severe organ dysfunction which in itself means a bad prognosis for patient survival. In the last decades researchers and clinicians have been involved in process directed to a better understanding of the basic mechanisms of sepsis and MODS. The best goal will be the achievement of preventive measures and optimization of management in patients suffering severe infections and...
Sepsis is a syndrome or sometimes it is a clinical condition evoked by uncontrolled endotoxin-reactions. These pathophysiological alterations can dist...