Even as developments in photorealistic computer graphics continue to affect our work and leisure activities, practitioners and researchers are devoting more and more attention to non-photorealistic (NPR) techniques for generating images that appear to have been created by hand. These efforts benefit every field in which illustrations-thanks to their ability to clarify, emphasize, and convey very precise meanings-offer advantages over photographs. These fields include medicine, architecture, entertainment, education, geography, publishing, and visualization. Non-Photorealistic Computer...
Even as developments in photorealistic computer graphics continue to affect our work and leisure activities, practitioners and researchers are devotin...
Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Aufs{tzen zur Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation, zu ihren Methoden und Werkzeugen, ihrem Einsatz in der Praxis, insbesondere ihrer Bedeutung f}r die Software-Erstellung, und ihren wesentlichen Entwicklungstrends. Die Beitr{gereichen von Erfahrungsberichten und Bestandsaufnahmen bis hin zu detaillierten Analysen des Zusammenhangs von MCK mit anderen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen. MCK stellt sich als Forschungsgebiet dar, das mit anderen Gebieten in Wechselwirkung steht und in unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern relevant ist. Den Kern des Buches bilden Beitr{ge zum...
Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Aufs{tzen zur Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation, zu ihren Methoden und Werkzeugen, ihrem Einsatz in der Praxis, insbeson...
A unified and coherent introduction to the notion of abstraction in interactive computer graphics is provided by this book. Abstraction entails refinement of images based on geometric models so as to reflect the importance of the features of the model for the dialog context and the visualization goal. This may require leaving out irrelevant details or accentuating significant features by adding details or enlarging or deforming parts. Such modifications are routine by hand but are at the leading edge of research in 2D and 3D computer graphics. The authors see the abstraction process as an...
A unified and coherent introduction to the notion of abstraction in interactive computer graphics is provided by this book. Abstraction entails refine...
Pictures are at the heart of how we communicate with computers, emblematic of our cur rent fascination with multimedia and web-based computing. Nevertheless, most of us know far less about pictures and the way in which they work than we know about the text that often accompanies them. In an attempt to understand pictures, perhaps the most fundamental question we can ask is, "What is a picture?" What is it that objects as di verse as icons, bar charts, paintings, and photographs have in common that makes us refer to all of them as pictures? And what is it about pictures that convinces us to...
Pictures are at the heart of how we communicate with computers, emblematic of our cur rent fascination with multimedia and web-based computing. Nevert...