* Diese Arbeit greift in grossem Umfang auf mein: Making Sense of Marx zuruck, das demnachst in der Cambridge University Press erscheint. Fur viele hilfreiche Gesprache danke ich G. A. Cohen und John Roemer. 1 Marx, Theorien uber den Mehrwert, Erster Teil, MEW, 26.1, Berlin 1973, S. 363-364. 2 Karl Marx, Kapital III, MEW 25, Berlin, S. 614. 3 Vgl. M. Olson, The Logic of Collective Action, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. 4 Genaue Literaturhinweise in meinem demnachst erscheinenden Buch. 5 Marx, Kapital III, MEW 25, S. 893. 6 ebd. 7 J. Coleman (Power and the Structure of...
* Diese Arbeit greift in grossem Umfang auf mein: Making Sense of Marx zuruck, das demnachst in der Cambridge University Press erscheint. Fur viele hi...
In this important book, Niklas Luhmann uses his powers as an analyst of the social system to examine two of the most important concepts which hold that system together and allow it to evolve: trust and power. He criticises those theoretical accounts whose roots lie in what he refers to as ideologies - accounts which use implicit beliefs in particular conceptions of human nature to explain and predict social action in a one-dimensional way. Theories of rational choice and moralistic explanations are taken to task, as are the theories of both Marx and Habermas. Luhmann's unique scientific...
In this important book, Niklas Luhmann uses his powers as an analyst of the social system to examine two of the most important concepts which hold tha...