S. Akai, S.K. Bur, V. Gevorgyan, Y. Kita, E. Schaumann, A.W. Sromek, Ernst Schaumann
In their analysis of experiments and in their planning of syntheses, organic chemistsconsciouslyorunconsciouslytendtousetheprincipleofleastmotion, thechemicalequivalentofOccam srazor. Inrearrangementreactionsthispr- ciple is violated and may make rearrangements problematic reactions. At the sametime, thereisalwaysfascinationintheunexpectedandsorearrangement reactionsarealsoanattractive?eldofstudy. Consequently, ourunderstanding of rearrangement reactions is now quite advanced and allows strategic uses in organic synthesis. Here, a helpful tool that may easily be overlooked is thein?uence...
In their analysis of experiments and in their planning of syntheses, organic chemistsconsciouslyorunconsciouslytendtousetheprincipleofleastmotion, the...
S. Akai, S.K. Bur, V. Gevorgyan, Y. Kita, E. Schaumann, A.W. Sromek, Ernst Schaumann
In their analysis of experiments and in their planning of syntheses, organic chemistsconsciouslyorunconsciouslytendtousetheprincipleofleastmotion, thechemicalequivalentofOccam'srazor. Inrearrangementreactionsthispr- ciple is violated and may make rearrangements problematic reactions. At the sametime, thereisalwaysfascinationintheunexpectedandsorearrangement reactionsarealsoanattractive?eldofstudy. Consequently, ourunderstanding of rearrangement reactions is now quite advanced and allows strategic uses in organic synthesis. Here, a helpful tool that may easily be overlooked is thein?uence...
In their analysis of experiments and in their planning of syntheses, organic chemistsconsciouslyorunconsciouslytendtousetheprincipleofleastmotion, the...