The idea for this book had its origins in a series of working papers prepared for the Georgia Transportation Planning Land Use Model project. The book is not an official report on that project and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Georgia Department of Transportation. Mrs. Catherine Bennett, Systems Designer, assisted in the special run of the Georgia State Econometric Model in Chapter 2. Mr. Richard Burns and Miss Louise Shedd, research assistant!i, aided in data assembly and analysis for Chapters 3 and 5. The authors wish to express their particular thanks to Mrs. Dallas...
The idea for this book had its origins in a series of working papers prepared for the Georgia Transportation Planning Land Use Model project. The book...
This monograph is a revision of my Indiana University doctoral disserta tion which was completed in April, 1975. Thanks are, therefore, due to the members of my doctoral committee: Saul Pleeter (Chairman), David J. Behling, R. Jeffery Green, Richard L. Pfister, and Elmus Wicker for their helpful comments on previous versions of the manuscript. In addition, I am indebted to the Division of Research and to the Office of Research and Advanced Studies at Indiana University for financial support. As the reader will observe, the techniques developed in Chapters 3 and 4 of this monograph are...
This monograph is a revision of my Indiana University doctoral disserta tion which was completed in April, 1975. Thanks are, therefore, due to the mem...
The research incorporated in this monograph was initially undertaken as part of a Ph. D. dissertation submitted to the University of lllinois in 1973. Revisions were accomplished at the University of Delaware. I want to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Hugh O. Nourse who suggested the investigation, Paul Chouinard who ably and accurately translated verbal instructions into computer programmes, and Harold F. Williamson, Jr. and Peter Nijkamp who commented atlength on earlier drafts of the manuscript. Rapid and accurate typing of several drafts of the manuscript and valuable editorial...
The research incorporated in this monograph was initially undertaken as part of a Ph. D. dissertation submitted to the University of lllinois in 1973....
Environmental problems, as far as they raise economic questions, even conflicting with pre-ecology economics, can be tackled in different ways. The way chosen by Bernard Coupe was not the French 'voie royale', -a Louis-XIV equivalent of a speedway - but the narrow path, con sisting in carefully implementing a simple but valid model. This model is amenable to many extensions, but it reveals the core of some economic-ecological problems: the search for acceptable solutions when one is confronted with a set of rather narrow constraints. A not uninteresting finding is that 'full-employment'...
Environmental problems, as far as they raise economic questions, even conflicting with pre-ecology economics, can be tackled in different ways. The wa...
Those who have sought information on the extent of divorce in the modern world will know that the most accessible sources lie in international yearbooks, (1) and that from these it is possible to make certain broad comparisons of a historical or geographical kind. For anyone country, for instance, changes in the divorce rate can be traced, or comparative rates for any number of countries at any given time can be examined. Similarly, it is possible to discover differences and similarities in divorce trends on an international basis, either for individual nations or for region al or cultural...
Those who have sought information on the extent of divorce in the modern world will know that the most accessible sources lie in international yearboo...
The ideas of this book originate from a research group at the Department of Economics in Gothenburg working with the problem of "Relations between Physical and Economic Planning". The research was financed by grants from the Swedish Council for Building Research. Among all the persons, who from time to time were associated to the project group, the author wishes to express his particular thanks to Ph.D. Rune Jungen, Ph.D.Johan L6nnroth and M.A.Lars Andersson. c' This book is also my doctoral dissertation for which professor Ake E. Andersson has acted as supervisor. It has been a privilege for...
The ideas of this book originate from a research group at the Department of Economics in Gothenburg working with the problem of "Relations between Phy...
This book is the product of research which I undertook for my doc- toral thesis. The project was started whilst I was at the Free Univer- sity of Amsterdam, and the State University of Groningen gave me ample opportunity to complete the work. At both universities I was lucky enough to find kind colleagues who were willing to perform my teaching tasks, enabling me to spend much of my time some of on my research. I should like to thank Wietze Boomsma, Kees van den Hoeven and Jan Oosterhaven for their kind help. I was also most encouraged to discover several students at both institutions who...
This book is the product of research which I undertook for my doc- toral thesis. The project was started whilst I was at the Free Univer- sity of Amst...
The research reported in this book began as part of a Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the University of Pittsburgh in 1976. Revisions were accomp lished at Florida International University in Miami. There have been many people who were instrumental in the formation and completion of this research. The contributions made by Jack Ochs are far too numerous to mention. Jack's insights and suggestions will always be appreciated. I am also grateful to Melvin Greenhut, David Houston, Tatsuhiko Kawashima, Asatoshi Maeshiro, William Miernyk, Josephine Olson, Peter Nijkamp and Harry Richardson who read...
The research reported in this book began as part of a Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the University of Pittsburgh in 1976. Revisions were accomp lish...
For decades the materials sector of an enterprise has been relatively un important, compared with the production and sales side, but it has gained in importance during the last 25-30 years. This is clearly indicated by the increas ing attachment of this sector to the commercial side of an enterprise, the delegation of materials-oriented tasks to highly qualified people, and -closely correlated -the integration of the materials sector with the key positions of a company's organizational hierarchy. The materials management area has become an interesting part of business life. Stimulating this...
For decades the materials sector of an enterprise has been relatively un important, compared with the production and sales side, but it has gained in ...
1 A number of economic explanations for the process of regional growth have been proposed in the literature. Apart from pure scholarly interest, under standing the factors that have promoted growth in some regions while others have been left lagging is of crucial importance for the design of policy aimed at helping "depressed" regions or promoting balanced growth among regions. The purpose of studying the process of regional growth is to delineate the variables that have the major influence on growth, to under stand the mechanisms through which these variables exert their forces, and to...
1 A number of economic explanations for the process of regional growth have been proposed in the literature. Apart from pure scholarly interest, under...