The present book, Cases of Assessment in Mathematics Education, is one of two studies resulting from an ICMI Study Conference on Assessment in Mathematics Education and Its Effects. The book which is published in the series of ICMI Studies under the general editorship of the President and Secretary of ICMI is closely related to another study resulting from the same conference: Investigations into Assessment in Mathematics Education (Niss, 1992). The two books, although originating from the same sources and having the same editor, emphasize different aspects of assessment in mathematics...
The present book, Cases of Assessment in Mathematics Education, is one of two studies resulting from an ICMI Study Conference on Assessment in Mathema...
This book is one of the first to attempt a systematic in-depth analysis of assessment in mathematics education in most of its important aspects: it deals with assessment in mathematics education from historical, psychological, sociological, epistmological, ideological, and political perspectives. The book is based on work presented at an invited international ICMI seminar and includes chapters by a team of outstanding and prominent scholars in the field of mathematics education. Based on the observation of an increasing mismatch between the goals and accomplishments of mathematics...
This book is one of the first to attempt a systematic in-depth analysis of assessment in mathematics education in most of its important aspects: it de...