Books end, but the stories they tell continue; if they are retold often enough, they acquire the status of myth. This accessible and entertaining book by a leading novelist and critic traces the multiple incarnations of four pervasive stories: those of Chaucer's pilgrims, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and King Lear, and the story of Prometheus. Looking at cultural renewals as varied as Romantic music, the films of Michael Powell and Pasolini, an Elvis Presley song, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and the writing of T.S. Eliot and William Burroughs, Conrad's engaging book shows how, by retelling...
Books end, but the stories they tell continue; if they are retold often enough, they acquire the status of myth. This accessible and entertaining book...
With the advent of the Human Genome Project, the new genetics has moved to the cutting edge of science and medicine. The development and use of such genetics will have a profound impact on our understanding of disease and behaviour. This volume presents new sociological research which explores the structure andproduction of genetic knowledge, its social meaning, impact and implication s for society.
With the advent of the Human Genome Project, the new genetics has moved to the cutting edge of science and medicine. The development and use of such g...
In its marvelously perceptive portrayal of two young women in love, Sense and Sensibility is the answer to those who believe that Jane Austen's novels, despite their perfection of form and tone, lack strong feeling. Its two heroines, Marianne and Elinor--so utterly unlike each other-both undergo the most violent passions when they are separated from the men they love. What differentiates them, and gives this extraordinary book its complexity and brilliance, is the way each expresses her suffering: Marianne-young, impetuous, ardent-falls into paroxysms of grief when she is...
In its marvelously perceptive portrayal of two young women in love, Sense and Sensibility is the answer to those who believe that Jane Auste...
This classic text on the nature of deviance, originally published in 1980, is now reissued with a new Afterword by the authors. In this new edition of their award-winning book, Conrad and Schneider investigate the origins and contemporary consequences of the medicalization of deviance. They examine specific casesmadness, alcoholism, opiate addiction, homosexuality, delinquency, and child abuseand draw out their theoretical and policy implications. In a new chapter, the authors address developments in the last decadeincluding AIDS, domestic violence, co-dependency, hyperactivity in children,...
This classic text on the nature of deviance, originally published in 1980, is now reissued with a new Afterword by the authors. In this new edition of...
In der zweiten Auflage des Sammelbandes geht es um Beitrage, mit denen unter Berucksichtigung bisheriger nationaler als auch internationaler Erfahrungen Gestaltungsvorschlage fur die weiterhin notwendige Optimierung des Aufbaus und des Management des offentlichen Dienstes prasentiert werden. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Entwicklung planungs- und designtheoretisch zu optimierender Gestaltungsentwurfe, sondern immer auch um Gesichtspunkte einer praktischen politischen Um- und Durchsetzung.
In der zweiten Auflage des Sammelbandes geht es um Beitrage, mit denen unter Berucksichtigung bisheriger nationaler als auch internationaler Erfahrung...
Managementforschung informiert jahrlich uber neueste Erkenntnisse und Trends der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Band 20 (2010) enthalt Beitrage zu folgenden Themen: Organisation, Strategie, Responsivitat Zur Komplementaritat von strategischer Planung und organisationalem Lernen Der Einfluss affektiver Zustande auf den strategischen Entscheidungsfindungsprozess Mobilizing Intra-Organizational Relationships Open Windows Ambidexterity in Familienunternehmen Strategisches Pfadmanagement"
Managementforschung informiert jahrlich uber neueste Erkenntnisse und Trends der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Band 20 (2010) enthalt Beitrage z...
Ausgewahlte Autoren beleuchten aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln Gruppen und Teams als Organisationskonzept. Sie geben einen Uberblick uber den Stand und die Entwicklungslinien der modernen Teamforschung in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften."
Ausgewahlte Autoren beleuchten aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln Gruppen und Teams als Organisationskonzept. Sie geben einen Uberblick uber den Stand...