In this book Michael P. Leiter and Christina Maslach, the leading experts on job burnout prevention and authors of the landmark book The Truth About Burnout, outline their revolutionary new program for helping everyone in the workplace overcome everyday stress and pressures and achieve their career goals. Banishing Burnout includes the authors' unique and highly effective Work Life self-assessment test and a customized plan for action that will help transform the individual's relationship with work and overcome job burnout. The authors outline their proven action plan, which...
In this book Michael P. Leiter and Christina Maslach, the leading experts on job burnout prevention and authors of the landmark book The Truth Abou...
Der Stress am Arbeitsplatz nimmt dramatisch zu. Vorgesetzte verlangen hohere Produktivitat, es fehlt die Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes und der Wettbewerb wird immer harter. Schlechtes Management, fehlende Fuhrungsqualitaten und nicht funktionierende Organisationsstrukturen sind uberall zu finden. Michael P. Leiter und Christina Maslach, die fuhrenden Burnout-Forscher Amerikas, zeigen in diesem Buch ihr revolutionares Programm, wie man mit Stress und Druck am Arbeitsplatz umgehen und seine Karriereziele verwirklichen kann. Ausgehend von 6 typischen Situationen aus dem Alltag, wie...
Der Stress am Arbeitsplatz nimmt dramatisch zu. Vorgesetzte verlangen hohere Produktivitat, es fehlt die Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes und der Wett...
Heutzutage nimmt Burnout in der Arbeitswelt immer grossere Ausmasse an. Der heutige Arbeitsplatz wird sowohl in wirtschaftlicher als auch psychologischer Hinsicht oft als ein kaltes, abweisendes, forderndes Umfeld empfunden. Die Menschen fuhlen sich emotionell, physisch und geistig erschopft, unsicher, unverstanden, unterbewertet und ihrer Arbeit fremd. Das Buch raumt mit dem Mythos auf, dass die Arbeitnehmer allein schuld sind an ihrer Erschopfung, ihrem Arger und ihrer "Pfeif drauf"-Haltung, und zeigt, dass die Verantwortung dafur meist beim Unternehmen liegt. Burnout ist ein Zeichen fur...
Heutzutage nimmt Burnout in der Arbeitswelt immer grossere Ausmasse an. Der heutige Arbeitsplatz wird sowohl in wirtschaftlicher als auch psychologisc...
Today's workforce is experiencing job burnout in epidemic proportions. Workers at all levels, both white- and blue-collar, feel stressed out, insecure, misunderstood, undervalued, and alienated at their workplace. This original and important book debunks the common myth that when workers suffer job burnout they are solely responsible for their fatigue, anger, and don't give a damn attitude. The book clearly shows where the accountability often belongs. . . .squarely on the shoulders of the organization.
Today's workforce is experiencing job burnout in epidemic proportions. Workers at all levels, both white- and blue-collar, feel stressed out, insecure...
The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from, and diminished interest in, the work we do. It's a phenomenon that most of us have some understanding of, even if we haven't always been affected directly. Many people start their working lives full of energy and enthusiasm, but far fewer are able to maintain that level of engagement.
Burnout at Work: A Psychological Perspective provides a comprehensive overview of how the concept of burnout has been conceived over recent decades, as well as discussing the challenges and possible interventions...
The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from, and diminished interest in, the work we do. It's a phenomenon that most o...
The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from, and diminished interest in, the work we do. It's a phenomenon that most of us have some understanding of, even if we haven't always been affected directly. Many people start their working lives full of energy and enthusiasm, but far fewer are able to maintain that level of engagement.
Burnout at Work: A Psychological Perspective provides a comprehensive overview of how the concept of burnout has been conceived over recent decades, as well as discussing the challenges and...
The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from, and diminished interest in, the work we do. It's a phenomenon tha...
This book provides the most thorough view available on this new and intriguing dimension of workplace psychology, which is the basis of fulfilling, productive work.
The book begins by defining work engagement, which has been described as 'an opposite to burnout, ' following its development into a more complex concept with far reaching implications for work-life. The chapters discuss the sources of work engagement, emphasizing the importance of leadership, organizational structures, and human resource management as factors that may operate to either enhance or inhibit employee's...
This book provides the most thorough view available on this new and intriguing dimension of workplace psychology, which is the basis of fulfilling,...
Over recent years, many companies have developed an awareness of the importance of an active, rather than passive, approach to wellbeing at work. Whilst the value of this approach is widely accepted, turning theory into effective practice is still a challenge for many companies.
The Routledge Companion to Wellbeing at Work is a comprehensive reference volume addressing every aspect of the topic. Split into five parts, it explores different models of wellbeing; personal qualities contributing to wellbeing; job insecurity and organizational wellbeing; workplace supports for...
Over recent years, many companies have developed an awareness of the importance of an active, rather than passive, approach to wellbeing at work. W...