TheprototypicalcatalyticreductiveC-Cbondformations,theFischer-Tropsch reaction [1] and alkene hydroformylation [2], were discovered in 1922 and 1938, respectively [3,4]. These processes, which involve reductive coupling to carbon monoxide, have long been applied to the industrial manufacture of commodity chemicals [5]. Notably, alkene hydroformylation, also known as the oxo-synthesis, has emerged as the largest volume application of homo- neous metal catalysis, accounting for the production of over 7 million metric tons of aldehyde annually. Despite the impact of these prototypical reductive...
TheprototypicalcatalyticreductiveC-Cbondformations,theFischer-Tropsch reaction [1] and alkene hydroformylation [2], were discovered in 1922 and 1938, ...
This series presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research. Titles contains short and concise reports on chemistry, each written by world renowned experts.
This series presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research. Titles contains short and concise reports...
Amplification of Chirality presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research. The book contains short and concise reports on chemistry. Each is written by the world renowned experts. Still valid and useful after 5 or 10 years, more information as well as the electronic version of the whole content available at:
Amplification of Chirality presents critical reviews of the present position and future trends in modern chemical research. The book contains short...
Preferential Crystallization - Mechanism and Scope of Preferential Enrichment, a Symmetry Breaking Enantiomeric Resolution Phenomenon - Racemization, Optical Resolution, and Crystallization-induced Asymmetric Transformation of Amino Acids and Pharmaceutical Intermediates - Advantages of Structural Similarities of the Reactants in Optical Resolution Processes - Dutch Resolution of Racemates and the Roles of Solid Solution Formation and Nucleation Inhibition - New Resolution Technologies Controlled by Chiral Discrimination Mechanisms - Molecular Mechanisms of Dielectrically Controlled...
Preferential Crystallization - Mechanism and Scope of Preferential Enrichment, a Symmetry Breaking Enantiomeric Resolution Phenomenon - Racemization, ...
In their analysis of experiments and in their planning of syntheses, organic chemistsconsciouslyorunconsciouslytendtousetheprincipleofleastmotion, thechemicalequivalentofOccam srazor. Inrearrangementreactionsthispr- ciple is violated and may make rearrangements problematic reactions. At the sametime, thereisalwaysfascinationintheunexpectedandsorearrangement reactionsarealsoanattractive?eldofstudy. Consequently, ourunderstanding of rearrangement reactions is now quite advanced and allows strategic uses in organic synthesis. Here, a helpful tool that may easily be overlooked is thein?uence...
In their analysis of experiments and in their planning of syntheses, organic chemistsconsciouslyorunconsciouslytendtousetheprincipleofleastmotion, the...
Photochemistry (a term that broadly speaking includes photophysics) is abranchofmodernsciencethatdealswiththeinteractionoflightwithmatter and lies at the crossroadsof chemistry, physics, and biology. However, before being a branch of modern science, photochemistry was (and still is today), an extremely important natural phenomenon. When God said: "Let there be light," photochemistry began to operate, helping God to create the world as wenowknowit.Itislikelythatphotochemistrywasthesparkfortheoriginof life on Earth and played a fundamental role in the evolution of life. Through the...
Photochemistry (a term that broadly speaking includes photophysics) is abranchofmodernsciencethatdealswiththeinteractionoflightwithmatter and lies at ...
reviews. The SAR data are discussed in light of the structural information available for each agent. The second chapter focuses on the total synthesis of the marine sponge-derived polyketide discodermolide. A comprehensive survey of the synthetic chemistry efforts of several groups over a 14-year period is provided together with a compa- son of the different approaches. The third chapter describes a comprehensive study of the mechanisms of activity of microtubules stabilizing drugs. Thermodynamic, kinetic, structural and fu- tional data on microtubules stabilizing drugs are discussed in an...
reviews. The SAR data are discussed in light of the structural information available for each agent. The second chapter focuses on the total synthesis...
The?rsttwovolumesinthis TemplatesinChemistry serieshavefocused on templates that controlsolution-phase reactions. Among the templates d- cussed in these two volumes were convex and concave templates that mediate the formation of (macro)cyclic molecules and mechanically bound molecules withtheir intriguingintertwined topology.Also, three-dimensional templates that are used to imprint polymers and that organize compounds in the solid state for predestined reactions have been included in the earlier volumes. In the present volume, we extend thetemplate topologytosurfaces that act...
The?rsttwovolumesinthis TemplatesinChemistry serieshavefocused on templates that controlsolution-phase reactions. Among the templates d- cussed in the...