Products and services created by small and medium sized organizations account for the vast majority of economic activity across the globe. These organizations will prove vitally important to the emerging and developing economies that will shape future decades.
Small Business Management in Cross-Cultural Environments introduces the key concepts of SME management, whilst also providing a refreshingly cross-cultural and global approach. This textbook covers key topics, including:
The global economic development process
The role of...
Products and services created by small and medium sized organizations account for the vast majority of economic activity across the globe. These or...
While business performance was once equated with financial performance - measured by return on investments and profit margins - non-financial parameters such as serviceability to customers, assessing management capability and quality monitoring are increasingly being seen as fundamental to business success. 'Monitoring Business Performance' creates a deeper understanding about the underlying assumptions and perceptions guiding performance assessment in firms and organisations.
While business performance was once equated with financial performance - measured by return on investments and profit margins - non-financial paramete...