Bei diskreten algebraischen Methoden handelt es sich um ein zukunftsweisendes Gebiet, dessen Grundlagen weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen werden. Die Grundidee des vorliegenden Lehrbuchs ist, wesentliche Elemente der diskreten Mathematik zu vermitteln, um die modernen Entwicklungen im Informationszeitalter kompetent mathematisch beurteilen zu konnen. Es beginnt mit einem allgemeinen Kapitel uber algebraische Strukturen, welches die Grundlage fur das gesamte Buch bereitstellt. Das folgende Kapitel vermittelt Grundkenntnisse in Kryptographie. Kapitel 3 uber zahlentheoretische Algorithmen ist...
Bei diskreten algebraischen Methoden handelt es sich um ein zukunftsweisendes Gebiet, dessen Grundlagen weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen werden. Die Gr...
Die Grundidee des vorliegenden Lehrbuchs ist, wesentliche Elemente der diskreten Mathematik zu vermitteln, um die modernen Entwicklungen im Informationszeitalter kompetent mathematisch beurteilen zu konnen. Hierzu gehort das Verstandnis von Graphen, das Rechnen mit grossen Zahlen und das Rechnen modulo n. Die Autoren beginnen mit einer Darstellung der elementaren Zahlentheorie. Insbesondere wird die Verschlusselung mit dem RSA-Verfahren erlautert. Danach werden Abschatzungen behandelt, die unerlasslich sind, wenn man Objekte zahlen oder Laufzeiten wichtiger Algorithmen verstehen...
Die Grundidee des vorliegenden Lehrbuchs ist, wesentliche Elemente der diskreten Mathematik zu vermitteln, um die modernen Entwicklungen im Informa...
The fundamental theorem of algebra states that any complex polynomial must have a complex root. This book examines three pairs of proofs of the theorem from three different areas of mathematics: abstract algebra, complex analysis and topology. The first proof in each pair is fairly straightforward and depends only on what could be considered elementary mathematics. However, each of these first proofs leads to more general results from which the fundamental theorem can be deduced as a direct consequence. These general results constitute the second proof in each pair. To arrive at each of the...
The fundamental theorem of algebra states that any complex polynomial must have a complex root. This book examines three pairs of proofs of the theore...
Celine Carstensen Gerhard Rosenberger Benjamin Fine
A new approach to conveying abstract algebra, the area that studies algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, and algebras, that is essential to various scientific disciplines such as particle physics and cryptology. It provides a well written account of the theoretical foundations; also contains topics that cannot be found elsewhere, and also offers a chapter on cryptography. End of chapter problems help readers with accessing the subjects.
This work is co-published with the Heldermann Verlag, and within Heldermann's Sigma Series in...
A new approach to conveying abstract algebra, the area that studies algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, a...
Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction and overview of number theory based on the density and properties of the prime numbers. This unique approach offers both a firm background in the standard material of number theory, as well as an overview of the entire discipline. All of the essential topics are covered, such as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of congruences, quadratic reciprocity, arithmetic functions, and the distribution of primes. New in this edition are coverage of p-adic numbers, Hensel's lemma, multiple zeta-values, and elliptic...
Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction and overview of number theory based on the density and properties of the prime numbe...