The basis for the effective treatment and cure of a patient is the rapid diagnosis of the disease and its causative agent, which is based on the analysis of the clinical symptoms coupled with laboratory tests. Although rapid advance ments have been made in the laboratory diagnosis of virus diseases, the neces sary isolation of the causative virus from the clinical specimens is a relatively long procedure. Viruses which integrate into the cellular DNA (such as human immunodeficiency virus, HIV -1, or hepatitis B virus) are difficult to identify by molecular techniques, while viruses which...
The basis for the effective treatment and cure of a patient is the rapid diagnosis of the disease and its causative agent, which is based on the analy...
In this book the current knowledge on human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) as a human pathogen is lucidly summarized, bringing the reader fully up to date with current knowledge concerning HCMV and all the known clincial and medical aspects of diseases caused by, and associated with, HCMV. The book is divided into four parts: (I) Human cytomegalovirus and human diseases; (II) human cytomegalovirus infections and the immunocompromised host; (III) diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human cytomegalovirus and human diseases; and (IV) molecular aspects of human cytomegalovirus. Each part is put...
In this book the current knowledge on human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) as a human pathogen is lucidly summarized, bringing the reader fully up to date wit...
The questions of how the pathogenic human herpesviruses cause diseases, and what should be done to prevent infection and disease have prompted scientific interest in the molecular basis of the functions of all human herpesvirus genes in various tissues and organs of the infected host. This volume compiles the knowledge on the pathogenicity genes of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, the ones which have been most actively investigated at the molecular level. It adds to the understanding of herpesvirus gene involvement in diseases and shows the potential of this knowledge for planning new...
The questions of how the pathogenic human herpesviruses cause diseases, and what should be done to prevent infection and disease have prompted scienti...
second gene is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) elements (SINEs). The repetitive DNA sequences in resident heat shock protein GRP78, a member of the eukaryotic genomes are thought to reflect the Bip family. The identification of an ER resident evolutionary forces acting on selfish DNA (10). It GRP78 protein in G. lamblia, a primitive eukaryotic may be possible to suggest that the Archeabacterial "archazoan" that lacks mitochondria and other retrons (6) further evolved, by recruiting essential organelles, strongly suggests the existence of ER in cellular genes, into RNA and DNA viruses. this...
second gene is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) elements (SINEs). The repetitive DNA sequences in resident heat shock protein GRP78, a member of the euk...
Shortly after the reeognition of the aequired immunodefieieney syndrome (AIDS) in 1981 (1-3), it was hypothesized that herpesviruses may play an important role in the etiology or pathogenesis of this newly identified syndrome (4,5). This theory was based on the faet that infeetion with herpesviruses was a prominent elinieal feature in nearly all patients with AIDS (3-5). Chronie mueocutaneous herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections were one of the first opportunistie infeetions deseribed in patients with AIDS (3), and both cytomegalovirus (CMV) and HSV infections were extremely common in...
Shortly after the reeognition of the aequired immunodefieieney syndrome (AIDS) in 1981 (1-3), it was hypothesized that herpesviruses may play an impor...
This volume in the series Developments in Medical Virology deals with viruses involved in diabetes mellitus, a syndrome with a strong genetic background that causes damage to the regulation of insulin synthesis and function. Viruses were found either to cause or to stimulate diabetes mellitus in man and in animal models. The nature of the role of viruses is described by many of the scientists who participated in the original studies. To complete the picture, chapters were included that deal with the insulin gene, the secondary structure of the proinsulin and insulin receptor polypeptides,...
This volume in the series Developments in Medical Virology deals with viruses involved in diabetes mellitus, a syndrome with a strong genetic backgrou...
African swine fever (ASF) is caused by a virus that is classified as a member of the Iridovirinae family. The disease in the warthog, the natural host, in Africa was described in 1921 by R. E. Montgomery. The reservoir of the vi rus is inti cks. The i ntroduct i on of domestic pi gs into territory occupied by warthogs i nf ected wi th ASF in the 1960's has endangered the pig industry around the world. The domestic pig is highly sensitive to ASF and develops a devastating disease that kills the pig without giving the immune system a chance to defend the animal against the virus infection. The...
African swine fever (ASF) is caused by a virus that is classified as a member of the Iridovirinae family. The disease in the warthog, the natural host...
The development of recombinant DNA technology has made a marked impact on molecular virology. The cleavage of viral DNA genomes with restriction enzymes and the cloning of such DNA fragments in bacterial p1asmids has led to the amplification of selected viral DNA fragments for sequencing and gene expression. RNA virus genomes which can be transcribed to their cDNA form were also cloned in bacterial p1asmids, facilitating the study of RNA virus genes. With the elucidation in recent years of the promoter sequence of various viral genes and the expression of these genes in bacteria or yeast, the...
The development of recombinant DNA technology has made a marked impact on molecular virology. The cleavage of viral DNA genomes with restriction enzym...
The nucleotide sequence of the gene from which messenger RNA mole cules are transcribed is in a form that can be translated by cellular ribosomes into the amino acid sequence of a particular polypeptide, the product of the gene. The discovery of messenger RNA more than twenty years ago led to a series of studies on its organization and function in cells in the presence of infecting viruses. This volume is devoted to current studies in the field of cellular and viral messenger RNA. The studies presented provide an insight into molecular and genetic aspects of messenger RNA. Special attention...
The nucleotide sequence of the gene from which messenger RNA mole cules are transcribed is in a form that can be translated by cellular ribosomes into...
Research on antiviral drugs and their mode of action in infected cells. in animals and in man. has led to a better understanding of the molecular pro cesses involved in virus replication. Screeninq of large numbers of natural and semisynthetic compounds resulted in the characterization of certain sub stances that had a limited efficiency as antiviral druqs. A few chemically synthesized compounds were also found to be effective as antiviral agents in the chemotherapy of human virus diseases. A major difficulty in the develop ment of effective antiviral agents has been the lack of selectivity....
Research on antiviral drugs and their mode of action in infected cells. in animals and in man. has led to a better understanding of the molecular pro ...