Die Pharmakotherapie des HerzversageI). s gleich welcher Ursache wird heute in immer weite- rem M e den pathophysiologischen Mechanismen der zugrunde liegenden FunktionsstOrun- gen des Herzens angep t. Drei Einflu gro en sind bekannt, tiber die die Kontraktions- und Fi: irderleistung des Herzens beeinflu t werden kann: 1. der inotrope Zustand des Myokards oder die Kontraktilitat, 2. die prasystolische Faserspannung oder die Vorbelastung (Frank-Straub-Starling-Mechan- mus) und 3. die Nachbelastung. In der Pharmakotherapie der HerzinsuffIzienz und des Schocks werden aIle 3 Mechanismen...
Die Pharmakotherapie des HerzversageI). s gleich welcher Ursache wird heute in immer weite- rem M e den pathophysiologischen Mechanismen der zugrunde ...
In a variety of cardiac diseases the influence of heart rate on cardiac function is altered and both heart rate and heart rate variability are of great relevance for the prognosis of cardiac patients. This book provides a summary of the current knowledge on the influence of heart rate on myocardial function and hemodynamics in non-failing and failing animal and human hearts. The subcellular and molecular alterations underlying the altered heart rate response in heart failure are discussed in detail. In addition, studies related to the impact of heart rate and heart rate variability on...
In a variety of cardiac diseases the influence of heart rate on cardiac function is altered and both heart rate and heart rate variability are of grea...
The therapeutic principle of pharmacological vasodilation in congestive heart failure is based upon established physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms and has been proved to be effective and useful. In acute heart failure this method of treatment has assumed importance as the first measure to be taken. In chronic heart failure a sizeable increase in cardiac output can be achieved with a number of vasodilating drugs. This effect can be maintained over several weeks or months. The adjustments of the heart and the circulation to the arteriolar and/or venous unloading effect of...
The therapeutic principle of pharmacological vasodilation in congestive heart failure is based upon established physiological and pathophysiological m...
This volume presents, in synoptic form, the latest and most comprehensive experimental and multi-faceted clinical findings on the potential arrythmogenic implications of acute myocardial ischemia. Together with a critical discussion of the related diagnostic and therapeutic consequences and outcomes, it presents a solid basis for efforts to reduce the occurance of sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease.
This volume presents, in synoptic form, the latest and most comprehensive experimental and multi-faceted clinical findings on the potential arrythmoge...
A vast literature has been concerned with arteriosclerosis and yet, many aspects of pathogenesis and of the mechanism of development of the arteriosclerotic vascular lesion remain only poorly understood. In recent years, our knowledge of the earliest stages of arteriosclerosis have greatly improved. By now, we have learned to relate morphologic changes to disturbances in function. It has been of particular impor tance that components of the arterial wall could be analyzed in regard to dysfunction, for example, in the endothelium or the vascular smooth muscle. The interaction of the different...
A vast literature has been concerned with arteriosclerosis and yet, many aspects of pathogenesis and of the mechanism of development of the arterioscl...
Inspite of considerable progress in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, pulmonary embolism has remained a threat to the patient and a challenge for the physician both in conservative, as well as in operative disciplines. Pulmonary embolism is according to pathology observations still the most frequently overlooked clinical diagnosis. In 1-5 per 100 autopsies, clinically unexpected pulmonary emboli are found. In addition, the sequelae of recurrent pulmonary emboli, the syndrome of pulmonary hypertension with or without right heart failure, continues to present a therapeutic dilemma - and no...
Inspite of considerable progress in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, pulmonary embolism has remained a threat to the patient and a challenge for ...
From molecule to man: Medical research has indeed taken this direction, and major improvements of our understanding of the pathophysiology and epidemiology of disease have been achieved. The molecular basis of the congenital cardiovascular disorders has been extended from relatively few congenital malformations into everyday illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinaemea, and arterial hypertension. The monogenic and, more difficult, polygenic basis for a vast majority of cardiovascular disorders are being defined more precisely from year to year. This book gives an overview of...
From molecule to man: Medical research has indeed taken this direction, and major improvements of our understanding of the pathophysiology and epidemi...
Angiocardiography has undergone tremendous development. It currently repre- sents the imaging system offering the highest resolution and greatest detail information. A widely applicable, complex technique able to meet high standards was required by the increasing number of coronary bypass interventions as well as by the advent of interventional catheter techniques, such as transluminal per- cutaneous catheter balloon dilatation, recanalization techniques, and intracoro- nary thrombolytic procedures. At the same time, improved image resolution began to furnish information on intracoronary flow...
Angiocardiography has undergone tremendous development. It currently repre- sents the imaging system offering the highest resolution and greatest deta...
Inotropic stimulation of the myocardium, as well as vasodilation and diuresis as essential principles in the treatment of congestive heart failure have recently met with considerable criticism and reevaluation. It is generally agreed that unloading of the heart, either through vasodilation and/or diuresis, improves the working conditions of the dilated, failing heart. It reduces myocar dial oxygen consumption through reduction of chamber radius and, thereby, wall tension as the major determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption. Inotropic stimulation, quite in contrast, does not conserve...
Inotropic stimulation of the myocardium, as well as vasodilation and diuresis as essential principles in the treatment of congestive heart failure hav...
Assessment of cardiac energetics at the level of ATP-synthesis, chemomechanical energy transformation and whole organ dynamics as a function of haemodynamic load, ventricular configuration and oxygen- and substrates supply is basic to understanding cardiac function under physiological and pathophysiological (hypertrophy, hypoxia, ischaemia and heart failure) conditions. Moreover, cardiac energetics should be an important consideration in the choice and application of drugs especially in the case of vasodilators, inotropic agents and in cardioprotective measures. Only by considering energetics...
Assessment of cardiac energetics at the level of ATP-synthesis, chemomechanical energy transformation and whole organ dynamics as a function of haemod...